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Author Topic: My Favorite Death So Far  (Read 276 times)


My Favorite Death So Far
« on: November 17, 2005, 10:53:00 pm »
Setting: Serpent Mountains, just north of the Black Hills on Dregar.  To save a friend, Ael bit the dust at the hands of those bugbears we all try to avoid.  Ozy and Bris come along shortly afterwards.

Ozymandias Llewellyn casts Cure Minor Wounds
Ozymandias Llewellyn: Ahem. *pokes the body a few times*
Ozymandias Llewellyn: It appears he is dead.
 Ozymandias Llewellyn: *pokes a few more times then shrugs carveing out his heart* Yum.
 Brisbane: nothing I can do about it really
 Ozymandias Llewellyn: *tosses the heart into his mouth munching on it*
Brisbane: ew


Well, this had me falling out of my chair laughing!

So, thanks Ozy!  I hope it tasted really good! *he laughs some more*


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RE: My Favorite Death So Far
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2005, 04:08:00 am »
Hey Ozy I thought you are only suposed to eat what you kill ;)

He could have been poisoned or something worse :o

LOL  :)  Well good RP Ozy (I think?)


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    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #2 on: November 18, 2005, 07:25:00 am »
    Spit that out right now, Ozymandias!  That heart belongs to Sahala!   ;)  ;)

    and out of curiosity...  if you saw Sahala lying dead on the sand, Ozy, would you eat her heart too?   :o


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #3 on: November 18, 2005, 07:43:00 am »
    *takes out fork and knife waiting for Ozy to die*

    Soon Ozy, Lia will have her revenge for you eating a bit of her when she died


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    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #4 on: November 18, 2005, 07:54:00 am »
    This server holds some weird characters and as long as they stay fictional, I'm happy.  ;)


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    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #5 on: November 18, 2005, 08:46:00 am »
    slipperhero - 11/18/2005  9:54 AM

    This server holds some weird characters and as long as they stay fictional, I'm happy.  ;)

    Well if we did these things in RL and locked up in the same place, what a PnP game we could have ;) ROFL


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #6 on: November 18, 2005, 08:49:00 am »


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #7 on: November 18, 2005, 09:50:00 am »
    A heartless Ael....hhhmmm *ponders*

    You're such a bad influence, Ozy!  ;)


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #8 on: November 18, 2005, 12:01:00 pm »
    My favorite most memorable death...

    Quin asks Derrick(level 13 at the time) to help him get some platnium for a new shield (for those of you snickering keep quiet while I tell the story).  So off they go to the Battle Fens.  They have a mage along that helps with Invis so we get in fairly easy.

    We get to the room with Platinum and The plan is that Derrick will attack the Shaman as Quin knocks it down.  That way they can remove the big danger first.

    So it goes like this..

    Derrick Attacks the Shaman...

    Quin performs a successful knockdown...

    On Derrick

    Derrick is subsequently torn to shreds by the surrounding Trolls...

    Later we find out there is no such thing as a platinum shield o_O


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #9 on: November 18, 2005, 12:20:00 pm »
    Oh for the Love of Irony!


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #10 on: November 18, 2005, 12:56:00 pm »
    A nuzatch quest long time ago. First or second drow attack on hlint in my time on layonara and the result was Celgar bing hunted by drow. Well it was me and a few others and one gnome named Caern. we were in Fort Velensk (SP?) being chased by drow so we all ran onto a bot to rest and use it's dock to pin the drow in so we could kill them one at a time. well... it was the drow's nuzatch dropped us into the open sea area and had that I'm the bad guy I'm so evil speech... Well all he got off was "Celgar magnus!" and Caern imploded him before Nuzatch could make saves or any thing. I was laughing so hard I cried.

    Hey who said it was player death related?



    Yeah, so what was +your+ favorite death? *he laughs*
    « Reply #11 on: November 18, 2005, 03:16:00 pm »
    Cool stories there, about Quinn and Derrick; and about Celgar's drow mishap! hahaha

    Anyone else have some fond death memories they care to share?

    We're all starting to sound like a bunch of bloody Corathites, here.  :P


    RE: Yeah, so what was +your+ favorite death? *he laughs*
    « Reply #12 on: November 18, 2005, 03:43:00 pm »
    Hah! Oh, Quin... :P

    I don't have any amazingly funny deaths, but did get a retarded Acacea one, yesterday... Gah.

    I log on, think "Hm. I need to get to Central. Good thing tickets were reduced in that last update!" and promptly skip out of the easy-way, run to Leilon-to-go-Hampshire-to-go-to-Rilara.

    Hike across Rilara for Karthy. Why? Don't know. Pick some fruit, and I'm doing other stuff at the same time since no one was with me, so...distracted. I think Bloody Gate's outskirts is instead another area just outside my destination, and trot up the middle of the area- NOT the first time, by the way, just the first time that I didn't realize it soon enough to turn and run home crying...

    So yeah. I look up, think something like "Oh crap." and run about a meter down the hill before I see that there are indeed scary things on top of it, that have indeed spotted me and were going to run down the hill after me, so I ran back up the hill, said hello and let them hit me with my own limbs.

    Back at the Bindstone in the Scamp, I rearrange some things and set off to repeat the experience before stopping, with the irritating realization that I could have just used the portal in the house I'd logged on in, or even one in the city I'd sailed from, saving me like a half hour, a death, and major Duh points.



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    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #13 on: November 18, 2005, 03:45:00 pm »
    There was the time.. early on in Harlas' orc series (I believe... I could be mixing two quests together here), where we were trying to find the Master Transmuter who would turn us into orcs.  We happened upon a mini-cult of Pyrtechonites instead.  Daeron and I were having a chat via tells, debating on which of us was going to die first (both of us were toward the rear, invisible).  I "won" that debate and was right in the middle of where a rather large spell (cone of cold or incendiary cloud or something) landed.  My elemental protections had already run out and I went right down.  Due to the building burning down after the rest of the party dispatched the mini-cult, someone grabbed Yardislan's slightly singed corpse and hauled out of the building, and dropped me on the boat we'd come over on. Rolf started beseeching Mist to show her power, and a thunderstorm appeared to put out the blaze.  It wasn't for another good ten minutes of roleplay before Eldarwen finally raised me. She became my favorite Lucindite ever.  Sorry, Sand. ;)
    ETOBD(estimated time of being dead): roughly 25 minutes real-time.  No hard feelings though, as it wasn't a token death and I was laughing the whole time, just sitting back and reading the party chat. :)


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #14 on: November 18, 2005, 04:19:00 pm »

    Heheh, actually it was a horrid wilting and it missed Daeron by a feet or something. The distance from Yard was just about enough not to get killed. :)


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #15 on: November 18, 2005, 04:30:00 pm »
    It was one of those scary Underdark adventures by L...
      The party was engaged by a group of drows and duergars, and Athus was in the middle of the pack doing his healing.  I spotted a duergars rogue coming, but I thought Athus was pretty safe since there's Rev and few other high level people around and the next thing I know, everyone ran off, leaving Athus standing there.
      Of course....*stab* *stab* *stab* *sneak attack* *death attack*
      Athus was pretty dead when the battle's finished :)


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #16 on: November 18, 2005, 05:34:00 pm »
    I can't actually remember having any memorable deaths but i'm going to make sure not to die around Ozy from now on...


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #17 on: November 18, 2005, 06:34:00 pm »
    My favourite death must be drowning on one of Harlas' quests.

    Daeron was going to check the subterreanan lake for any tunnels that could provide an option for flooding the place or escape. He polymorphed into a zombie so he wouldn't need to breath. So he jumped in to the lake, but to his horror he discovered zombies can not swim.

    Over a duration of about 10 minutes Harlas kept describing how he sunk deeper and deeper in the lake. The lake seemed to have no bottom at all, it was that deep. It kept getting darker and darker.. until absolute darkness.

    Suddenly.. DEX check.

    Daeron managed to get a piece of rock that protruded from the wall.

    Daeron, still zombie, started to climb his way up, eventually finding a shadow that appeared to be a small cave. Quickly checking for any current, which proved to be not existent.

    Daeron resumes his climb and after a long climb he reached another cave. There he checked again and found a current coming out of the tunnel.

    At this point Daeron's spell wears off and he finds himself deep under water.

    CON check.

    Daeron swallows a bit of water and loses some of his breath. He starts to swim to the surface immediately.

    After a bit of swimming another Con check.

    Daeron just barely manages to continue. He decides to activate a gem of light in the hope the others see the light.

    At that time the rest of the part must have seen the light. (actually until then only Rolf knew Daeron was in the water, the rest was to busy arguing)

    Daeron gets another con check.

    Daeron's sight starts to blacken. Slowly he loses conscienceness and starts to sink again.

    At that moment brave Hargranar dives into the water with a rope and after many checks barely manages to get a hold of Daeron.

    The others managed to drag an almost unconscious Harg, who is still holding Daeron's lifeless body, to the surface.

    After a while Daeron was brought to life by Rolf. And after drying up the general argument was that Daeron's death by drowning had not provided the party with any viable options.

    This was one of my favourite moments. Because if Daeron had failed even his first DEX check he might have sunk to the very bottom of the lake. If Harg had not managed his DEX check... Daeron would have ended up at the bottom of the lake.

    It's been a while ago so i might be wrong about the timing of a few checks.

    But the fact is...

    ...swimming on the water is always dangerous. I remember a swim through an underwater tunnel on the nightmare quest. Daeron teamed up with Kobal which was the only thing that kept him alive.

    Really.. swimming is dangerous.


    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #18 on: November 18, 2005, 07:48:00 pm »
    A few weekends ago, when everyone was pulled to the Krandor Outskirts to kick off one of L's Plot things or another...

    Now, the group has been arguing some time over a few things they've just seen, and they've decided to try and contact the person they think is in a tower over in -that- general direction. So, Pyyran goes up to it, and calls behind him...

    P: Maybe we should just knock? I'm going to try the door, if noone has any objections...
    Others: STOP!
    P: Hm? Ah, alright. What is it?
    [Much deliberation amongst the other members of the group ensues. Several Deathwards, a few other protection spells, and a Helmet of Armor I later...]
    P: Okay...
    [Everyone is still chattering on.]
    P: [Impatiently] If noone has any further objections, I'm going to try the door.
    [Without waiting, Pyyran reaches for the doorknob to see if it's even locked. Upon contact with the doorhandle, he is hit with a surge of negative energy that sucks the life out of him in a heartbeat. He falls to the ground, very, very dead.]

    Now, at this point, Pyyran had no idea what a Soulstone was, so, naturally, he didn't have one on him. As I was told by L not to respawn, I had to sit there, pressing "Wait for help" for... Twenty minutes? Thirty? Before I figured out to log onto the IRC channel, ask how to send messages in-game while Wait-for-Help-ing, and shoot L a tell saying "Uh... I'm still dead over here. Can I go ahead and respawn?" Leanthar responded with fervent apologies for having forgotten me, and promptly ressurected Pyyran, and awarded him a healthy little chunk of XP (the same the other active players in that event got).

    After I got over my impatience (and slight panic, as I had no idea how to read past messages in the chat box) at being dead - roughly ten seconds after finding out how to send that tell to Leanthar - I found the whole thing rather amusing. Shrouded in the most powerful protective magic Layonara had to offer, Pyyran was still instantly decimated by that surge of negative energy, and all because he got fed up with the rest of everyone arguing back and forth, and for the most part ignoring him.



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    RE: My Favorite Death So Far
    « Reply #19 on: November 18, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
    i died ona  climbing rock once... was on my way down from firesteps... dident die to the crazy monster up there.. nooo... i died on the climbing rock on the way down. Got a DT too. it sucked at the time but its kinda funny now.

