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Author Topic: Rangers  (Read 1604 times)


Re: Rangers
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2010, 07:41:46 am »
Quote from: Guardian 452

My point is... I dont think a level 7 or even a low teen Ranger should even be considered for joining the corps thru a CDQ...... that isnt to say they couldnt come to those who have joined... Enzo, Rodlin, Dorena and others over time and be given... tasks both RP and more physical in nature to see if they are what the corps is looking for. This of course requires those who join the corps to be active and be willing to do these things for the others who show interest.
So I guess in a long winded and round about way.... I'm asking that some kind of level restriction be kept in place (yes I can see ED said he already lifted it).

Though I owe some thanks to Ed for the recent lifting of the level requirement (since my tracker was lvl 16 I thought it wouldnt matter if I waited a bit longer but being able to request a cdq now is fantastic.), I have to say that I do agree with what you're saying and its by no means being 'mean' by wanting to keep the level requirement.
When I first heard of this group, I roleplayed my character aspiring to one day be a part of the team (think the character was maybe lvl 6 or 7 when I heard about them).

However, I've now roleplayed my tracker for over a year and a half, and because I'd heard before about the lvl 17 requirement I thought I couldnt join yet. Though through that time I've been trying to develop her/make hereself a bit more known as a tracker/ranger.

I think what I'm trying to say here is that I agree with both Ed and G452.... but maybe instead of a level requirement, there should be a time requirement [ie. you must have been around for a certain amount of time as your character] Because levels dont neccessarily mean a lot IMO. In general I'd much rather play with a character in-game who has been around for ages talking to people and developing their character but is low-ish in levels, rather than someone who thinks solely of levels and powers their way up and yet nobodys ever heard of the character...

Hope this helps! :)

Guardian 452

Re: Rangers
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2010, 08:39:52 am »
I think you are on the right track Kenderfriend. I agree 100% with your saying ....levels don't neccessarily mean a lot...

Someone that has taken the time to learn the Lore and RP as it sounds you have would be the type of canditate that should be allowed to persue the Wolfswood Corps, or other such groups that exist in Layo.


Guardian 452

Re: Rangers
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2010, 08:48:31 am »
I recieved a PM today that got me thinking more on these lines of other requirements than a level cap.

What if to join there were prerequisites like
(maybe not all these but im just tossing out ideas)

Exotic Weapon feat (if the reward is the same as it was for Enzo and Rodlin they will need this feet)

"X" amount of time played in Layo, and or a good Character Dev. thread.

Other woodsy type feats or skills, like say your Animal Emp up so high or Hide and Move silent up so high.



Re: Rangers
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2010, 01:44:46 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452

1. I know myself and Rodlin were given a Wolfswood Rangers Blade upon sucessfull completion of our CDQ to join the corps. I can't say if Dorena did or not. The sword is pretty good IMO (Enzo still uses his as his main weapon at level 26!) Even though it has what I think are some significant restrictions to use it. I really don't want to get into more details of the sword on the forums becuase I don't feel learning of the reward should sway anyones choice to, or not to ask for a CDQ.

The sword has a certain minimum level and if I see things correctly in our threads in the GM forums is that Enzo and Rodlin joined as Lieutenant and got the sword. Probably the sword has a level 17 req and would not be given to a lvl 10 player that joins (as this wouldnt be a lieutenant).

My point is... I dont think a level 7 or even a low teen Ranger should even be considered for joining the corps thru a CDQ...... that isnt to say they couldnt come to those who have joined... Enzo, Rodlin, Dorena and others over time and be given... tasks both RP and more physical in nature to see if they are what the corps is looking for. This of course requires those who join the corps to be active and be willing to do these things for the others who show interest.
So I guess in a long winded and round about way.... I'm asking that some kind of level restriction be kept in place (yes I can see ED said he already lifted it).
I'm all in favor for existing player members to interact with non-members and try to get them in. That however, is not a reason or valid point to implement a level restriction for joining the Wolfswood Rangers.
I could in fact argue the opposite using the same arguments :)

In any case, a CDQ is sufficient to join, levels are of secondary importance. The CDQ will not just fall out of the sky but a character will have worked towards joining already (e.g. through talking to somebody like Enzo or Rodlin) so that together with the CDQ is a sufficient commitment from the player.

I can also see it happening that spending enough time with e.g. Rodlin (as WL) would be sufficient for joining (talking joining here) if sufficient effort is made. But because timezones are merciless, the CDQ option is also there.

I realize this is different from what we did in the past and that we had a level 17 requirement (even though I am not able to find this at the moment, so am wondering where it was written).

2. I like the idea of Enzo retiring but holding some title with the corps. That is how Enzos' father Wellman was treated durring Enzos' CDQ to join up. So I think that is the right way to go with Enzo and where he is in his life right now.
As mentioned, he can keep the title and then has to add "retired" behind it.

3. Because he is retiring from the Corps. Will Enzo be required to turn in his Wolfswood Ranger Blade?
Nah, he can keep it.


Re: Rangers
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2010, 01:45:59 pm »
I think that would be a great idea for new characters. But if it is applied, then the existing character should be grandfathered. Only saying that because not all chars were planned to be exceptional trackers or Sneakers but may have wanted to join in, as there was no set requirement beside the level.

Lord of the Forest

Re: Rangers
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2010, 01:56:19 pm »
Quote from: EdTheKet
I realize this is different from what we did in the past and that we had a level 17 requirement (even though I am not able to find this at the moment, so am wondering where it was written).

Dunno where it was written on the Forums, but if you have a backup of the old things the town criers were shouting you'll find it there ;)


Re: Rangers
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2010, 12:15:10 am »
I think it was also in the description on lore.


After making the search, I can't find what I had looked at a few months back.


Re: Rangers
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2010, 12:26:43 am »
I have all the info on the Wolfswood Ranger Corps. I was looking at the organizational structure not too long ago, and considering the structure of the Corps and a way to allow lower-level characters to participate without invalidating the accomplishments of players in the past. Hold tight and I'll see if I can dig up my notes and see if there's any additional info I can share to help clarify this.

Also, for those curious about level/time requirements, please consider that to have a CDQ to join the Wolfswood Corp, a character would have to be either level 10 or to have been active in game for 3 months. This is the requirement for all non-PrC CDQs. I'm not saying it's necessarily perfect in this case, but it does do a little to balance things out, and to provide a path for both characters who level quickly and for those characters who are not as interested in leveling but still want to be active in the world and to contribute in significant ways.

Guardian 452

Re: Rangers
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2010, 01:59:06 pm »
Could we get a section in the Organization area of the forums for the Wolfswood Ranger Corps?

I think that would be good to have if we get people to start joining up. Handing out orders, turning in field reports etc.

Then we could discuss ideas etc there.



Re: Rangers
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2010, 03:09:56 pm »
Quote from: Guardian 452
Could we get a section in the Organization area of the forums for the Wolfswood Ranger Corps?

I think that would be good to have if we get people to start joining up. Handing out orders, turning in field reports etc.

Then we could discuss ideas etc there.

Sure, but then I'll make a variation on the rule that we have for establishing deity forums. This because we currently have player ran guilds only in the Organization forums.
So, for the deity forums you  need:
The minimum requirement for a forum is 3 users who play a character following the deity and at least one of these characters should be a lvl8+ cleric.

Which will become:

The minimum requirement for a forum is 3 active users who play a character that is a member of the Organization.


Re: Rangers
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2010, 03:51:06 pm »
I second the idea from Guardian 452!

I am very much interested in this and look forward to discussing it on the forum...


Re: Rangers
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2010, 06:38:58 pm »
Just checking back after some time to see if there has been any follow up conversations or any new developments regarding the Wolfswood Ranger Corp.?  

Hoping that us Rangers could someday get section where we could discuss new ideas, concepts, duties, military structure and orginization and also to allow new mid level Rangers to start training specifically to become a Wolfswood Ranger and eventually be initiated into the Corp.

Personally, I would not want to enter into the Corps with a high rank...I believe that is something that should be earned thru time and accomplishments.  Maybe low/mid levels could enter as say a  "Specialist"?, and can will gain higher ranks thru accomplisments and quests completed?

just a few thoughts of mine for now....

Script Wrecked

Re: Rangers
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2010, 07:24:53 pm »
Quote from: Warchild214
Just checking back after some time to see if there has been any follow up conversations or any new developments regarding the Wolfswood Ranger Corp.?  

For this:

Quote from: Warchild214
Hoping that us Rangers could someday get section where we could discuss new ideas, concepts, duties, military structure and orginization and also to allow new mid level Rangers to start training specifically to become a Wolfswood Ranger and eventually be initiated into the Corp.

You need to do this:

Quote from: EdTheKet
The minimum requirement for a forum is 3 active users who play a character that is a member of the Organization.

Quote from: Warchild214
Personally, I would not want to enter into the Corps with a high rank...I believe that is something that should be earned thru time and accomplishments.  Maybe low/mid levels could enter as say a  "Specialist"?, and can will gain higher ranks thru accomplisments and quests completed?

just a few thoughts of mine for now....

To join the WWRC, you need to initiate a CDQ. Then the CDQ DM will have the player requirement/demand to go to the effort to crunch the details for lower levels to join the Corp. Given that this request requires significant detail crunching, this CDQ will probably take longer to get the ball rolling once you've initiated it.

Given that you need a minimum of three to start a organisation forum, perhaps you can start a Group CDQ (GCDQ). This will also add weight to the player requirement/demand, and the CDQ DM will feel more inclined to get into the detail crunching as more players will be benefiting from it.

Hope this helps.


Script Wrecked.


Re: Rangers
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2010, 07:42:29 pm »
Hey guys,

Just a little update for clarity. We are actually reworking the Wolfswood Ranger Corps lore right now, which is the main delay in all of this. Unfortunately, one of our initial authors on the Corps left before signing a writer's agreement allowing him to use his original work, and rather than appropriate anyone's intellectual property unintentionally, we have chosen to rework the Wolfswood Ranger Corp. I am mid-way through the rewrite, but unfortunately a few more urgent projects have kept me from finishing it. We promise to release it as soon as it's done and lore approved, though. ;)

With regards to a CDQ, you can indeed take a CDQ before the whole writeup is released. Keppli's CDQ to join the Wolfswood Rangers occurred before we had an updated writeup too. A little inter-DM communication usually provides enough detail to develop a CDQ that will work, and the rest of the blanks will be filled in very soon.


Script Wrecked

Re: Rangers
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2010, 07:58:35 pm »
Even better! :)


Re: Rangers
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2010, 08:30:04 pm »
Thanks to all for the info.

I was thinking about doing a CDQ to start the initiation process..  just wasnt sure if a lvl 10 could start training for the Corp at that time since I read the lvl 17 req before.   I am patient and not worried if it takes many CDQ's, tasks, duties complete..its all part of the fun!

I look forward to reading the rewrite as soon as its published.


Re: Rangers
« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2010, 05:28:04 am »
Quote from: Carillon
Keppli's CDQ to join the Wolfswood Rangers occurred before we had an updated writeup too.

Hehe, I have wanted her to join the group for about a year and a half real-time, so I just jumped at the chance :)
Granted she was level 17 by the time she took her CDQ anyway, I suppose she would actually have been given the chance had the rules not recently been changed.

Now having the title of a wolfswood ranger (yaaay!), I would say that I think there should still be a requirement for however long you've been on Layo, say the requirement could be a year real-time. I have said myself, that if this new rule was there back in the day when my character was starting out, I probably would still have waited until the sort of point I am at now. It means that newer characters can have the same chance to develop their character... (it can take a while to figure out your characters brain believe me;) )without the chance of existing members feeling cheated, that they put a lot of time before they got the chance to join and that because of this thread they're taking away any sort of requirement at all.


Re: Rangers
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2010, 10:41:47 am »
IM not looking to change the lvl req, but to simply add some minor tasks, quests etc over time to be able to complete to be initiated.  So lower levels can start thier training for the corp. long before they would even be considered for enlistment.


Re: Rangers
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2010, 11:03:00 am »
Quote from: Warchild214
IM not looking to change the lvl req, but to simply add some minor tasks, quests etc over time to be able to complete to be initiated.  So lower levels can start thier training for the corp. long before they would even be considered for enlistment.

Thanks, that was kind of what I was trying to say. :)


Re: Rangers
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2010, 12:14:34 pm »
I just thought it would be cool to have a bunch of small quests to comlete first before moving onto the actual initiation CDQ's.  I totally understand where you are coming from, about having worked for so long for something, only to have it changed to a lower req. right after you accomplished that goal.

btw Kenderfriend - Grats on Keppli's new title ;)

I guess I am just wanting the WRC to be more then just another group/org to join, but rather an organization that will only accept true followers, that have shown dedication by performing the minor tasks as well as the major tasks.  This way, one would have to put thier time IG to prove this devotion to the Corp.  

Well, lets see... if my math is correct.  Keppli, Enzo and Leaf makes three, but since Leaf is just starting out and not a member yet, not sure if he qualifies as a third to start a forum.

