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Author Topic: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katanas  (Read 237 times)


To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katanas
« on: February 07, 2007, 06:32:59 pm »
I recently started a thread about monks and fighters and multiclassing and Katanas (yes, it was about all four).  In the process two of our fellow Layonites began to argue (sorta) about Dual Wielding Katanas.  Well I found an interesting Wikipedia article about a famed/legendary Samurai that supports the idea of using a katana in one hand/dual wielding them/ or using them in the sort of Fencing Rapier-Main gauche style with a wakizashi:  Here ya go, this goes right to the part about the swords  Now I have no real opinion on the matter, I live by the matra of "Whatever works" (obviously self explainitory) so If I was given the choice I'd go with any whichever I thought worked best at the time, but I'm hoping to see what other people think.  Have fun with it.

Pen N Popper

RE: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 07:12:46 pm »
Pretty funny. My dwarf paladin of Vorax teaches from his writings:


Re: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 07:39:21 pm »
I used to have a gnome barbarian on another server with a doublehanded katana.  Tough little bugger, Gromak Kneesplitter.  His entire history was that he was a magically altered and tortured slave of Aliester's, who sold him to a blackguard for 50 gold.  He had that Asabi voiceset "I keeeeeell yooooooouuuu!!" and was constantly fidgeting and punishing himself like the house elves in harry potter.


RE: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2007, 10:59:04 pm »
You are quite correct that Miyamoto Musashi did develop such a style...hence this section in one of my posts in that thread as part of the discussion  :)  
  There was one famous Samurai warrior who learned to wield a katana in one hand, instead of the usual two-handed grip, and began the development of a style of fighting using two swords. He was Miyamoto Musashi and he was most certainly the exception to the normal two handed fighting style.
  Also the sorta argument wasn't about if you could dual wield but that the katana is classed as a one handed weapon....mainly cause one of us was coming from a D&D perspective where it is and the other was coming from a RL perspective where it is classed as two handed and we both kept missing which perspective the other was on about.
  Although I should point out one guy dual wielding does not a fighting school make.
  Now when it comes to fantasy....Dual wield em as much as you want.


RE: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2007, 11:35:22 pm »
I agree with Dmoe here, Miyamoto Musashi was the exeption. I have studied for a long time martial arts, since i was 6 actualy, up to a few years ago where an injury put me ko. In those years I did learn the art of Iaido for a few years. Katana are and will always be Two handed even if some technics in them use a single hand. But these are very advance form that well even I did not learn.


Re: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2007, 03:50:21 am »
*Points up.* What they said.


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    Re: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
    « Reply #6 on: February 08, 2007, 05:14:05 pm »
    Is this in regards to dual-wielding katanas in RL or in Layo/NWN? I have no knowledge in the RL area, but as far as Layo/NWN goes...

    My brother plays Hrothgar, a fairly well-known barbarian around Hlint. Recently he's been dual-wielding his katanas to devastating effect. He of course has both feats and a very high STR and AB, but I can't remember the last time I saw so much destruction from one character ;) That most recent improved critical feat has helped tons too...


    Re: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
    « Reply #7 on: February 08, 2007, 05:36:49 pm »
    Dur'Thak also dual wields Katana's against monsters that are easier to hit, otherwise its a katana + kukri or katana + mace. Either way, the improved crit and improved 2 weapon fighting is a good combination.

    The only deterrent at present to two katanas is the -4 to hit, but again, used only on lower AC monsters :)


    RE: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
    « Reply #8 on: February 09, 2007, 03:46:36 am »
    I actaully have been practicing iaido (cutting and drawing the sword in one motion) nda kendo for many years. My teacher is currently teaching me to use 2 swords to fight. It scalled Nito (Ni =2 & to=sword) ryu. Thats the shortened name. The actual is too long for me write right now and i cant recall it off the top of my head.
      I can honestly say its really really hard! My arms feel like lead after fightng that way for 2 hours. But once you learn how to do it well it is basically the best way to sword fight as its almost unstoppable. At least until your arms fall off from exhaustion. It mainly used for fighting more than 1 opponent, but is equally effective against one. It my favorite way of fighting even though im not  so great at it right now.
      As far as the history is concerned....Miyamoto Musashi wasnt the first, but he did perfect the 2 sword technique. The kata (forms) are very straightforward and simple. They are done with 2 people. The attacker and the defender.
      Interstingly, in Nito Ryu. There are 3 or 4 sets of kata (cant remember right now as its 5:30 am and im going nuts from insomnia and cant think straight)  but the majority of his style is using 1 sword. Only the last set of kata are 2 sword.
      My sensei practices sekiguchi ryu iaido, which as part of their training practice Nito ryu. His style of kendo is pre ww2 style, and his teachers incorporate nito style fighting in to regular training. One thing they say is that if your gonna fight with 2 swords, then the length of the sword doesnt matter. You should be able to fight effectively regardless of what you are using.
      As far as in game play. If you can get the feats and are buff enough then this is probably gonna be one of hte best ways to fight.


    Re: To the Nay Sayers and Non Believes about Duel Wielding Katan
    « Reply #9 on: February 09, 2007, 09:32:59 am »
    Where in real life can a person carry 12 lion bags 50 pounds of armor in one said bag, tower shield, 4 month old food that happeds to stay fresh, pick axes, half a ton of adamantium and yet has the ability to trave great distances with out the slightest sign of being tired and has the skill to kill monsters all while carrying the stuff with out putting it down?

