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Author Topic: Video Screen Capture  (Read 372 times)


Video Screen Capture
« on: December 25, 2008, 07:04:20 am »
Hi Guys,
What is some small free software for video screen capture?
 Much Thanks,
 PS: Soo soo full.  If only I had a dwarven stomach.  Merry Christmas.


Re: Video Screen Capture
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2008, 07:07:43 am »
GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program

sure it's not a very politically correct way to refer to people with walking disabilities...  but now it's also a great freeware photoshop-calibre method to convert and edit graphic image files!


Re: Video Screen Capture
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2008, 07:15:39 am »
Ahh I have GIMP.  Does it require a plug-in to do video?


Re: Video Screen Capture
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2008, 07:16:07 am »
Fraps is the de facto standard in "recording" screen shots, though the freeware version has some serious limitations (the maximum duration of 30 seconds is a quite severe one).

Using an "analog loop" (i.e. cloning and connecting from the TV-out to a TV capture card and start recording) is probably also an option, and so would it be to start a VNC server and have a VNC client record the screen buffer, but both sounds like over-kill situations. The later is probably not even capable of giving you reasonable frame-rates.

It's the frame-rate problem that's really the show-stopper here (excuse the pun!). If I recall correctly, one of the more famous freeware AVI/MPEG editing/filter/converter programs (VirtualDub? FlaskMPEG?) should have some screen capturing capabilities, but it's not nearly as smooth as the good old Fraps. :(

Edit: Please note that all the comments are from a Windows point-of-view. It's highly likely that *nix has some neat X11/kernel module available capable of doing what you wish to do and that someone else could easily point you to. :)


Re: Video Screen Capture
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2008, 08:06:49 am »
yes, but they never crash because the OS is incompatable with... everything fun!  *ducks*