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Author Topic: Who is the oldest player of Layo  (Read 1253 times)


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2006, 05:29:26 pm »
if I recall I joined summer 2002, shortly before I joined the military.  I definately know it was the beginning of beta 3, travelling alot with fadrien and Rannostlin, then there was that naked gnome, cant remember his name now though, Quintayne was the first person I encountered though :).  We didn't have to submit characters at that time either, so in that time Lia didn't have much background to her, kinda was new to RP, but loved doing it, eventually i added more and more story to her that I could probably now write a book about her now if I wished, instead I have notes lying all over the place completely unorganized, haha.

I was also around for about a couple weeks when the server first came out in beta one, I played a character named jennifer Kross, a human theif and i thouroughly enjoyed the server, but at the time i was jumping server to server to compare them, after i left Layonara to check out other servers, i then decided I wanted to return, but couldn't find it anymore, couldn't remember the name rightly, until beta 3


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2006, 05:34:38 pm »
Hey, I'm still gathering dust here too.

One of the oldest, not the very oldest though. Probably in top5 or 10 though.


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Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2006, 05:42:08 pm »
Yeah, I remember that naked gnome. I don't remember his name either. It was a funny name though I think. And he had like... a two handed sword or something over his shoulder. It's been a long time.

Yah, Ozy. The world has undergone so many changes. It's crazy. It's literally a different game I guess.

Yeah, ATS, thats what I meant when I said CNR. :O

Ambrosia Trade System. Duh.

Me + names have never been very good. That's why I call everyone "man".

Hey man, how you doin.

Thanks, man. You too.



Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2006, 05:49:16 pm »
I have a personal hatred for Accronyms myself


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2006, 05:49:36 pm »
Well who could forget the little pyromaniac Reggub?  Many a night passed by wondering how many times IDii would crash. ;)

*looking at LFFF's post.  Fadrien..another name from the past.


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Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #25 on: February 13, 2006, 05:56:14 pm »
Hey now what about me?  I'm getting up there too :)  I joined near the end of Beta 4 I think it was...something like 2 years ago?


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #26 on: February 13, 2006, 06:13:40 pm »
LFFF you only hate Accronyms because your life revolves around them.  MEF, CNO, AMC, CEC, ect...  We will see which ones of those you know ;)


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2006, 01:43:11 am »
I think I registered in July 2003 or something, about that time. Might have been august!


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2006, 03:14:21 am »
I got the feeling Layo was around long befor NWN are there any players from Leanthar's 1st works who came in to layo and have been around still now.
Leanthar I just cureos as to the history of layo, it seem to rich to only be 3 years old what forms did it take befor then.

As for players who have been on NWN layo for 3 years wow thats some playing time, how much time do you thing you guys have put into layo excluding
DM stuff and added work for the Handbook and web, I meen just playing time in game.


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2006, 03:36:21 am »
I'm thinking L started layonara as a PNP game back in the 80's with a few friends. From there it just got bigger and bigger as soon as NWN hit the stor shelves back in 98


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2006, 03:48:59 am »
Nyralotep - 2/13/2006  5:49 PM

Well who could forget the little pyromaniac Reggub?  Many a night passed by wondering how many times IDii would crash. ;)

*looking at LFFF's post.  Fadrien..another name from the past.

I remember IDii's crashing computer. I think he once tried to test the spellslots bug or something like that, and logged in and out very quickly, crashing a few times in the process and then crashing the entire server :)



Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2006, 03:52:34 am »
Hmm I think I was July 03 too, can't remember for sure now. I remember though the game being advertised right at the start, as someone I knew signed up to help with the creation. Good thread, nice to hear folks reaching back to recall all that stuff. :)


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2006, 04:44:22 am »
Yeah I was August '03. Actually found Layonara as I was searching for my first FPS RPG, found Layo, bought game, the rest is history.  :)

Thunder Pants

Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2006, 06:00:44 am »
i think it was march of '02 that i came here, i remember the first people i met were Fadrian, MT King, and Peredoc (the naked gnome that ghost mentioned earlier)


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2006, 06:49:00 am »
MT King was a RL freind of mine in the military that I introduced into the server.  He loved the server but realized he couldn't dedicate to it and decided to quit, too bad really, hes now on the east coast and I hardly see him anymore, never goes on msn, grrrr.

Aragon, dont make me figure out accronyms now :P .  The one thing that annoys me most about them is one accronym can stand for two or more different things, they dont setup rules for the stupid things. -_-


Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2006, 09:09:57 am »
To be honest I can't remember when I joined but it seems as if I've been here forever...funny reading through this thread, remembering the names of characters and players I'd forgotton :)

Fadrien Gweth

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    Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
    « Reply #36 on: May 01, 2006, 05:08:49 am »
    I know this is an old post but there are several names that deserve mention. Of course several of you where correct. POD and Quintayne (SP?) where indeed 2 of the oldest players Leanthars world has had for his online game. However with them, and well before my time where Seth, Capjack, Peredoc click (the naked gnome), My brother and the person that introduced me to the world so long ago, rannostlin, and soooo many others. I actually came around sometime around beta 3. Not sure the exact dates but I believe it was sometime around x-mas of 2002 or 2003.

    Long story short, there have been so many people that have visited this server and while some have left more lasting impressions than others, they have all left something of themselves behind with the world for everyone else and I only wish I could recall more of them. But what matters is all of you, whether your still around or not, left a deep impression on me and the friendships I made will stay with me for as long as I can forsee. Thank you everyone. :)


    Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
    « Reply #37 on: May 01, 2006, 05:19:45 am »
    I started with Llu back a while ago, when four or five people frequented the server at any given time. I can't recall the date, I'm like Ghost, I don't do dates, or days, or time for that matter really. I have bright out, and dark out. Now, and some time ago. Today, and the other day, which really could be anywhere between now and when I was 3 buying GI Joes.

    So I joined the other day.


    Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
    « Reply #38 on: May 01, 2006, 05:54:48 am »
    25 sept 2003 I think.


    Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
    « Reply #39 on: May 01, 2006, 10:20:12 am »
    I think I have been here for 2 years.Not really sure the date.

