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Author Topic: A Much Belated Hello  (Read 441 times)


A Much Belated Hello
« on: December 02, 2007, 03:43:12 am »
Dear Layonara ...

Or something like that. How do you introduce yourself to a community you've been part of for a year? That's the question I've been pondering and grappling with for a while now, and up until this point it's been much easier to just postpone creating this introduction than actually find an answer.

So why now, you ask? Well, today, as I calculate it, is my Layonara birthday—the one year anniversary of the approval of my first character—and as such is probably the most appropriate day I can think of to do this. So here goes, confession number one:

Until joining Layonara, I had never roleplayed a day in my life. In fact, had someone inquired as to my roleplaying abilities in casual conversation, my likely response would have been to blush and change the subject. I also hacked and slashed my way through the original campaign module and its offspring, pillaging, looting, and acting with a deep sense amorality that quite horrified my partner, who had given me the game to try. My first character may sound familiar to a few of you: a half-elven neutral good ranger who used a longbow and longsword. (Isn't it amazing how you can remain neutral good and still steal family heirlooms and do horrible things when they hand good points out like candy?)

My partner was the one who discovered Layonara, and after watching him enjoy it for a few months I was eventually goaded by him into submitting a character, Arynne Liadon, who basically became a much more moral version of my OC character, since unlike her predecessor, Arynne's actions had consequences. Well, one turned into four, as Eruanna Glorandir, Chiara Laecelam'lela and Jaelle Thornwood were all born into the world. And my partner? Yes, he still plays, though more rarely now. He's since discovered a myriad of other ways to torment the playerbase. Many of you know him, either as Darkstorme or Ouroboros. (I suppose he's my second big confession. :D Try not to hold him against me!)

What else? I'm twenty-two, five-foot-eight, green eyed and brown haired, and lest this start to sound like a personal ad, I will refrain from commenting on my thoughts on candlelit dinners and long walks on deserted beaches. I'm a student, though the end of my university days draw nearer with each December final. I'm crazy enough to stay at university even once I finish my biology major and English minor though, and will soon be entering my university's education program. Which, it occurred to me one night, means I'm going to spend almost the rest of my life going to school. Oh well. :) I'll manage somehow.

How much more should I divulge? After a year of silence, I suppose I owe you all more than that. Well, I've never lived more than a few minutes from the ocean, and honestly can't imagine living away from the sea. I've known how to swim almost my entire life, worked as a lifeguard, a swimming instructor, learned to sail, kayak, and row. I've played rugby, soccer, and field hockey, and a handful of musical instruments. I love tea, coffee, and chocolate, and not just because each go extremely well with a good book. I was always a precocious reader, though now I am merely a voracious one, and my tastes range from the Romantic poets to the Victorians, to American modernism and noir, to the fantasy classics ... I could go on forever, but as this is already lengthy I'll refrain from listing my favourites right now.

Well, I've said a bit about me, but I suppose I should say a little about my characters as well. I suppose it is true that we all sculpt from the clay of our own lives, and this is almost certainly the case with me as well. However, I am as unlike my characters as they are unlike each other. I can see myself reflected in all of them, but they have their own lives to live and I am content to watch them develop in the world you have all helped shape. So let me conclude with thanking you all, for taking me into your world and letting me explore it, and for helping spin the stories we weave together for our characters. I cannot say how much I have enjoyed and continue to treasure the time I spend with you all.



Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2007, 04:05:25 am »
Hey, welcome to layo and I hope you'll enjoy your stay here... ;) (lol)

I guess a belated hello is better that none!


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2007, 01:21:04 pm »
Quote from: Carillon
Many of you know him, either as Darkstorme or Ouroboros. (I suppose he's my second big confession. :D Try not to hold him against me!)

Oh, thank you very much, I'm sure.  "Try not to hold him against me."  *grumbles*

(Actually, she's brilliant.  Took to RP like a duck to water.  The only downside is that Layo has exacerbated her latent nocturnal sleep patterns.  I swear, some people must be convinced that she's AEST.)


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2007, 12:40:57 am »
You're an excellent writer.

Welcome to Layonara a year ago.


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2007, 11:36:51 am »
Well glad to know a little bit more. See you in game.


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2007, 11:50:03 am »
hmmm hold it against her
 but would love to find out when my cat is getting fed real food again
such slow human trial things


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2007, 08:15:56 pm »
Quote from: Carillon
And my partner? Yes, he still plays, though more rarely now. He's since discovered a myriad of other ways to torment the playerbase. Many of you know him, either as Darkstorme or Ouroboros. (I suppose he's my second big confession. :D Try not to hold him against me!)

We won't judge you for his sins! Indeed, he should thank you. Our regard for you is such that many of us have upgraded Darkstorme in our opinion held from the category of 'intense loathing' to 'mild contempt' - purely from his association with your good self!


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2007, 08:43:14 pm »

Quote from: darkstorme
The only downside is that Layo has exacerbated her latent nocturnal sleep patterns.  I swear, some people must be convinced that she's AEST.)

She isn't?


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2007, 08:53:11 pm »
Quote from: Pseudonym
We won't judge you for his sins! Indeed, he should thank you. Our regard for you is such that many of us have upgraded Darkstorme in our opinion held from the category of 'intense loathing' to 'mild contempt' - purely from his association with your good self!

*sigh*  I'm going to have to try harder, it seems.


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2007, 01:27:58 am »
Quote from: Falonthas
hmmm hold it against her
 but would love to find out when my cat is getting fed real food again
such slow human trial things

I'm afraid you will have to take that up with him! I seem to have very little pull with him. Can you imagine, he still refuses to crown any of my characters queen of Layonara? Pfft, GM integrity.

Quote from: stragen

Quote from: darkstorme

The only downside is that Layo has exacerbated her latent nocturnal sleep patterns. I swear, some people must be convinced that she's AEST.)

She isn't?

Afraid not! I'm a very nocturnal PSTer, but perhaps I can arrange to be nominated as an honorary AESTer.

Thank you everyone, for the warm welcome.


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2007, 02:05:27 pm »
Quote from: Carillon
I'm afraid you will have to take that up with him! I seem to have very little pull with him. Can you imagine, he still refuses to crown any of my characters queen of Layonara? Pfft, GM integrity.

:D love that remark.


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2007, 03:49:48 am »
Carillon, I'll just go ahead and say, on the record, Welcome. It's great having you around, and I really wish I had more chances to play with you. You fall neatly into the category of "Best Roleplayers Layonara Has."


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2007, 02:18:04 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
You fall neatly into the category of "Best Roleplayers Layonara Has."

Yup... agreement from me on this.

I remember Arynne's first appearance, or when she was super low level. And from what your saying that you had no RP background before Layo... all I can say is " Bloody hells".

I had none either... but it showed in the first year. You took to it like a duck to water. I Always enjoy your RP   :)


Re: A Much Belated Hello
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2007, 03:28:02 pm »
hes slipping back to the utter loathing though my poor cat eating guard food

