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Author Topic: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!  (Read 2979 times)


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2011, 06:58:53 pm »
What the heck did they do to Balin. :(

Guardian 452

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2011, 10:13:21 pm »
I must say some of the dwarves arent as I pictured them also. But we'll see


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2011, 10:35:50 pm »
could of sworn I saw Larry, Mo and Curly in that trailer :)

Quote from: Guardian 452
I must say some of the dwarves arent as I pictured them also. But we'll see

Script Wrecked

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2011, 10:44:30 pm »
Looks like they have done away with the "dwarves" wearing much makeup/prosthetics at all. Far too fine of feature, and, dare I say it... elven.


Bring back John Rhys-Davies!


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2011, 01:33:13 pm »
I figure the advantage of having so many dwarves in the movie, is that Jackson can't use each of them for comic relief, like he did with Gimli.

I looked up the release date and apparently there will be two movies. Which seems kind of a stretch considering what happens in the novel.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2011, 03:09:13 pm »
There is a lot of material not in the novel that could be included. All the White Council business in Dol Guldur for example.

Script Wrecked

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2011, 12:18:20 am »
Quote from: Filatus
I figure the advantage of having so many dwarves in the movie, is that Jackson can't use each of them for comic relief, like he did with Gimli.

Yeah... I reckon the dwarves, with the exception of Thorin Oakenshield, are going to be used as a single comic relief entity, to be played against the seriousness of the Bilbo storyline.

Dwarves.. are funny. :rolleyes:


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2011, 12:41:53 pm »
It's a Hollywood movie, it's meant to entertain the masses and generate a large amount of money, hence they will use the stylisic tools to do so.
I find it too soon to judge on such things and more concerned about what goes into the film and what will not.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2011, 03:43:24 pm »
Quote from: Aphel
It's a Hollywood movie, it's meant to entertain the masses and generate a large amount of money, hence they will use the stylisic tools to do so.
I find it too soon to judge on such things and more concerned about what goes into the film and what will not.

Peter Jackson showed with the Lord of the Rings movies that he can strike a balance between mass-entertainment and faithfulness to the story.  And although Warner Brothers might be only concerned with making money, you can be sure that there is more than a paycheque in it for Peter Jackson.  

There is not too much personality attributed to many of the dwarves in the hobbit, and some that are are meant to be comic relief.  There is nothing wrong with comic relief either, the laughter makes the audience more relaxed and open to the more intense dramatic moments usually.  Its a very important part of story-telling.

I was surprised to see how "un-dwarfy" the dwarves looked, but then I am not sure that all dwarves are meant to be so.. rustic looking in Middle Earth.


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2011, 03:51:53 pm »
Honestly, they fit the descriptions of the characters marvelously, and mesh better with the concept of the dwarfs that Tolkien wrote than the dwarves we play in D&D. So... Bravo, Jackson.

I want the soundtrack almost more than the movie.


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2011, 10:52:31 am »
Misty Mountains cold....


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2011, 12:35:09 pm »
...dungeons deep, caverns old...


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2011, 08:01:40 pm »
... away, ere break of day...

Guardian 452

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2012, 09:44:48 am »
Has anyone seen this yet? Curious to hear some people take on this 2 hour and 45 minute installment of what is now slated to be 3 movies!

Lance Stargazer

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2012, 09:48:20 am »
I did, It was shocking to say the least that didn't ended where the book did. .

It is a good movie, I liked it.


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2012, 10:00:41 am »
I'll have my review of it soon enough...


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2012, 10:37:24 am »
Pacing, dialogue, acting - I liked it.  Pace is slower, more detail and dialogue lifted from the book, and most of the actors slipped right into their roles (still have issue with Hugo Weaving as Elrond.  Great actor, but not an elf in my mind).  Thorin was great, rest of the dwarves, ah, well, dwarves.

Visual - murky but not much different from the first three.  Didnt see 3d, just standard 2d, so no additional comment.

Special effects - a few moments of James Bond-style silliness that I took issue with.  Jackson seemed to strive for some balance of realism in his first three, elves excepting, so there were three scenes in particular I felt were over the top in a way that hurt the atmosphere of the film.

Story - there were some additions from the second three books that were mere mentions in the Hobbit, but I think for the most part they fit.  Probably being stretched too much for three movies, but withholding judgement till see the others.  Confusing if you've not seen either the first trilogy or read the books.

Overall:  as a book fan, enjoyed.  As a Jackson fan, enjoyed, but felt he hasn't developed much from the first three - and some of the suspension of disbelief required (see special effects) left me grumbling.  

Takeaway: Dwarves are really, really tough.


Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2012, 12:58:04 pm »
Dwarves are super-tough. That's a well-defined genre trope... And given who sang them into being, it's a pretty reasonable amount of abuse they were able to take.

Gandalf... Well, he's not human, either.

And Hugo Weaving makes a perfect Elrond Half-Elven - because Elrond isn't an elf. He's half I-decided-to-look-like-an-elf-instead-of-a-demigod and half elf. You know... Just like Hugo Weaving.

Guardian 452

Re: Before the world ends *cough*... a must see movie!
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2012, 03:39:05 pm »
I just saw The Hobbit today. I had read several review by others complaining of the movies length. The only time I caught myself looking at my watch was towards the end and it was only in disbelief that 2 hours 45 minutes had past.

I think I know some of the effects that you are speaking of RollinsCat. One for me had a kind of Pirates of the Caribbean feel to it and I did catch myself saying ... yeah... right... as the scene played out. Aside from that, I quite enjoyed it. I had read the book last summer (summer 2011). Yes they took some liberties (as they did with the other 3 movies). I'm already very anxious for the next film. After seeing this one I don't doubt them having enough content to fill 2 more movies.

