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Author Topic: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?  (Read 732 times)


RE: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2006, 01:41:58 pm »
"when you wonder why a sundial does not work at night at the bottom of your garden"


Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2006, 03:35:33 pm »
Aye, and when I finally graduate college this summer, I probably will return to active mind-bending. ;)


Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2006, 06:47:29 pm »
A hard day of work consists of killing half a dozen orcs, follwed by a one sidded slaughter of giants, followed by going to the "forbidden woods" and killing things that would make nomal people drop to their knees and cower in fear, followed by neing chased away by a dragon that "shouldn't of been ther" follwed by cutting down half a forest just to make the bow to make ends meet. follwed by 3 days of waiting in town doing nothing by talking, followed by fighting vampires and not getting bitten once, then run away from the mob of liches that woke up.

Only entertannign thing you can think of is going into a cave full of smelly, vile goblns and pulling a few gems and copper out.

You live off of dried rations, 4 month old specals of thew day, stagnet water from your canteen and a hunk of raw meat that even Lucinda doesn't know how long you've had it

Trying to get that speical gift for your wife almost kills you 3 times and then you find out she can't use it.



Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2006, 07:51:14 pm »
:D :D :D

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2006, 09:53:13 pm »
*Almost doubled over with laughter* The wife send you back out to get something else she can use?  And its even tougher to get?  Better make sure its the right size and color now.

As for child protective services . .  the little boy in Blackford, the children in Fort Hope . . . where are thier parents?

Talan Va'lash

Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« Reply #25 on: June 21, 2006, 02:26:28 am »
Weeblie - 6/20/2006  11:25 AM  "Patience is a virtue!"  Wait a few seconds before grabbing the head from the things you kill, or it might disappear!
  More accurately this would be:
  "Patience is a virtue!" Wait a few seconds before looting the corpses of things you kill of their gold or their heads will dissapear.
  Even funnier in fact...


Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2006, 02:30:26 am »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 6/20/2006  11:58 AM

I didn't know Lonn was a DM...

You did, actually--he ran the on-the-fly drug-trip mindflayer and beholder nest thing that foretold an illithid invasion or something like that. ;) Ogzughimmal is the DM name.

Amberyl Ravenclaw

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    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #27 on: June 21, 2006, 05:10:41 am »
    You can have two backpacks full of fish fillets, and walk around for days without having them stink or rot. Myrrha does that. :D


    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #28 on: June 21, 2006, 05:30:04 am »
    Acacea - 6/21/2006  5:30 AM

    Stephen_Zuckerman - 6/20/2006  11:58 AM

    I didn't know Lonn was a DM...

    You did, actually--he ran the on-the-fly drug-trip mindflayer and beholder nest thing that foretold an illithid invasion or something like that. ;) Ogzughimmal is the DM name.

    Oooh, I loved that one. I always wondered who Ogzo was, and why I hadn't seen him since.

    That was my first DMed quest... *Teary-eyed.* Speaking of which...

    Beings even greater than the gods occasionally step in to threaten the very core of existance, and you and a ragtag team of unwashed adventurers have to play thier little games to prevent it.


    RE: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #29 on: June 21, 2006, 09:01:57 am »
    Every glade, clearing, off the path corner, or any place with anything of value, has an ample supply of Gnolls, bugbears, goblins, kobolds, spiders, orgres, giants, or other nasty things that have nothing better to do with their time than stand around and wait for happless travelers to wander in to beat them up.  By the way, what is it with giants standing around with their fingers in their ears?

    You stand and watch as everyone you hold near and dear has their bodies ripped to bloody shreds by demon spawn in front of your eyes, and it upsets you..... because you now have to wait for them to walk back from their bindpoint before you can continue your journey.


    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #30 on: June 21, 2006, 12:13:43 pm »
    90% of the time you laugh at death! The other 10%, you're too busy getting a death token.

    No one would be snotty and rude, because doing so would get you "BANN(ish)ED" from Layonara.

    Certain physical laws wouldn't exist. Ie: That fireball won't fry me, even in this six by six corridor.

    We would only ever seen 0.0000001% of the population.

    Killing 50 orcs wouldn't matter, they would just respawn in five minutes anyway.

    No one would be fat and everyone would have perfect anime-like hair that never gets dirty or messy.

    Everyone would talk with a light English or heavy cockney accent and no matter what someone's IQ, so long as it's higher than 100, they would instantly be able to grasp any complex plan that is explained and remember facts with blistering accuracy.

    Some fighters would have a natural strength so high that they could defy the real world's strongest men and run with 400+ pounds on their backs (without magical assistance).

    Even though physically impossible to do, archers arrows are so acurate that they can actually split their own arrows.

    Hardened leather armor really manuvers like the finest cotton clothing does, we just never realised it.

    It's possible to dual weild 10lb axes without breaking anything that is attached to your body!

    Drow are THE most vile creatures in all the world, unless they're in Hlint and then they're always Chaotic Good! (Or a tight-wad paladin.)

    The earth really IS the Center of the Universe with all suns, moons and stars revolving around it!

    No matter what plane you're on, everything is exactly the same except for geography, governments and male/female dominance.

    Everyone would have, along with their CR and Name, a post count floating above their head.


    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #31 on: June 21, 2006, 12:30:14 pm »
    No matter how many years you've practiced the violin, you're going to make a critical failure at your next recital.

    Guitars are indescructable, as are violins... Come to think of it, so are roses.

    You can execute complex and deadly martial arts manuvers holding a flag that's twice your size.

    While fishing with a bow, you'll never get tangled after firing off 20 arrows with fishing lines attached.

    A 35lbs Catfish yield only four portions.

    You steam rice by stuffing it in the oven.

    Opening the oven and seeing little piles of sand is common.


    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #32 on: June 21, 2006, 01:48:07 pm »
    Everyone is always standing in the exact same place, and when they aren't, everyone wonders what is going on.

    People don't hesitate to invade the forests, chop half the trees down, and then wonder why the native satyrs are shooting at them.

    Every person encountered on your way from one place to another is an enemy. Unless, of course, they glow blue or green.

    You could mine the same place for years, and no matter what the ore always finds a way to regenerate.

    People maintain stunning good looks, despite monster blood, their own blood, scars, dirt, burns, frostbite... as well as God knows what other injuries.

    Emeralds are among the rarest minerals in the world, yet entire golems are made from them and destroyed on a daily basis.

    Epic people are incredibly rare, yet the entire Eastern side of the world is filled with beasts that are even more skilled than the most skilled in the world.

    Backpacks somehow contain enough room to fit pretty much every item an adventurer needs on the go, as well as the loot, materials, and gold gathered.

    And finally...

    The most feared creature in the world is a small penguin wearing a backpack :P

    Talan Va'lash

    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #33 on: June 21, 2006, 04:17:34 pm »
    Ne'er - 6/21/2006  2:48 PM
        The most feared creature in the world is a small penguin wearing a backpack :P
      Illustrating the paradoxal dichotomoy of the layonaran psyche, the small penguin wearing a backpack is also the most loved creature.


    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #34 on: June 21, 2006, 07:06:58 pm »
    Yep, you've gotta love those penguins.  8)


    Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #35 on: June 22, 2006, 06:27:51 am »

      • Warner-Bros ecological statement style, grinding 11 lbs of old-growth hickory into powder produces (at most) three sheets of paper.
      • The magical aura radiating from Tiffany's would blind anyone using See Magic.
      • Everything is a weapon.  Really.  If you can hold it in your hands, you can kill things with it.  And this is necessary because...
      • Just about everything, everywhere, is out to kill you.  When you're crossing an idyllic grassy field where bunnies are at play, you'd best have your sword out already.
      • Law enforcement consists of one (or at most two) officers, who are absolutely tireless.  They're out at all hours, rain or shine.
      • People would tell you they had something else to do, and fade out of existence... and this would be treated as normal.
      • You can, at a glance, tell within an order of magnitude how dangerous anything you might have to face is.  This is useful, because...
      • Two creatures which look exactly alike can be vastly different in their actual threat level.  With the one, it will be dead and looted before you even break a sweat; with the other, you'll be dead 12 times before you hit the ground.
      • Speaking of which, it is not only accepted, but approved of to strip anything you kill of anything of value.
      • And forget about "resting in peace".  When you eventually die, dozens of people will break into your crypt in search of anything of value.  Small wonder so many people become mummies.
      • All buildings are bigger on the interior than the exterior.  This is known as "maximizing value of real estate".
      • You can tell precisely how much trouble you're in by listening to the music.  If it becomes cataclysmic "gotterdammerung" strings and low brass, you may as well take off your good shirt so your blood won't stain it too badly.  As a corollary..
      • Listening to the music will also inform you if someone else nearby is in trouble.  Convenient for do-gooders.
       All I could think of for now.  Contribute, everyone!


    RE: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
    « Reply #36 on: June 22, 2006, 12:45:41 pm »
    Everything can suddenly stop moving , speaking or going about their daily buisnesses, leaving you as the only functioning member of society until the world completley blanks out , only to mysteriously turn back on again in fifteen to twenty miniutes. This , of course is percieved as completley normal and should be completley ignored once everything is back into focus regardless of the fact that you may phase back into existance in a completley different place then where you left it.

    Yosemite Sam

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      Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
      « Reply #37 on: June 23, 2006, 05:39:03 pm »
      If you put something of value down on the ground, it disappears within 5 minutes. On the other hand, we don't get things given to us that are almost impossible to put down either.


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        Re: Glad ya don't live in Layo R/L?
        « Reply #38 on: June 30, 2006, 08:41:47 pm »
        A hard Pick and shovel, made of hardened steel, no matter when it was made, will shatter. be brand new, and you are Not damagee by shrapnel

        Somehow, 9ft tall ogres and trolls can magically appear Next to you, when your standing alone in a room and can clearly see all the exits.

        You can get killed (albeit not many of us can) by a skunk

        there is no such thing as physcial sexual relations, but there are children running around everywhere

        you never have to wash your clothes.... ever

        You sleep by sitting down... and becomeing blind for about 15 seconds.

        you raise your hands above your head, and your pet magically appears in a blaze of blue light... and follows you everwhere

        you cat gets hit by a car... and after you rest.. you can get it to come back again.

        no one gets sick... unless your hit hit by a diseased rat.

        almost everyone is homeless... but we still make 1000 gold a week.

        you can wear almost nothing... and not get arrested

        everyones tatoos are the same.

