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Author Topic: Layonara and its future  (Read 755 times)


Layonara and its future
« on: October 02, 2006, 01:33:04 pm »
[SIZE=16]Hello folks,[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]I am sure everybody has been wondering where things were going, why things were taking so long, and just what is going on. This post should answer all of the questions. Please understand that none of this happens until the next campaign begins, which is around January/February 2007.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]1) Layonara is NOT (not) going to NwN2 for at least six to nine months, if ever, and that is quite likely. There are many reasons but they include the time it will take to make a new version of the world with NwN2 toolset, the module sizes that the NwN2 toolset creates which in turn limits us in what we wish to create for the world due to server hardware and our desire for the world, as well as the client side needs for the community. The thing is we are stretched to the limits and while the NwN2 toolset creations are gorgeous the manpower and time sink is astronomical as well as the astonishing limitations due to module sizes. By limitations I mean limitations in what we wish to create with areas and world representation and server hardware needs. That is taking nothing from the NwN2 toolset because indeed anything created by that toolset is going to be gorgeous and unique to that module—very powerful and cool. 2) Layonara is moving in to V3 in a phased rollout and will continue to use NwN1. The first rollout will happen around the time that the new campaign begins. Like we did in V2 (current Layonara incarnation) there will be many updates and upgrades over the years that will further evolve V3. By phased rollout I mean that we will begin the changes and updates in the first update to V3 then in future server updates we will continue to update the sections of the world to fall in line with the campaign and design plan. 3) The new campaign will begin in January or February of 2007 and will last for around two years—more or less. The campaign will be in the Dark Ages and the dust cloud will continue to be around the world. The campaign is still being designed and laid out at this time. The dust cloud will go away eventually, just can’t say when at this time. 4) There will not be a character, item, housing, or any sort of wipe. The time frame in the world will be moved forward by three to five years on the first rollout to V3 and when the next campaign begins. In RP sense most humans and half-orcs should probably be retiring but we are not going to force that since it is not forced on other races (due to there being no wipe). 5) We will be updating the current areas, adding new areas, and adding in some much needed tileset updates. The world is going to grow and open up (to include Voltrex and the Forsaken Isles). This does indeed mean there will be changes and additions to the hak paks, sorry. We are going to flush out the world with new details. Since we just did a major server upgrade across the board (thank you to the donators) we should be able to add quite a lot on what we have going at this time. 6) We are going to replace the current NPC’s and quests over time and put in others in their place with different quests. 7) We are going to change encounters around and put in some day/night spawns. That means spawns will be different at night than at day in areas that we think are appropriate. 8) We are going to concentrate on adding new high level content, high level loot and items and raid zones.   a) The current “+4” sort of high level item will go up to as high as +6 as loot drops and plot quest rewards will go up as high as +8 (very rare), +7 (rare), and +2 - +6 (common/uncommon).   b) CNR will not be increased; the adjustments in these items will be done via additional gathered material, dungeon loot drops, and crafting; these items would then have to be combined to create a new item.  c) The high end items will become artifacts and the wielder will be known as a “Legend”. These Legendary items and those that wield them will be quite rare and they will not begin to appear for at least a year but we are working on the system. These items will only be equipped by level 35 or 36+ characters. 9) We are going to change encounters and their respawn rate and difficulty all cross the world and they will be divided up in this type of categories: Topside, Cave, Temple/Dungeon/Ruins, CNR.   a) All encounters will be adjusted across the board in those types of categories, to include loot drops, respawn rate, and difficulty (easier and more difficult). Topside will be easier than caves, and caves easier than dungeons/temples/ruins—CNR being the most difficult in the various areas. Some dungeons are going to be puzzle/trap oriented and others will be raid oriented. b) Our goal is to allow topside travel to not require a party everywhere but in places it most certainly will, caves will require a party and dungeons will require very good and well balanced parties that plan and work well together, think ahead and plan. Dungeons and such will have the major loot drops—depending on dungeon/crypt/ruin difficulty. 10) We are going to expand on the mid level quests so that the level 9-14 levels are not quite such a grind—but they will always be to a degree. We are going to work on improving this over time, it will not happen over night. 11) We are going to allow more PvP in certain areas, called siege areas. These areas will allow for combat over keeps, towers, and castles and the owner of those locations will give benefits to those of like faction (organization/kingdom). This will take some time to implement as it is a complicated system and at this time is still being designed. It is a system that I really want to have in place but it will be one of the last systems we start working on, so this is quite a ways off. These will not be in the normal paths that people must always travel through and they will be strictly optional by the players. Time will tell if it even works, but we are going to look in to the system. This is limited to locations and limited PvP. If it does not work it will be removed. 12) We are going to have a Kingdom/Rulership/Organization system that will tie in to #11 above as well as other higher end game-play. This will take some time to implement as it is a complicated system and at this time is still being designed. It is a system that I really want to have in place but it will be one of the last systems we start working on, so this is quite a ways off. 13) CN characters as we have it defined now will remain in place. The CN rule is not going to change from what we have in place now. 14) We are going to allow LE and NE under the following rule. A player must have been a member of the server for at least nine months and have a character of at least 14th level. Once that happens a player may submit a new character with these two alignments or request to have one of their current characters (of any level) slowly switched over to evil via RP reasons (RP reasons only). If a character ever reaches CE that character is instantly retired and becomes an NPC in the world and the player has no control over that character. New submissions will need to be well thought out and descriptive in order to be approved. 15) When the first phase of V3 rolls out the following races must start out as CN, TN, NE, or LE: Dark Elf, Half-Orc, Half-Giant, Half-Ogre, Orc, Goblin, and Duergar.   a) These races will start in their own location that is separate from the other races.   b) Hlint will no longer be the starting location and we will have two starting locations, by race & alignment one for the races and alignments listed above and the other location for all other races and alignments.  c) However both starting locations will be somewhat close to each other in order to allow the community interaction.   d) The only Dark Elves that will be allowed to start off as good-aligned are Clerics of Az’atta and this character will likely be able to choose their starting location. We might allow that in more cases, time will tell as this is not yet implemented.  e) PvP is just like it is now (GM and WL sanctioned only, arena only, or in the siege areas). PvP might be opened up to what we are calling frontier zones but at this time that is not the case and I am not sure it ever will be. We are going to take this slow and easy as I want Layonara to remain a family oriented community and in order to have that there must be respect in the community amongst the player base. Time will tell how all of this works but we will watch it closely. 16) It is likely we will need to balance spells, feats, and items for the higher end game to work properly with NwN and the D20 system. Not much we can do but try to do our best. We are well aware of all of the issues that come with this sort of thing so we will try to keep it well under control. 17) We are going to be working on the Soul Strand system to allow for a “re-attaching of cut Strands” through some method. We have it designed already but need to get some time to work on the system. However, permanent death when all Strands have been cut will remain in place. This is another one of those systems that will take some time to get implemented and it is not a priority during the transition. 18) There are many changes happening in the world. Name changes, style changes, definition changes and they will all start taking effect when this next campaign begins—they have already started really.   a) One of those changes is the Planes. We are shifting to our own cosmology (planes) and will no longer be using the D&D planes, in any way. This will be more detailed in the next Campaign Handbook. Players that play characters from the planes will be grandfathered in and will be allowed to continue playing their characters.  b) Another change is that all new characters will have to exist on Layonara or one of its own planes—no where else will be accepted in any way.  c) Another change is our deities will be 100% Layonara Pantheon and will not be tied to any D&D or other fantasy worlds or deities.   d) All world locations will be 100% Layonara and will have their names and descriptions changed to reflect that.  Essentially, we are completely leaving the D&D/D20 system and everything will be unique to Layonara. The players have created a lot of history and lore for the world and they have changed the world in large ways, we are taking it that extra step to ensure future plans can progress forward. This is one of those things that have taken us so long, it is a huge undertaking and one that we take seriously.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Why did it take so long to announce this? We have gone back and forth on what we were going to do after the Soul of a Lost Ancient campaign was completed but we could not make any sort of decisions until we had our hand on NwN2 and the toolset. Since I was under a Non Disclosure Agreement with Obsidian and Atari I could not talk about anything so nothing was posted or discussed about NwN2 or the direction we were going until the toolset was made public, which has now happened due to the preorder download. I can not (and will not) talk about the NwN2 beta or NwN2 toolset other than to say I think it is very powerful and produces high quality areas but at the expense of a large amount of time and module size that in turn causes many other issues that when combined caused me to make this decision (in part). There are other reasons but I can not get in to those at this time.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]I am quite aware that we will likely lose players to NwN2 and that is very disappointing but I really hope our dedication to the world, community, and servers will keep all of you here. We are not going away and in fact we are going to grow--stay tuned.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]I want to emphasize that the NwN2 toolset is a very good product and I think the NwN2 community will make it a big success, Obsidian Entertainment (OE) should be commended and congratulated on a great product that was created in a short period of time. [/SIZE]


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Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2006, 01:49:35 pm »
All i can say is... wow... such promising features surely will cause a revolution, and i mean one with positive aspects (hopefully). :)

 This is definately the best news i've ever heard so far!


RE: Layonara and its future
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2006, 02:05:42 pm »
nice, looking forward to it :D


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2006, 02:12:46 pm »

This is going to be awesome

Thanks to L and everyone else making this possible *claps*


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Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2006, 02:29:35 pm »


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2006, 02:32:30 pm »
I have to say that the planned future of Layonara is everything I could have hoped for.

This. Rocks.

I'm very much looking forward to V3.


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2006, 02:33:16 pm »
*has a tear in his eye*

This is going to be so cool!


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2006, 02:37:13 pm »

I will run through the single player campain forsure! I will however always remain here in Layo and look forward to the changes. I LOVE the alignment changes for the races!


RE: Layonara and its future
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2006, 03:10:26 pm »
Leanthar - 10/2/2006  4:33 PM

15) When the first phase of V3 rolls out the following races must start out as CN, TN, NE, or LE: Dark Elf, Half-Orc, Half-Giant, Half-Ogre, Orc, Goblin, and Duergar.

I am interested in why LN is not allowed.  If the characters can begin Lawful and Evil, why can they not begin Lawful and Neutral?


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2006, 03:14:24 pm »
It is all up in the air at this time and that exact question is in the back of my head. We may allow it since it is allowed now. Time will tell.


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2006, 03:39:37 pm »
Cool.  Thanks.


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2006, 05:04:09 pm »
Thanks for the early heads up. I guess a system upgrade is not in my near future, that is a relief. I am looking forward to all of this.


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2006, 05:52:01 pm »
then drogo will grow to be an elderly elf,and in a few more years he might speak common fluently

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2006, 06:30:02 pm »
Layonara is my second home.  I'm not going anywhere!  All I can say is . .  Bring it on!  Way to go guys and gals  :)

~ Jil


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2006, 06:54:05 pm »
Weston is Immortal!

Like Barron Munchousen.. death can never hold him.. only annoy him


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2006, 07:00:44 pm »

I guess you've probably been waiting for my approval? *grins*


As for losing players to NWN2 - I for one will probably now be spending more time on layo, now that I know for sure the ideas I have for my character's future will have a definite time frame to come to fruition. Looking forward to it!


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2006, 07:32:30 pm »
er wow! *jaw drops*


Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2006, 07:45:08 pm »
I've always said that Layonara is like a second home but my home doesn't allow PvP in ANY form and I'm glad to see that you and the team have taken such an intelligent approach as to integrate it into the game. The changes sound terrific and NwN2, however great it is, cannot compare in any way to the amount of work and dedication that you and the team have put into Layonara over the years. Thanks L. I'll be sticking around (though you probably knew that) for a long time yet. :)

Grid Blader

Re: Layonara and its future
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2006, 09:32:31 pm »
I for one will not be leaving.  I love what L, GM team, and who ever else is involved, has done here (A Family server).  We may lose a few but I think the ones that stay will be in for a whole lot of fun.


RE: Layonara and its future
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2006, 09:48:33 pm »
Sounds good mate.

Best of luck to you and your team planning it all.  
It is definately something I was hoping would happen.  


