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Author Topic: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned  (Read 1780 times)


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2007, 01:41:01 am »
Well Dorg, It's Idealology Versus the Reality of the situation(s) really. So , Agree to disagree on this particular thing. I'm going to give this thread a wide berth now. I don't agree with a lot of what's happened, but nothing I say will change it. This post is to simply aknowledge that I understand where you're coming from and respect it.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2007, 01:46:23 am »
Heh, He'd probably consider it a fitting eulogy to see this thread descend into chaos and accusations! (said with respect to all involved!). Then he'd come in on the end with some nonsensical post involving plankton and Walmart that'd leave everybody scratching their heads in confusion.

No judgments any which way from me, I can see the PoV from both a fellow player's perpective and an administrators. He will be missed, if not for some reasons, then many others! Take care Hawk.



Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2007, 02:19:38 am »
I haven't played much with Nepp or therefore Hawk and I have only heard of a few incidents, but the select times we did meet up IC were... different.

Different is not by any means with a negative subtone here. I never caught him doing anything that wouldn't fit his character, so I can't judge him for good or bad on that part.

I'll agree that he brought some excitement into the world, yet still I doubt he was banned for no good reason. So on that note, I wish nepp all the best of luck in whatever he will do further on. If anyone who is in contact with him over msn or whatnot, wish him all the best from me...


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2007, 02:33:53 am »
I am really sad to read this. I have known Nepp for about two years now. He is one of the friends I have made in my time here. Hawk has most certainly added to the color of the world and he will be missed. I hate to see Nepp go, as I said it saddens me greatly.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2007, 05:19:55 am »
Well....I'll add a bit

I'm sad to see him go....I'd of course love to know what happened to justify this....but as Pseudonym would say.....this aint my sand-box and these aint my toys.

IC we kinda hated each other... OOC we were both having a laugh at what we did IC. He certainly made things interesting.

Take care ya crazy bugger  :)


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2007, 05:53:06 am »
I would normally keep quiet like a stick for these sort of things, but I believe I have to reply to the concerns raised on LynnJuniper's first post.

Know first and foremost that IC actions alone will never get you banned, the exception being if the said IC actions are in fact a directly against the server rules (primary thinking about the "adult content" rules).

IC actions can be clouded by OOC actions, though. Grieving is something that quickly springs to one's mind. Two exaggerated examples would be playing a character that wishes to see others dead, by taunting monsters present and pulling them to others, or doing something (blocking the path, force emoting, etc) even though the other person has clearly stated OOC-ly that he or she wishes not do. Who can say that those actions are not IC? They are! But then, they have also stepped into the area of OOC-ness. I think you understand what I mean!

You can be as annoying you want, as kind as you wish, as untrustworthy as you feel for, as evil as you find amusing, as... pretty much whatever you can think of, as long as it's kept in-game. None of these will likely put you in danger of getting banned, or if they very unlikely do due to getting too far (say, making a lot of others find no joy in the game due to these actions), then you will at least be talked to. Not just once, but multiple times.

There is... another way to get punished for IC actions and that's if metagaming is involved. Yes, metagaming. You didn't read that wrong. It is indeed metagaming. I know, you are most probably objecting, having your fingers typing the objecting-post already. Stop doing that! With metagaming, I don't mean the normal sort of metagaming which is wrong by itself but would very unlikely pull such a harsh punishment on you in the foreseeable future.

What I mean instead is the sort of OOC knowledge you use to escape consequences for your IC actions. It might be IC for your character to draw ugly faces of Boergar in the middle of Prantz, or for you character to cast spells to "show off" in that city also. But if those actions are done without a DM presence, then they are no longer considered completely IC. IC-ly your character would face consequences but due to the limited capabilities of the AI, he or she is not. In-character is not only about what your own character does, but the surrounding circumstances are also included.

Do it without anyone watching and unable to react and it is wrong.
Send a message on the DM channel and receive the attention of a DM and it is suddenly fine.

The "last straw on camel's back" was of the type I wrote about last. The permanent banning enforced on him was not something done out of a whim, but rather due to the same issue coming up multiple times and equally many times talks have been done.

Banning isn't a small thing on Layonara. It is sad when it happens and I'm rather glad that it's not like many other servers where people are punished (de-leveled, killed, banned, kicked, etc) for simply disagreeing with the server administrators or even worse, because the DMs want to have some "fun".

Banning on Layonara is a very huge deal. Leanthar do not give people just a single extra chance, but quite a lot of them. For that great patience alone, I take my hat off to him.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2007, 11:08:25 am »
Very sorry Weeblie, and the team, but, though I've read your posts my beliefs are still, well, what I believe. I'd like to think I know most of the situations, I know what has been said, on both sides, on most if not all of the occasions talked about. I very purely do not agree with the decision made by the team, and I stand firm by that, and uphold my right to disagree with it, and hope , (but don't necessarily expect) you (plural) to think any less of me for it.

And I still see these whole posts , even though what Dorg says, as somewhat useless. You're going to get three things and very rarely will any of it add or detract to the situation at all. One, people are going to ask why, as to which the team won't be able to disclose because its private (And I think that's right on, and correct and good procedure). Two you're going to get the "Yes I agree good job thank you team" Posts that are starting to (forgive me) Seem generic for these things. They may boost morale but they don't even seem real anymore. Three , you're going to get the pleads to change, which, won't do anything because the team is firm on its standing (Again, generally good procedure weather or not I agree with the standing taken at this particular time)

I originally had a large argument that responded to every paragraph of Weeblie's post. I trashed it. I have no desire to respond anymore. I've told you my feelings, and that's how I feel. I've read and acknowledged your (plural) side(s) of the argument, and my original post is still how I feel.

As a final response, I suggest everyone read this post. It's something I've seen too much on my character, and on others, and I think something that can prevent a lot of the problems going on. Don't assume people, that because a character is a certain way, their players are even if they do seem similar. Its generally disrespectful to the player to judge someone like that. :


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #27 on: June 22, 2007, 01:13:00 pm »
Not going to lie here, I had my thoughts that Hawk was "in danger" of banning since I saw a post on the forums by Leanthar politely saying that maybe he should find some other place to play. Since then I've been watching him but I haven't seen, emphasis on the word seen him using his alignament to OOCly answer for IC behaviour. Can't say I agree, but I don't know the whole story. Banning because of mixing OOC and IC is, to me, unjustified.
People should know better when to complain and refrain from causing this mess.
My character had a great time with him and believe it or not, I learned much with the player behind Hawk... too bad to see him go.

We'll miss ya, Hawk. You know who we are.


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2007, 01:16:59 pm »
Dangit man, I told ya a long time ago to be you, but don't get banned doing it..*grins* well at least you were true to yourself.  I wish you the best.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2007, 02:41:41 pm »
Gonna mis you mate :(

See you somewhere later hopefully , always enjoyed the rp .


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2007, 04:23:01 pm »
the wolfpack is now down to one
drogo ran with nepp and cym and ari and thomas and grem  and one by one they were taken or faded away by one thing or another

when nepp permed jeff had hawk to fall back too
nepp was given proper burial as only one could if they called the drow friend
drogo knows as he buried him in krandor near the lake

hawk had his ups and downs but again that was jeff at his best

he and hawk will be missed by many and not by others

but either way ic you can have his passing be not in a fight and just keep your memories

they may be good they may be bad

jeff you will find a spot suited to you old friend

nepp's grave is still visited by a druid from time to time

im sure hawks mate can have a ceremony for her closure as well

L has the tolerance of a saint
i know i have had my trips to the principles office too
 but i was able to take time and see what L was saying and i think i took it the way he intended

jeff may have pushed the envelope but bad person it has never been implied

perhaps in the future paths will cross once again and all the pack can be on the hunt again


Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2007, 05:42:16 pm »
Tyrian still has to deal with Nepp and Ash Willo's three half elf half drow children.....

The reaction from Nepp when he found out he was having triplettes was priceless as well as Drogo calling that a good sized hunt pack!

One of the funniest moments I can remember all around.


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    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #32 on: June 23, 2007, 05:10:33 am »
    I had fun with him, one of the few people I met willing to travel with a care of my level no questions asked to adventure. I had fun with him, never saw really a odd or majorly conflictive side of him, but on the forums.

    In that I saw the same old thing you see on alot of servers, well liked player bashing heads with the admins, doing things that annoy others but with in game rules, and asked to avoid doing them for the peace of all. over time these build up and somethings got to give.

    Will miss him, he was one of the more active players from what I remebered, and had lots of freinds around him. Made him someone you wanted to be around because something fun might happen.

    I know he was a younger lad in the teens I believe the rebel youth if you will.
    I know some of the older folks might not care for line pushers, and the admins do get tired of pushing with it.

    I can say I know this was a call DM's were unhappy to make, no team ever likes making a call on a well liked player, even though others may not like him.
    So they tend to try to be very fair in the calls they make so it does not come back to bite them. Well harder then it will because friends speak up, It seems it was just one to chaotic action to many in a time of great change, and pressure on the team.

    I enjoyed playing with him, was fun and always gave me the time of day to chat, More I will say then others not to say he was better then anyone but that when I was wandering bored friendsless he was there to invite to a party and give me something to do.


    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #33 on: June 23, 2007, 12:20:56 pm »
    Er, Hawklen wasn't a teenager...


    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #34 on: June 23, 2007, 12:24:11 pm »
    Yeah hah, not by a long shot (Well, a long shot from a teenager, even 5 years seems like a long time to us) . But I was shocked to find out too. I think its a good quality though, to remain that young at heart.


    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #35 on: June 23, 2007, 03:56:25 pm »
    he was 64  :P

    *sings* Will you still need me ,will you still feed me. When im 64.


    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #36 on: June 23, 2007, 04:01:32 pm »
    No, Force.
    Just no. :)

    Witch Hunter

    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #37 on: June 28, 2007, 01:33:20 pm »
    Quote from: Interia_Discordius
    He brought spice to the world, something different from the normal. Maybe he was over the top, but I've never seen chaos in such a true form as the character Hawklen.

    Where will the fun be now?

    My stance...I wish something could be done to bring him back, but the decision is made, and even if I don't agree with it, I'll sit here and bear it and do what I can.

    I highly doubt it's debatable anyways.

    Now all you need is Tia Dalma, a ship, a crew and Captain Barbossa!


    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #38 on: June 28, 2007, 05:15:30 pm »
    ah what a quest that would be. I would undertake it for sure :)


    Re: Nepp/Hawklen has been banned
    « Reply #39 on: August 15, 2007, 02:00:42 am »
    Nepp is and will remain the best player Layonara had to offer.