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Author Topic: Aasimar resistances?  (Read 623 times)


Aasimar resistances?
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:29:27 pm »
Would it be possible to create 15/- elemental resistance items to be only usable by Aasimar or Tiefling subraces, so that they would be able to benefit from their natural skin resistances?  

This would in effect override the 5/- resistance of the skin in favor of the 15/-.  

Just an idea, even though I realize both subraces are being phased out and new ones are not being born.  It would be nice to have, if it's not too much difficulty in creating them?
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Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 10:01:26 pm »
Well the assumption there is that DR stacks...and it doesn't.  What you're asking for is essentially the 5/- DR for the subrace to stack with a 10/- DR of a resistance, correct?

The problem being that once applied to an item, the 15/- DR, the item could then in theory be worn by anyone.  Since Tieflings and Aasimar are subraces and NWN doesn't really recognized them, we can't mechanically restrict items from being worn by other non-planetouched races.


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 11:53:09 pm »
So there's no way to keep the requirement for Aasimar / Tiefling in tact when the resistance is applied to an item?  If it imparts the 15/- aspect, why could it not impart the Usable by: ......  restriction?  

This comes from a complete ignorance of the builder, obviously.  :)


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2009, 12:34:20 am »
Quote from: Asmodean
So there's no way to keep the requirement for Aasimar / Tiefling in tact when the resistance is applied to an item?  If it imparts the 15/- aspect, why could it not impart the Usable by: ......  restriction?  

This comes from a complete ignorance of the builder, obviously.  :)

There's two aspects here:

1) actual application of the resistance to an item
2) equipping of the item once the resistance is applied

For #1, sure, we could write code that says it can only be activated by an Aasimar/Tiefling, as that's a custom scripted system anyway.

However, for #2, as I said, NWN does not recognize subraces in any meaningful way, and as such, we can't create a "Useable only by:" item property for Aasimar/Tieflings, since to NWN, they're simply Human.

We would have to implement our own custom checks for this, which would unfortunately fire for each and every item equipped by each and every character in order to have a subrace-only sort of item, as "On Equip" checks are done at the module level, not the creature or item level.  Given the potential for complications and lag, this sort of solution is far from ideal.

Beyond these two factors, there's still the more balance-oriented question of whether or not we should have what amounts to race-specific stacking of something that NWN doesn't stack. Given how things are balanced here overall, that 5 extra points can be more significant than numbers alone suggest, which is likely why our resistances cap out at 10/-.


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2009, 03:12:32 am »
Or you could rely on the player base to police themselves up (as oneself policing him/herself) I remember the white stag armor not being usable by ranger. Mechanically it is, but there is a warning on it that states that if a gm finds you with it, the ranger could lose his powers. As far as I know, I have never seen a ranger use it and/or lose their powers.

Kind of the same with the arrows made from the special bows, like the trapping bow and the ilsare eyes. They are usable by certain type of character, creates a special item and is noted on the bow as it is used to create the items (and in the description) not to give the arrows away.

Something similar could be done I guess, but with different repercussion. The Item could be activated by the aasimar or tiefling, but should not be given to any one unless of the same race?


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2009, 08:47:43 am »
Quote from: Hellblazer
Or you could rely on the player base to police themselves up (as oneself policing him/herself) I remember the white stag armor not being usable by ranger. Mechanically it is, but there is a warning on it that states that if a gm finds you with it, the ranger could lose his powers. As far as I know, I have never seen a ranger use it and/or lose their powers.

Kind of the same with the arrows made from the special bows, like the trapping bow and the ilsare eyes. They are usable by certain type of character, creates a special item and is noted on the bow as it is used to create the items (and in the description) not to give the arrows away.

Something similar could be done I guess, but with different repercussion. The Item could be activated by the aasimar or tiefling, but should not be given to any one unless of the same race?

Could...but...there will always be that one who says "What? I didn't know!" and then it's high drama and extra work on the GM staff to police and correct such things.

As well...

Quote from: Dorganath
Beyond these two factors, there's still the more balance-oriented question of whether or not we should have what amounts to race-specific stacking of something that NWN doesn't stack. Given how things are balanced here overall, that 5 extra points can be more significant than numbers alone suggest, which is likely why our resistances cap out at 10/-.

Aasimar and Tieflings already have some pretty significant advantages, and while they're ECL 3, there have been some pretty high-level characters of these subraces.  Adding yet another doesn't necessarily seem appropriate.


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2009, 09:43:51 am »
Quote from: Dorganath

Aasimar and Tieflings already have some pretty significant advantages, and while they're ECL 3, there have been some pretty high-level characters of these subraces.  Adding yet another doesn't necessarily seem appropriate.

ECL 2 I thought...  It says 3 in LORE right now, though I specifically remember Farros having ECL 2 when I made him.

Ah wait, I'm noticing some terminology changes.  ECL vs. Level Adjuster.  Didn't have a distinction way back then, and now that I think of it, makes more sense.  Effective Character Level is now accurate.


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 09:50:03 am »
[lore]Aasimar[/lore] and [lore]Tiefling[/lore] pages show them as ECL 3.

EDIT: JUuuuuust missed your correction. :)


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 09:29:00 pm »
With the scarcity of Aasimar / Tieflings on the server, and with the added restriction of applying such a resistance governed by a custom script...  The number of items and people would be easily tracked.  The script could even populate a table with Bioware name, character name, and item code # from the builder. This could work to "register" said item, so that any GM at any time could check against the table, find a name and see what extra resistance was registered to a Bioware account and character name.  

Such items, while "usable" by others, could still be allowed, given that if said character no longer wishes to have the item with the 15/- resistance, he find a GM in game and have the item destroyed outright.  The GM could then make a note of that in the table.

I would be happy to have a rule imposed stating that should a registered enhanced resistance item be found on anyone else's character, including other characters registered to the bioware account, that person could be subjected to a temporary ban ( initially ).  More significant punishment would occur if the rule is violated repeatedly.

In fact, they could be "dispensed" by a GM.  A character who has purchased a 10/- enhancement could seek out a GM in game.. who would then see the enhancement in the person's inventory, and then replace the enhancement with a 15/- version right there.  This scenario could also be logged, similarly to what was stated above.

Typically the level requirement is increased by 1 level / 5 resistance.  I would go along that a 15/- would increase the level req for an item by 3.  

As far as overall balancing issues....  I see very little issue with this, as the spells now have uncapped capacity to do damage.  The only instance this may impact would be for traps, or something with a fixed amount of damage.


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2009, 09:32:39 pm »
Quote from: Asmodean
As far as overall balancing issues....  I see very little issue with this, as the spells now have uncapped capacity to do damage.  The only instance this may impact would be for traps, or something with a fixed amount of damage.

Maybe I should be touting the widespread availability of a 15/- resistance, considering my last point??  O.o


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2009, 09:50:57 pm »
just a random thought and since I have no idea how the subrace skins are made this might not work, but what about adding the feat resist energy to Aasimar/Tiefling?
since according to Resist energy - NWNWiki, the Neverwinter Nights Wiki - your guide to the game of NWN it stacks with any none feat source of damage resistance


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2009, 10:49:43 pm »
Quote from: Asmodean
With the scarcity of Aasimar / Tieflings on the server...

This argument works both ways, in that with the scarcity (and the fact that the numbers will not increase) of Aasimar and Tiefling characters in the world, your proposed scheme is increasingly complex and requiring a greater and greater amount of development effort along with GM and admin oversight to the point where it seems disproportionate in the cost/benefit equation.

At this point, the "how" is pretty much secondary to the "if", meaning the first question is whether or not this is needed or desired. Do Aasimar and Tiefling characters need yet another advantage, and one cumbersome to manage at that? You've got item registration, a new data table, additional inventory snooping and management by GMs, tracking of these special and rare items and so forth, keeping in mind that really only a small few GMs have any access to the database at all.

So yes, it's possible, but practical? Is it really worth it to spend this much effort for 5 points of DR for a very, very few number of characters? What I'm not really seeing is a) a compelling reason for such a thing and b) why other races/subraces aren't equally deserving of enhanced physical attributes through special race-only items and systems.

Anyway, I'm not trying to argue the point, but rather illuminate the thought process.


Re: Aasimar resistances?
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2009, 10:50:30 pm »
Quote from: akata
just a random thought and since I have no idea how the subrace skins are made this might not work, but what about adding the feat resist energy to Aasimar/Tiefling?
since according to Resist energy - NWNWiki, the Neverwinter Nights Wiki - your guide to the game of NWN it stacks with any none feat source of damage resistance

Ahhh   simplicity...  the essence of beauty.  :D

*waits patiently to the sound of Jeopardy music*

