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Author Topic: Alternate mounts  (Read 542 times)


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    Alternate mounts
    « on: December 16, 2006, 12:07:17 pm »
    I know we have the horses and ponies for mounts when a character gets to the right level, which is great for getting between towns and stuff. I'm very much looking forward to that! But, something I've been thinking about for a very long time is the idea of a few alternate types of mounts. Probably since Gilli was about 3rd or 4th level, I've wanted to see him riding a Dire Spider one day. Or a Giant spider, whatever. Basically just a large spider. De-fanged of course so that there would be concern of others being poisoned by it *grins, knowing that mounts don't act on their own*

    The spider is just one idea that I've thought of the most. It could be good for goblin PCs [think Steel Toe Clan cavalry], or even possibly non-good aligned drow and Duergar PCs *shrugs*

    I've never seen a half-giant on a horse, so I don't know what the size difference looks like, but maybe there could be a 'huge worg of beefiness' or something along those lines to handle the extra size and weight of such a character.

    I don't know how difficult or easy it would be to implement as I know very, very little about the toolset, especially on the Layonara scale of it, but it could add a lot of flavor I think.

    As far as limiting the alternate types to certain classes or characters, I hadn't really thought much about that, but I can imagine you wouldn't want your clerics and paladins [at least of good aligned deities] riding around on spiders and worgs. I can imagine that it would be easy enough to sculpt the dialog with the vendor with the if(), then() statements or whatnot so that it would check for the appropriate class and/or alignment before offering the alternate choices.

    Or, maybe a quest of some sort would be appropriate to earn the right for an alternate mount. Just some ideas, not sure how they would work out.


    Re: Alternate mounts
    « Reply #1 on: December 16, 2006, 01:08:28 pm »
    This is sadly not possible due to the fact that the models don't exist in-game.

    Or rather, it is very easy to add, if someone can make the new models. :)


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      Re: Alternate mounts
      « Reply #2 on: December 16, 2006, 03:19:26 pm »
      Ah, I guess that would make it tough. If only I could do the modeling...


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      Re: Alternate mounts
      « Reply #3 on: December 16, 2006, 06:10:22 pm »
      Also, a defanged spider will die of starvation very quickly, as their fangs are what they eat with.  No poison = no prey soup = no nourishment = no spider.  Your biology lesson of the day.  *bows*


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        Re: Alternate mounts
        « Reply #4 on: December 16, 2006, 11:35:55 pm »
        Ok fine, not defanged then, de-poisoned. I take their poison sacs after their dead, I'm sure somebody somewhere could remove them while they still live. Some sort of magical anesthetic and the operation.

        Besides, If you would have to feed your domesticated horse, you would have to feed your domesticated spider. Even if that meant bleeding what they would normally eat and bottle feeding it or something similar.


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          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #5 on: December 17, 2006, 12:33:25 am »
          .........I'm refusing to develop the mental image of this...nope.......not gonna.....drat
          you'd actually need some way of blending the things up to feed it, as it liquifies the innards, doesn't just drink the blood.

          how about a nice war doggie, instead?  um, I mean...its easier to feed and train, right?  Right?!?  please?


          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #6 on: December 17, 2006, 01:04:37 am »
          Also, spiders aren't traditionally the sturdiest-backed creatures.  Having a humanoid of any significant weight on it would probably press the body to the ground.

          This quite aside from the model issue, as discussed earlier.


          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #7 on: December 17, 2006, 01:36:09 am »
          Riding dogs for the smaller races would be a NICE touch, honestly.

          I'm sure someone's made it in the Vault... Help me look? *Shuffles off to rummage through.*


          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #8 on: December 17, 2006, 03:28:58 am »

          Unicorns for Druids.....and yup, I can imagine a bunch of halfling's riding into battle on the back's of saddled muts.


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          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #9 on: December 17, 2006, 03:50:30 am »
          Unicorns only for those female and human or elven druids.  Unicorns are picky like that.  Something about purity, blah blah.  hehe.  It's listed in PnP as a potential mount for paladins meeting such qualifications, in fact.


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          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #10 on: December 17, 2006, 04:18:21 am »
          Unicorns for Druids.....

          I love that idea, but I'm expecting to see some posts probably regarding how Druids shouldn't be enslaving animals/magical beasts to ride them.  Also how it probably interferes with their trackless step etc etc.  So I doubt we will see this from an rp perspective *sigh*


          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #11 on: December 17, 2006, 04:46:40 am »
          Actually, all unicorns are dead. Or at least not around for some reason *mysterious GM grin*


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          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #12 on: December 17, 2006, 07:44:44 am »
          Oh Ed, we all know about the Red Bull.  The Last Unicorn has been out on VHS for decades now.


          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #13 on: December 17, 2006, 08:46:50 am »
          Rayenoir - 12/17/2006  10:44 AM

          Oh Ed, we all know about the Red Bull.  The Last Unicorn has been out on VHS for decades now.

          I love you.


          Re: Alternate mounts
          « Reply #14 on: December 18, 2006, 07:12:39 pm »
          Bah, lets aim for the top and order a black dragon for Chanda!
          Or even better a dracolich.  Then we can really fulfill some of our fantasies!!



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            Re: Alternate mounts
            « Reply #15 on: December 18, 2006, 07:38:08 pm »
            darkstorme - 12/17/2006  1:04 AM

            Also, spiders aren't traditionally the sturdiest-backed creatures.  Having a humanoid of any significant weight on it would probably press the body to the ground.

            This quite aside from the model issue, as discussed earlier.

            Ok then, I'll take the bebilith instead. I'm guessing it's about, oh, at least 5x the size of a halfling not counting the legs. I'm sure that would handle the task ;)


            Re: Alternate mounts
            « Reply #16 on: December 18, 2006, 07:57:47 pm »
            Note: A bebilith is technically a demon, not a spider.


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              Re: Alternate mounts
              « Reply #17 on: December 18, 2006, 08:25:41 pm »
              yes, but it still looks like a spider. That's all I really care about!

              Praylor Falcus

              RE: Alternate mounts
              « Reply #18 on: December 31, 2006, 10:55:12 am »
              On the subject of druids mounts, unicorns are out as the last remaining one is in a sack around some haflings neck.  I would think druids would ride trents ....they are tree huggers after all...not all just the crazy ones that take the fuzzy critter thing to far


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                RE: Alternate mounts
                « Reply #19 on: January 02, 2007, 11:55:27 am »
                  An elf ranger riding a direwolf, holding a bow... running around the forests.... THAT'S SOOO AWESOMEEEE (at least i think =P), perhaps a bear... =P Or even an stronger Deer, with big horns... such thing...
                  A gnome boar riderr =O that would be great hehehe (nothing against them, just seems interesting)[
                  Well... ideas ideas ideas =P, if any help needed, im able to help, that's an very good idea.

