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Author Topic: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst  (Read 219 times)

Pen N Popper

Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« on: June 04, 2008, 10:52:34 am »
Anyone else in favor of just turning off the hunger/thirst ticker for the duration of NWN Layo's life?

All those that just carry around canteens, raise their hands.

All those that eat raw meat because it's just easier, raise their hands.


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 11:25:27 am »
And what about all those pies Muireann keeps baking?!?!?

Wait.....did I just admit my cold, callous, Misty bakes pies.....

Keep it, it adds flavour!


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 11:37:00 am »
I'm voting for keeping it.

Yup... all I carry is canteens.

But also blueberry pies and spiced potatoes ( Todays Special ).


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2008, 11:41:59 am »
I carry bread, and fish, and roasts, and pie for dessert!  (Kell likes his picnics.  Whoops.  That kinda conflicts with his tough-guy image.  Ah well, you and I both have characters with food-related soft sides, DMOE.)

I say keep it. :)


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2008, 12:08:12 pm »
Having the option for PC's to turn it on or off at will would be nice, but also is likely more trouble than it's worth to implement.

And Steel eats raw meat, partly because it's easier, and partly because during the Dark Ages I RP'd him as eating darn near everything (even goblins, though he's probably most remembered for collecting and frying up ant-legs) due to lack of "good" food.


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2008, 12:52:51 pm »
I'm all for keeping it.  

Although, for the MMO, I'd like to see the food provide some benefit, like carrots increasing your spot chances, or pasta increasing your constitution (temporarily, of course).

And chocolate!  Can we get chocolate?


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2008, 12:56:35 pm »
I'm for keeping it as well.  I enjoy the different things we can bake and share with others.

Script Wrecked

Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2008, 01:42:15 pm »
*in the middle of cut-throat combat*

[You are feeling thirsty]

"Hold up guys, gotta take a drink. Would you mind?"

*in the middle of lengthy RP scenario*

[You are feeling hungry]

*munches on dried rations*

"What?" *looks around at everyone looking at them*

But I do like having prepared food to eat. Mmm, roast, pie, juice, beer...


Script Wrecked.

Pen N Popper

Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2008, 02:36:07 pm »
Note that I didn't say get rid of food or RP.  The suggestion is to turn off the OOC aspects which is all hunger/thirst is in my opinion.  I'm all for romantic picnics and walks on the beach holding han.... errr... *goes back to writing personal ads*


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2008, 02:40:16 pm »
Just don't say you like PiƱa Coladas...


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 02:42:35 pm »
um whats a pi~a+a and how does your keyboard do that


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2008, 02:42:57 pm »
I say keep it. It has real affects when you end up on a run that is a long long way away from any water or food source. It gives some importance to the forage skill and it forces PC to think (even if it is only a little) about having what they need for a trip.

If anything I would like to see food go bad after a certain amount of time. I know one of my PCs has had a bag full of cooked fish for what is years in game time. It must really stink hahaha.


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 03:23:53 pm »
Quote from: Falonthas
um whats a pi~a+a and how does your keyboard do that
Escape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And ALT + 0241 (numberpad)


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2008, 03:49:58 pm »
*eyes a hoard of giants all charging him*

[you are feeling hungry]

uhps! a mans gotta eat when hes gotta eat

hehe im all for keeping it, Raw meat for the win!, easy,free and filling!


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2008, 04:50:09 pm »
I think it's silly to have to drink 3 canteens of water all at once or eat 4 bowls of cooks special fare to go from right before the effects take place to where you are either full or going to burst.

If we wanted food/drink to be a more integral part of the game rather than an OOC nuisance (which it pretty much is since most people do self tells to eat or drink anyway) then the effects should be immediate as soon as you go from the full to non-full state or bursting to thirsty.

Noone said, let's get rid of the food crafting system so we can't make pies or roasts anymore.  The system as is serves no real purpose in the conduct of RP or your character and it is very OOC to start chugging canteens in the middle of conversation because suddenly you feel thirsty and you have lost an attack point.


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2008, 08:32:04 pm »
Actually I would like to see hunger and thirst be relevant to your activity and race. So your walking through the desert for a few days. I think you would drink alot of water, or your fighting for 8 hours and need to eat. Your a halfling and it's been 30min since you last ate and the dwarf in you party is starting to look mighty tasty.(Ok a bit over done but you get my idea)

I know it would not happen here but maybe the new MMO?


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 06:33:46 pm »
Quote from: osxmallard
The system as is serves no real purpose in the conduct of RP or your character and it is very OOC to start chugging canteens in the middle of conversation because suddenly you feel thirsty and you have lost an attack point.

I've seen and have many friends that while walking in a hot summer day, and talk with me, takes out their water bottle and drink until they feel they had enough.

What I actually don't like is the current animation that happens when you use the canteen. I think this is the reason why most people use self tells. The emote of the *drinks* looks much more natural, and that is what happens when you use /o c drink filled canteen. If there isn't any lag, and you don't press it like a mad man, you will see the *drink* emote happen while using the silent command.

I say keep it. It gave me a few, if not small, good moment of rping with people when I realized one of my chars were out of food or water.


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2008, 07:15:48 pm »
I like it due to the fact that it does pop up some nice RP along the road.  When my party members ask for food or drink, my nicer characters will offer them some, sit down and pause for a nice meal and conversation between battles.  The orcs and goblins when hungry sprint to the nearest herd of wild animals, cut them down and eat them raw.  And then Gloom would either mock his allies or try to charge them for rations.  As for Farros, his thirst meter isnt so much RPed as thirst, but alcohol withdrawal symptoms.  He starts shaking, getting edgy, snapping at people, etc.

I'm just glad that if you afk to pick up some smokes at the store, the system doesnt kill you. :D

I only wish that Goblins, Orcs, Wemics, Sea Elves and Giantkin didn't have to make the desease check, given that they rarely bother to cook their food anyway.


Re: Suggestion: Turn off hunger/thirst
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2008, 09:05:51 pm »
Well, especially sea elves eating raw fish.  It's awful hard to set cooking fires underwater.

Okay, setting them is easy.  LIGHTING them is hard.

