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Author Topic: Guys Roleplaying Gals  (Read 835 times)


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    Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « on: September 18, 2006, 08:32:33 am »
    Anyone think it's weird?

    I feel weird doing it, but the truth is, I RP Girls better for some odd, and probibly better left unknown, reason...

    Any other guys online here at Layo who just can't act out guys in a fantasy setting?

    I hope I am not the only one...


    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #1 on: September 18, 2006, 08:59:58 am »
    Nope, you're not alone there.  If it makes you feel any better about it, you did a fantastic job rping the other day in your encounter with Daniel, Kyle, Rain, and Ferrit.  *bows to Vershanon*  If she / he ever comes back, introduce yourself to Drawna Eldreal.  *winks*  I'm sure it'll be veeery interesting conversation.
    "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

    Oscar Wilde


    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #2 on: September 18, 2006, 09:04:17 am »
    Lots of girl characters here are played by guys, and a few guy characters are played by girls, its not as uncommon as you may think. *Shrugs* Whatever comes natural. I had my own reasons for Rping a guy for my first PC, but I couldnt uphold it very well, so I made Rhynn (who ironically encounters the problem that resulted in me wishing to play a male character quite frequently)


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    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #3 on: September 18, 2006, 09:10:39 am »
    I really find the sex of the person behind the character to be largely irrelevant.  Occasionally, I'll find that someone is trying to portray the opposite a *little too hard* but otherwise, what does it matter?  If you're playing a character, you're not being you, heh.  Though admittedly, I had people questioning whether I was actually a woman myself when I first created Rayenoir, and nobody knew for certain for a couple of months because while I made no effort to hide that I'm a dude, I didn't feel the need to express that fact either, because there's a very easy subconscious reflex to metagame information even without a clear benefit or detriment resulting.  That, and some people do tend to react differently to characters depending on the sex of the person at the keyboard.  It was really kind of a game in and of itself to me. ;)

    Guardian 452

    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 09:11:00 am »

    I have 3 of each :)

    Who gets played greatly depends on my mood at any given time. :)


    Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
    « Reply #5 on: September 18, 2006, 10:07:06 am »
    I only try to figure out whether it's a guy or girl that I'm playing with if we start shooting the breeze OOC quite often. Like Deacon for instance, we talk quite often when we're on at the same time and what and how I say things OOC depends on whether the person is a guy or girl. Other than that, if I'm just RPing, I concentrate on the character and not the player behind. Makes no difference to me.

    I personally wouldn't play a female (and not just because I don't think I could pull it off). But I have mucho respect for any guy who's able to (or female who can play a guy. Though I think it's considerably less difficult to play a butt-scratching, pipe-smoking, ale-drinking, blood-thirsty dwarven warrior than it is a female of any type.)  :)


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      RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
      « Reply #6 on: September 18, 2006, 10:16:43 am »

      Whew... now I feel better about it hehe

      Maybe it has something to do with my acting background, who knows, who cares?


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        Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
        « Reply #7 on: September 18, 2006, 10:20:31 am »
        cbnicholson - 9/18/2006  10:59 AM

        Nope, you're not alone there.  If it makes you feel any better about it, you did a fantastic job rping the other day in your encounter with Daniel, Kyle, Rain, and Ferrit.  *bows to Vershanon*  If she / he ever comes back, introduce yourself to Drawna Eldreal.  *winks*  I'm sure it'll be veeery interesting conversation.

        Thanks, I was pretty proud of my RP there as well :D


        RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
        « Reply #8 on: September 18, 2006, 12:50:43 pm »
        even if some people do find it......eccentric.......there's nothing they can do to stop you.
        but one thing that's a weee bit annoying is when male players make a female character with eight charisma, and in the character discription says:
        "you see before you a beutifull woman/elf/half-ogre*shudder*....blablabla...she is shy" even then,
        beutifull people tend to have 14+ CHA, shy people get -2 CHA, even after the shyness they still should have 12CHA, unless the person is so shy that they stay inside the house all day, but how do you RP that?


        Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
        « Reply #9 on: September 18, 2006, 01:22:21 pm »
        Heh, just wait 'till I get my gnomish bardess in-game. It'll probably have to wait until NWN2, though, as she's got backstory with one of my current characters that I REALLY don't want to kill off.

        And, of course, I can't exactly RP thier interactions where others can see. Eesh, what a nightmare.

        However, playing characters of the opposite gender has always been interesting, for me; another set of archetypes for me to play around with. It's not wierd at all... If it's well done, it's the mark of a good roleplayer, just like playing a character whose personality is very different from your own.

        As for the beauty factor... Heh. I'm vain. I can't stand playing unattractive characters. My low-CHA character (now deleted) Cynn Reyer had a CHA of 9. She was heavyset, but still not unattractive by any means - just really gruff. And those callouses, oy vey. :P Taking it to the extreme of "beautiful," though... Eh. Anything with lower than 14 CHA just isn't beautiful (generally speaking). Pretty, maybe. Gorgeous through the right pair of eyes, perhaps. But let's not forget that personality can add more to a CHA score than subtract, in my experience. Patton was a flat-out ugly fellow, but had a CHA of 18. "No dumb [soldier] ever won a war by dying for his country."

        I've seen Veshanon, though; interestingly played. Bringing another aspect of Layonaran magic to light, I see, and good RP with those less-than-worldly characters.

        "A witch? Erm... Jus'... Don' enchant me, an' we'll be fine, eh?"


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          RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
          « Reply #10 on: September 18, 2006, 09:01:39 pm »

          I don't know if you guys heard but I deleted Vershanon today... There was some major misunderstanding on my part as to what could be done with withen the canon...


          If I get my newest gal approved, you'll get a whole new treat: The snappy, I hate all men, Good looking but dosen't date type :P

          (Woah, I better add her attitude to the submission as that is a huge part of her! brb)


          RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
          « Reply #11 on: September 19, 2006, 12:31:04 am »
          *not sarcastically* thanks for making it even harder for elven guys to get a date.
          have the thumbs up (')(') (whoops, those thumbs look like they've been bitten off)


          RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
          « Reply #12 on: September 19, 2006, 03:39:11 am »
          Wraithdur - 9/19/2006  3:31 AM

          *not sarcastically* thanks for making it even harder for elven guys to get a date.
          have the thumbs up (')(') (whoops, those thumbs look like they've been bitten off)

          Well, there's always other elven guys. They are elves, after all. ;)


          RE: Guys Roleplaying Gals
          « Reply #13 on: September 19, 2006, 08:11:30 am »
          in the words of goldbeard "there are nee any elven lads, 'ere all pansies" and i think that i should put something like that on a t-shirt


          Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
          « Reply #14 on: September 19, 2006, 08:24:25 am »
          *cackles and mumbles something then walks along on her merry way* My only attempt at playing a male came out as a "Bishonen" "Pansy" Type...I had to delete him as it was not my intention, I can't play guys....Ugh...


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            Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
            « Reply #15 on: September 19, 2006, 12:08:46 pm »
            Yes, expand your mind a little. When I started playing Janice some other players where asking me, Doesn't that feel weird? ect ect.. I was like "grow up man" Its not uncommon by far and if you happen to write a story, wouldn't you usualy have female characters? Well you have to get into that characters head and see how she would view things so its no different. Would anyone question R.A. Salavatore when he invented his character Catti-brie? Its the same as role playing her as it would be to write about her. Expand that to movies and other story telling media and wow! It seems like its no big deal at all. Oh and plus growing up I was used to having "no females to rp with" (none of my girlfriends were very interested in D&D) So one of the gang might have a female character on sheet lying around somewhere around the popcan, cheetos and popcorn strewn table heh. So no, go on and role play to your hearts content. "Grow up" is a bit harsh to say to someone (he was  friend of mine anyway heh), but definatly "open your mind", and most of all have fun.


            Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
            « Reply #16 on: September 19, 2006, 08:57:10 pm »
            I dont really care what sex the player is personally.  As far as being able to tell if its a guy playing a girl, a good rule of thumb ive found in this and other games has to do with how the female char is dressed. Actually I was told to look for this by a woman 10 years ago and it seems to be true.  If the char is dressed as a tart its likely a lad behind the keys.


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              Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
              « Reply #17 on: September 19, 2006, 10:40:06 pm »
              ThrainSil - 9/19/2006  10:57 PM

              I dont really care what sex the player is personally.  As far as being able to tell if its a guy playing a girl, a good rule of thumb ive found in this and other games has to do with how the female char is dressed. Actually I was told to look for this by a woman 10 years ago and it seems to be true.  If the char is dressed as a tart its likely a lad behind the keys.

              I'm a guy who RPs girls, people here can I'm sure tell you that Vershanon was anything but a "tart" and did not dress like one


              Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
              « Reply #18 on: September 19, 2006, 10:48:08 pm »
              ThrainSil - 9/19/2006  11:57 PM

              I dont really care what sex the player is personally.  As far as being able to tell if its a guy playing a girl, a good rule of thumb ive found in this and other games has to do with how the female char is dressed. Actually I was told to look for this by a woman 10 years ago and it seems to be true.  If the char is dressed as a tart its likely a lad behind the keys.

              Im a girl that plays a girl and most will tell you Bris wears nearly nothing. Thats not because she is a tart though but rather because she would rather be nude that wrap herself in fibers and cut herself from the breeze and feel of nature.


              Re: Guys Roleplaying Gals
              « Reply #19 on: September 19, 2006, 11:26:33 pm »
              hopefully I have not offended anyone. If I have then I apologize. But someone else must have noticed this, at least in other games?  ANd even if some do dress that way Its not meant as a "knock" on them.