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Author Topic: okay now what?  (Read 450 times)


okay now what?
« on: October 18, 2006, 07:49:03 am »
I made a second character the other day with the intention of exploring a darker side than my wool headed paladin wanna be - Daniel.  Benjamin Poetr here:

Problem is I don't even like him much.  In fact after a bit of thought, I'm even considering having him deleted or at least only taking him out to exercise some demons :p  I need to chill him out some so first OOC - my apologies to Exodus Stonecutter and any other characters I disabused and a Thank you to Gillie *a Misty priestess* for playing along and giving him at least a chance to try and make something of himself.  To put in blunty, Benjamin is a punk - a big mouthed, rude , lazy, good for nothing punk.  As such I need some ideas - I didn't realize how hard it would be to rp this guy until I found myself trying to get into his shoes in game.  To summarize - tips on being antisocial and rude yet still being able to group with the like minded and oh yeah, what are the major no no's that will get me banned?  I don't want to go there.    I did a search and came up with a lot of threads that were locked due to flaming /griefing/personal attacks so I'm not totally clueless, Just would appreciate any advice.  :)
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

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    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #1 on: October 18, 2006, 08:20:47 am »
    Hey! You're RPing my 16-year-old brother! Let's see... um... insult everyone.  Especially insult your friends.  Try to make people feel worthless.  Make consistently racist comments any time the opportunity arises.  Use offensive slang.  Hit anybody who is weaker than you or who won't hit you back.  Practice guitar using a gig amp turned up obnoxiously high, always using pedal effects, and try to play hard enough to break strings.  Demean yourself and yell at anyone who tries to correct you.  Be generally angry.  If you get a girlfriend, be very jealous, to the point of emotional abuse.  Hmm... I think that's about it.


    RE: okay now what?
    « Reply #2 on: October 18, 2006, 08:31:25 am »
    Find and watch Jaren Valhaikor.  Bonus points if you find him in the same group/speaking area of Yardislan.

    Voila!  Instant anti-social class :P.

    /ducks and runs from Geryon....


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #3 on: October 18, 2006, 08:32:19 am »
    One of my characters is like this...Narnulubat my half orc druid is generally offensive, rude, bigoted and makes it plain that he dislikes all people equally.  The best advice I can give you is to tell the person you're about to RP with (via a tell), what your character is like and that nothing he says should be taken personally.  If you're in a group and a bystander seems to be taking offence at whats happening...send a tell.

    I've found that some players especially new ones, often take what is said to heart and talking with them via tell's just lets them know that its just part of the game.  Of course if the players present know your character then theirs no problem whatsoever :)

    As for being able to successfully party with a group?....Well its hard to be a party member when in the first five minutes of joining a group, you've managed to offend every single PC.   All I can say is that this is the price of playing such a character :)


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #4 on: October 18, 2006, 08:46:01 am »
    Jaren Valhaikor - check, tells - check.  ok thanks.  *waits for more*  Oh by the way, feel free to have fun with this thread, I know I will.
    "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

    Oscar Wilde


    RE: okay now what?
    « Reply #5 on: October 18, 2006, 09:08:07 am »
    What is his Wisdom?  I ask because Wisdom is the 'common sense' or 'sensible' stat, so the higher it is, the more likely the character is to have the sense to keep his mouth shut long enough to get in on something, aka join a party.  Of course, that might not be what you're looking for, or he may have a low Wisdom.

    It may help to find a niche for the character.  If there is something he can do well that is very helpful to a party, they might take him along for their own benefit whether they like him or not.


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #6 on: October 18, 2006, 09:32:58 am »
    1) Point out the flaws of everyone else while refusing to see your own
    2) Be Hypocritical
    3) Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine
    4) Act tuff but then run at the first sight of danger

    And remember, you can help and do positive things all you want ;) But you don't nessicarily have to like it


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #7 on: October 18, 2006, 09:54:23 am »
    So long as you don't walk around threatening to kill perfect strangers then suddenly log off when they invite you to come to the arena, all's good. ;)


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #8 on: October 18, 2006, 09:54:52 am »
    Wisdom is 8 :( hmm positive things without liking it, check, whining, check, the whole spec in the eye/log thing check.  Act tough, but whine and run, check.  *nods a few times*
    "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

    Oscar Wilde


    RE: okay now what?
    « Reply #9 on: October 18, 2006, 10:36:21 am »
    when someone disproves something you said, insult them, take one small or even nonexistant feature about them,
    and expand it into an insulting lie/half-truth.
    this rule applies to when someone insults you, uses your words against you, does something you don't like etc.


    RE: okay now what?
    « Reply #10 on: October 18, 2006, 11:07:48 am »
    Another approach is the drippingly sarcastic one, i.e. Daralith.  Choose one or two folks you know will RP it out with you, and wait until they make a mistake or a decision you don't like, then comment relentlessly.  Make notes and reference them later on to keep a continuity going.  Make snide remarks and side comments.  Be witty.  Helps if you have a small number of potential victims because you're less likely to get kicked out of an entire group.

    I'm sure Daralith can add more on his technique :).


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #11 on: October 18, 2006, 11:39:30 am »
    Yes, I'm sure Daralith can. Daniel has been on the recieving end of that ones tongue once. *shudders* An excellent example.
    "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

    Oscar Wilde


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #12 on: October 18, 2006, 12:45:14 pm »
    memilies - 10/18/2006  3:21 PM

    Which story would you rather read:

    a. A heroic knight is beloved by all and does everything right and lived happily even after
    b. A very flawed anti-hero who sets off to do some not-so-kind acts finds himself involved in events greater than himself and in the end emerges a hero and a better man

    Of course, just for a change of pace, there's always:

    c. A very flawed anti-hero who sets off to do some not-so-kind acts finds himself involved in events greater than himself and winds up being punished for his misdeeds, dying a horrific death

    I mean, c'mon, not every story needs to have a happy ending.


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #13 on: October 18, 2006, 03:14:17 pm »
    *Was going to post here, but was on the verge of giving away all his secrets*

    The best advice was already given by Memilies, and I echo it here, in the words of the great actor and imminent sage, Patrick Swayze, "Be nice, until it's time to not be nice"


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #14 on: October 18, 2006, 03:41:53 pm »
    It's always interesting reading what others would do in this circumstance.
    My only negative is that if you follow the suggestions of others you're not really making your own unique character, and that's exactly what we want to see in this world.

    As far as making a disliked, arrogant, hypocritical and rude personality i dont see a problem.  Most of my characters are all those things and usually don't have many friends.  But I enjoy them most because they offer rich RP enjoyment.

    I disagree with Steverimmer by sending them a tell, dictating what you are about to say/act/do.  I'd rather surprise them, put them on the back foot or catch them by surprise.  I find it interesting how people respond IG when they are put on the spot.  It really nuts out the people who are really into their characters.

    Lastly I find the best characters are the ones that develop themselves, some even taking a dramatic turn that you wouldnt normally expect.  So simply throw him in the deep end and see what happens.  I'm sure you'll find you enjoy the RP.



    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #15 on: October 18, 2006, 03:56:32 pm »
    @darkwulf356 aw come one man?  just one lil secret?  Be nice. hmm ok.  riiight. @Polak76 that was my initial thought as well until I actually got in game starting to get in character and had the thought "self , if you keep mouthing off like this some dm's gonna ban ya" so I'd thought I fish for some good advice and what do ya know - I got some. Thanks all.
    "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

    Oscar Wilde


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    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #16 on: October 18, 2006, 04:42:25 pm »
    *grins* Always fun to play a nasty character and see what the others around think. My latest character will lie, con people out of money, and pull nasty pranks of on the people of Hlint. Or will in the near future.
    I found when he was boasting about the 50 (then 75) goblins that attacked him, and the paladins went out to investigate, believing every word, I couldn't keep myself from laughing on my side of the computer. The paladin stayed true to his character as well, scolding me for lieing. Through all that, I enjoyed the RP


    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #17 on: October 18, 2006, 10:28:27 pm »

    Heh, my little Gnome Mallok, thinks he's the greatest magician that ever lived (probably due to small man syndrome) and he's only level 9.  He's extremely rude, if he loots he'll lie about what he grabbed and he's quick to challenge someone in a witty conversation.

    All in all he's a sheer pleasure to RP and I often find myself laughing like mad.



    Re: okay now what?
    « Reply #18 on: October 19, 2006, 11:28:01 am »
    A rude and insulting character needn't cut and run when things get unpleasant.. he can be stubborn and defiant in the face of overwhelming odds just as he is with all those around him or in his party.  For some hints, think Lilacor's dialogue in BGII, or even Lear in Shakespeare, after everyone's apparently turned on him.

    Think of a person who's embittered against everything and everyone.  He still adventures, because that's what's DONE, and he likes the lifestyle it allows him to afford - but that doesn't mean he respects anyone.  When facing goblins, "Oh, come on, that's the best you can do?  Honestly, you're the only thing more useless than [insert party member's name here]."  When facing werewolves, "Gods above, you idiots smell as bad as the dogs that whelped you, and you're about half as smart."  When facing demons about to rend him limb from limb, "*disinterested*  Every godsforsaken time.  *to the demons*  Alright, I'll take you, one at a time or all at once!  Bring it!"  Your contempt need not be reserved for your party members - and it gives a reason for your adventuring, as well.