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Author Topic: Rumors spread of a death  (Read 539 times)


Rumors spread of a death
« on: November 23, 2008, 03:33:29 am »
In Inn's and craft halls rumors start to spread of the loss of life off one of the best crafters . It is said that one that was faithful to his idea of his believe has fallen protecting others .

// relates to this cdt entry  :

** a pair off adventurers arrive at 180 Haven , they carry the remains off a full plate marked with Rofirein signs . Their faces are somber as they hesitate to knock on the door . Finally one reaches over and knocks . As the door is opened , they step back after putting the remains off the full plate on the ground . " We come with sad tidings M'Lady " they look to Solarina " The man leading us down to diamonds , adamantium and kobalt ...the man known as Barion Firesteed ....* he looks down * ...he fell protecting us ...and never returned . We went to the stone we know he was bound ..but his soul never returned to claim his body ...*he sighs deep * ...we are sorry Miss "
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Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2008, 11:33:14 am »
Llane, a common shadow seen in inns and taverns, takes note of this information with a glance at the speakers. She doesn't speak, though should one bother to take notice of the quiet woman, they would see her usually insolent expression smooth into somber respect for the loss.

With that, she returns to her drinking, her attention flicking elsewhere for other talk to note.


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2008, 06:19:14 pm »
After Beli hears the news of the passing of Barion, he pauses and says a quiet prayer for him. "So long my friend"


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2008, 06:48:54 pm »
*Storold sighs to himself and mumbles a few words as he hears the news*

Another great hero is lost for the lands, I hope that there will be more great warriors like him in the future.. Else the future will look very dark indeed...


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2008, 07:15:53 pm »
*After some time, part In'Drasus clan comes to see their departed friend and godfather. Sil'via already dressed in black clings to her father and mother. They stay there for a long while, looking at him as Sil'via softly sings an elven ballade for the fallen warriors.*


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2008, 07:24:19 pm »
*a fat dwarf bows his head at the notice*

"oi, another lifelong friend lost, another soldier int he good fight.  Rest well lad, I won't see the realms lost to Rael yet!  Tis the least ah kin do fer ye!  Rest well and ye save meh ah seat in the thereafter."

Lance Stargazer

Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2008, 07:25:45 pm »
As Lance hears the news he post a note in the Basher's board and heads towards haven.

Silently and troubled the young knight aproaches to the body of the warrior

With his sight low he comes near the body, and mutters some words only audible to those who are near

"Barion Sir, We will not let you down. you worked hard always, and I will continue your work, you have been an inspiration to me regarding your metalworking as well as your way of living"

May you find the peace in death that escaped you in life.

He kneels and pray for a some hours paying his respect to a wonderful leader and a fine man .


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2008, 07:38:22 pm »
*Tyrian bows in silence as she hears the rumors*

*she mutters*

A better man has never walked the land.

*she turns, steps into her room, and a slight sobbing can be heard*


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2008, 03:12:37 am »
*Upon hearing the news Sasha walks towards the temple of Rofirein in Fort Vehl and stops outside for long moments staring up at the large Dragon statue over the entrance.

I know dishonour sits upon my soul, but I ask that Barion is taken care of in your wings for all that he did in your service.

*Unable to say more, nor to cross the boundary to one of her most sacred places of the past for fear the loss of what once was would unmake her she leaves before she is recognised by one of her old comrades or friends.*


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2008, 03:47:14 am »
*hearing of this, Ranéwin's eyes fill with tears and she walks off weeping towards krandor. She looks to her old house, and then sits at the water front starring at the reflections of the stars rippling over the surface*

You, Shelu and the rest of your family will always be in my heart, you're missed deeply already. Rest well my dear.


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2008, 04:59:07 am »
*Arkolio breaks for just a moment from out of his usual self-preoccupation to feel a twinge of sadness for the passing of that most rare of creatures, a Rofi with a sense of humour. The moment of reflection doesn't last long.*

That dog has a fluffy tail!


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2008, 06:29:07 am »
*Jacchri walks pass Haven and hears the news*
 *He lowers his head for a moment then runs of towards the woods*


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2008, 12:43:24 pm »
*Daeron overhears talk of the recent loss while standing with a group of elderly mages, critizing the supposedly "fair prices" of one of the larger suppliers of alchemical components. A very heated subject he'd normally never pass on, but not today.*

*He makes a passing comment to the man, mentioning Barion in conversation, before heading home.*

"For his sake I hope he finds some peace in death. He's lived a far too harsh life, but did live it to its fullest, including all its drama. I wish him well.. goodday."


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2008, 12:48:17 pm »
An intricate wreath made of oak and mahogany twigs and adorned with worked copper flowers arrives to be placed on the grave.
 Enscribed: In Memory of one who gave much to the people of Mariner's Hold.


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2008, 01:06:16 pm »
* A clear night falls over the port of Stort. Different from any other night in Stort, a dozen archers line up on the shoreline cliff and take aim for the open sea. From behind the guards, a dark cowled dwarf emerges and barks orders at the archers, before taking word*

For honor unlike many,
For a fighter most deadly.

For the sword of the dragon's claw,
Forever rest, uphold the law.

Take this bounty to the sea,
Forever blissful, at peace you be.

*The archers fire flaming arrows at a boat filled with firewood and covered with a cloth, holding an emblem of a dragon. The pyre burns for some time before sinking into the quiet slumber of the seas. The archers move indoors, shortly followed by the dwarf."

Take rest, friend.


Re: Rumors spread of a death
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2008, 10:59:19 pm »
*Kyle pounds away at the anvil...sparks flying with each hit. When he is done...he pulls a freshly made adamantium katana from it. After inspecting it for flaws...he inscribes this on its blade...*

"Barion Firesteed...Be at peace my friend. One Master to another."

*He wraps the blade in linen cloth and has it sent to 180 Haven with instructions it be buried with Barion.*

