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Author Topic: Hlint  (Read 404 times)


« on: August 24, 2009, 03:22:59 am »
Four Dark Elves have been reported in the vicinity of Hlint by a local clergy-woman who is trusted and well regarded within the community.

Local guards were dispatched to investigate the sighting which was reported to have taken place at the wayside campfire often used by many travelers not far outside the town's walls. Upon ariving at the scene the patrol found the reported darkelves, and the others reported to be in their company to have fled the area.

Testimony states that at least one of these Dark Elves has been said to frequent within the walls of Port Hempstead as well. Citizens across Mistone are advised to be on the lookout for shady persons who hide their faces and report suspicious characters to their local authorities.

Descriptions of the Dark Elves sighted near Hlint are as follows:

'duchess' - Last seen dressed completely in red clothing, this female Dark Elf speaks with an unusual accented drawl that can be hard to understand, but which have a sweet, almost silky tone at times. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Eleandilethessa Quil'lyn*

'Eriis' - This male Dark Elf wears a face wrap of 'bandages' to cover his skin. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Mearden Fereir*

'Iradril' - This male Dark Elf may claim to follow Az'atta, citizens are urged not to be taken in by such claims. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Iradril Arkenrahel*

'Tyillaan' - Like the male Darke elf mentioned previously, this female Dark Elf may also make claims of following Az'atta. Again, citizens are urged not to fall prey to what may be a well practiced lie and not to be fooled by this Dark Elf's timid and quiet act. *The description continues to give details about the approximate height, weight, and build of body of Tyillaan Selaama*

Also seen in the company of the Dark Elves and now persons of interest in this inquiry, are the following individuals:

Verideth Lightbringer - A druid *a description of Verideth Lightbringer follows*
Layl - A musician *a description of Layl Maaw follows*
Alazira - A priestess of Ilsare *a description of Alazira follows*
Elivyan Silverthorn - A Wild Elf, oft seen in the company of a large bear named, "Yogi". *a description of Elivyan Silverthorn follows*
Razeriem - A follower of Ilsare and sculptor of stone statuary *a description of Razeriem follows*
'J' - A man called 'J' by one of the Dark Elves. *a description of Jehoram follows*
The following users thanked this post: Xaltotun, Lord Dark, Hellblazer, Lynn1020, Spike, Lance Stargazer, Link092, geloooo

Script Wrecked

Re: Hlint
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 06:44:14 am »
*On visiting Hlint, Argali's lip curls when she hears the news of dark elves and their aliases.*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 07:26:54 am »
*Hearing of the testimony spread around, while under the guise of one of his many personalities, Ni'haer chuckles heartily at the remark as he enters his compound within Leringard.*

"What a most amusing chain of events! Another opportunity for exploitation and petty larceny!"


Re: Hlint
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 09:18:51 am »
*She is sitting in her favourite tavern, sipping ale and smiling to herself on the recent change in fortunes, when she is approached by a small man.*

'Well duchess, yer name is plastered all over Hlint. Description an' everythin' about yer red clothes, height an' so on."

She smiles at the man and buys him a drink. 'Aye, will it hid tae happen' sum times ah s'pose. By Shadon's nose though, ah wis awfy fond o' rat red outfit too. Maybe if ah jist changed a wee bit o' red...?' And looks at him for confirmation of her suggestion.

He simply smiles, finishes his drink and takes his distance from her. After all, he thought to himself, you never know who can be watching, and she may find she is less able to make coins for me in the future.

Lord Dark

Re: Hlint
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 11:42:08 am »
*Tod nearly chokes on his drink as he sees the list of names of the Dark Elves and those that are seen associating with them.*

Recognize all but Eriis *quietly to himself* always in the bad-attention-gathering crowd, Tod! Poor Ver an' Missus Sun, respectable people gathering bad attention, too. Miss Alazira can have Argos talk for her. Raz... well, he's probly makin' statues of them anyhow. Not sure who that wild elf and J is. *squints at the other names*

*He rips one of the copies (If copies were made) down to keep on the lookout on the one he doesn't know.*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 12:54:09 pm »
*Benjamin makes a mental note of speaking to Layl and Verideth at the first opportunity about openly associating with dark elves.  He tears down any notices when the law isn't looking.*  As he walks away he's heard mumbling, "Dangit..sell em all the gear they want and take their true, jest don't get caught doin it.  Ain't good fer business, not at all."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Hlint
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2009, 01:13:50 pm »
*verideth sees the signs and posts a note*

For any to know and hear.

The dark elf know as Iradril, claims to have papers that he may legally walk the land and enter port hempstead. That is the only reason I endure his presence, in this human realm of Mistone.

The other dark elves I had no idea about. My wife Sun and I left when they where revealed. I even approached the guards and tried to discuss this //the DM was busy and never got back to me//. Do not slander my family's name by saying I dare to associate with these creatures.

I am ashamed of the adventures who allow these creatures in their company. Many of these dark elves claim to be good and turned from their evil ways... Because they walk openly, people no longer hold respect for their evil and are not cautious, as they should be. I wait the day a "good' dark elf comes up from the depths and befriends people. Once it has your friendship, it then has your children and it will put them on an altar for it's dark god.

Verideth and Sun Lightbringer


Re: Hlint
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2009, 01:27:35 pm »
*Kurn dumps a large bag of over 50 severed dark elf heads in the middle of Hlint and demands an audience with the writer of the letter*

These are the ones Me, Czukay and Cassius killed in one day.  If ye be spending true on a witch-hunt and on the parchment fer warning posters, how much ye be paying fer these here bounties?  I say these look nice piked up all round the walls.  eh?  Severed head worth at least ah hunnered warning posters.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 04:11:15 pm »
*A dead body of an elf with the trappings of the one called Eriis is found north of Hlint, and the body is riddled with arrows.*

// Basically dressed up a dead man, making a new set of clothes soon... Also, "eriis" face was never shown, not that that will make much difference...

*Mearden mutters over his new set of clothes in Vehl's crafting house, currently under the guise as Eskart the Merchant. He begins a polite speech to himself, and builds his his new persona.

"Good day." *coughs* "Good day, Sir..." *pauses* "Ah, yes. I am Na'tar..." *Laughs* "no, no, simply enjoying the view..."

*He grumbles something, and stalks off into the night.*

//Also, just OOC note, the Alias "Dennar'is" is used with the guild, though that is subject to change as well...

Lance Stargazer

Re: Hlint
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2009, 05:26:53 pm »
*Lance gasp in surprise as he reads the post, he looks at the names and start to rub his temples gathering his wits, his sight got lost on the names as he spots three of them*

For goodness this is no good - he says.

*he inmediately departs murmuring about false leads and Sons in problems*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2009, 04:18:32 am »
A second notice appears
 Authorities at Hlint in consultation with the Temple of Ilsare wish the following to be known.
 Not all Dark Elves are bad. Some follow Azatta viewed with favour at the Temple of Ilsare. In particular the dark Elf known as Iradril has made himself known to the authorities and given account of his previous good actions and associations. Others of this group have made account of themselves too and that has been duly recorded.
 Citizens across Mistone are advised to be on the lookout for shady persons who hide their faces and report suspicious characters to their local authorities. Historically the presence of large numbers of Dark Elves near Hlint has led to bad things.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2009, 10:34:22 am »
**mutters to himself and heads towards Spellguard**

You make a mention of Az'atta, and everyone tosses you on the wagon...  

Not that Lucinda and Az'atta and Ilsare aren't all on good terms... Didn't they see the Lucindite holy symbol about my neck when I talked to them earlier?   *sighs*


Re: Hlint
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2009, 10:51:41 am »
*Chakar reads the post and manages to stifle a chuckle at the latest about Iradril. Then he walks past and mumbles to himself*

"My my Iradril, never took you for a woman... Really, so bad eyes on the local citizenship that they might be considered blind."


Re: Hlint
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2009, 11:08:31 am »
One of the named individuals of interest was once again the subject of a bard's attention, this time a bard of Leringard.
 Razeriem, womaniser, sculptor, and adventurer was seen to be dallying at his doorstep with a woman who promptly put a knife between his ribs and fled the scene.
 The report states that late one night, the door to 125 Leringard opened and a man wearing a red, short sleeved shirt and tight blue trousers and a smaller woman, hooded but dressed in a gold long sleeved jacket and black trousers, came out of the house with their arms around each other. The passers-by reported that they looked as if they had been recently amorously engaged. As they entered the street, the woman stood on her toes to reach up and kiss the man, and he responded.

The report goes on to say that the woman appears to have disengaged and said something to the man, but it was said too quietly to be made out. She then seems to have taken a dagger from behind her back, and stabbed him with it. Some report a single thrust; others say several thrusts. One of the passers-by said the blade seemed to have a slight greenish tinge to it.

The man fell to the ground, and at that the woman ran off into a neighbouring alleyway and disappeared into the night.

The passers-by approached the man cautiously, probably afraid of becoming involved (Razeriem has the dubious reputation as a womaniser and sculptor in some quarters) so perhaps they hesitated too long to help him. As they approached slowly, one said they distinctly heard him utter the one word, "why". He then gasped a final, shuddering breath then rolled over, face towards his house. As they moved to help him, he vanished.
They looked about, and although they could find a pool of blood where he had fallen, the body had gone. One said that they had heard of this and that his body will have gone to his god for judgement.


A full description of the deceased follows which makes the identification of the man as the sculptor known as Razeriem definite.

A full description of the woman follows: 5ft to 5ft 6in tall, light to heavy build, gold hood and coat and black trousers.

 Whether this event relates to the previous is not known to the writer.


Re: Hlint
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2009, 04:48:50 pm »
*somebody adds to the notice*

"No no, you got it backwards.  Razeriem is a sculptinizer and a woman."


Re: Hlint
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2009, 05:02:35 pm »
*Mearden grumbles as he reads the notice, then Stalks off to the docks... Perhaps removing himself from the continent for a while will do him some good...*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Hlint
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2009, 06:39:19 pm »
*Argos comes into the town with resolute look, he glares at one of the posts and  moves towards the town center, looking for the courts that administer justice, his holy symbol shown all over his necklace, he tries to keep his calm look , but he is obviously shocked *

*As politely as he can, he asks for an audience to one of the dispensators of Justice, he speak slowly to the man, about the issue, finally he presents himself a Document to the Marshall*


To Hlint autorities :

I Argos Stargazer, in toran's grance present this letter with the intention of vouching for some of the elves caught in the autority eye:

The person I am speaking is Miss Tyillaan , I can vouch for knowing her since some time ago, she is decent and kind soul, who is not guilty of no other thing than had born with the skin of evil, yet her soul is white and pure as the most white snow of the Brech mountains on the The middle of Decilar,

She has lived in sacrifice and has reached the enlightment of Az'atta. the Redemptres, I am sure the main temple in Sedenia kindom would speak greatly of her service and dedication.

I understand your fears, but this lady had done anything wrong to anyone, I am not asking you to like her, I just ask you that with justice you leave her alone to walk the path that is dificult enough. The path of redemption is not an easy one. I ask you for your sense of justice, and for your sence of goodness.

As For the other Milady Alzira, I have not to say a lot, she is a well respected servant of the comunity, its true that her values and respect for this court are not the best, and are generally frowned upon her dedication to her devotion, But to be fair, you can't deny that she has lived to serve this town and help with its needs, And now the actions of this staining to his name has affected her family as well as the well known schulpor Razariem is part of his family, how do you think that such lady would do that to her family,

I am able to answer to any of your questions, I present myself to defend what I wrote in this letter.

~Argos Stargazer. Under The hand of Virtue Justice-

*Once finished with the letter he stays to finish with the paperwork, and stay if needed for interrogation. *


Re: Hlint
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2009, 07:26:44 pm »
With sly smile, DarthirĂ¢e Zhalberen folds away her umbrella, and writes her own missive to the authorities.
To Whom It May Concern,

While telling the difference between good and evil Dark Elves is difficult for mere mortals such as us, the Gods themselves are far more discerning.

I would suggest, therefore, that any elf who covers his or her skin completely should be immediately escorted under armed guard to the temple of Ilsare, where the priestesses may ask the goddess her opinion of that individual.

Those that worship gods that Ilsare considers an Enemy should be stripped of their disguise and, if dark, indefinitely detained, or subject to other lawful punishment.

For this reason: the Goddess of Love only hates two deities that are legal to worship in Mistone: Aragen - Lord of Logic, and Vorax - dwarven God of War.  Dark elves worship neither, so by process of elimination, you know that if Ilsare hates them, they are your mortal enemy, and likely are spies scouting for an invasion, or searching for places to kidnap the poor children of Hlint.

I offer this information guided by only the highest of principals, and hope it is acted upon before anything terrible happens.

- Lady Z--------
She laughs quietly.   "That ought to keep them busy."


Re: Hlint
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2009, 02:47:34 pm »
*Fenthon adds his own notices*

"Be certain to interrogate cloaked individuals under the strictest quarantine procedures.  Many out there hide their features due not to race, but also disfiguring diseases such as leprosy, plague, pox and various other maladies.  Wearing a facemask and gloves at all times should be standard medical practice during times of outbreak, as well as vigilant separation between the afflicted and the infected.  I suggest also the practice of warning bells around the necks of all contagious individuals, as well as water barrels away from the wells for such persons to make use of, so that they do not spread disease to the rest of the population.  Boil your tools of the trade regularly adventurers, particularly your killing instruments which come in contact with the blood of tribal species.  Make use of alchemical disinfectants and wash your hands regularly, bathe at least once per day keeping the scalp free of lice and using soap.  Proper hygiene is imperative to good health, just as much as exercise and nutrition.  The temple of Ilsare should be helpful in acquiring soaps and shampoos for regular hygienic upkeep and medical disinfectants."

-Dr. Quill, Medical Practitioner


Re: Hlint
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2009, 12:11:28 pm »
*and scribbled underneath Fenthon's neat script is the following*
 Oar take two pain killers an' consult an alchemist oar a cleric if it isni any better in ra mornin'.
 Always read ra label.