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Author Topic: Throughout Layonara ....  (Read 669 times)


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2009, 07:15:08 pm »
*Wren hears the news and travels to Vhel to visit the last resting place of one of the few men he feared*
 Your words were sharper then any blade that ever cut me low.
 *he then goes and breaks a 6 years sober*

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2009, 07:46:59 pm »
*Trenton lays some flowers to show respect and greets those who he knows*

I had many a business dealing with this one, he seemed crazy at times, but was always true to his word when making a deal.

//Sorry about Ark


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2009, 07:53:09 pm »
*Ni'haer watches the scene at a great distance in one of the walls of Fort Vehl. He is silent and remains still, his eyes rest upon the grave ever so meticulously before leaving.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2009, 09:12:58 pm »
*Lance pass thru the memorial over Vehl , he carries his hand to his chest, not in pain for the loss, but as rememberance of something he lost, he pass over the place and do a small prayer upon the resting place*

I did not know you well, but I won't shed tears i don't feel *he speaks softly* yet , you did a great service to this town, and that I respect Arkolio Salvorre, I hope that your good deeds allows you to spare the mercy of the gods.

*He then do another small prayer and keep his way to the docks*

// OCCly Sorry to hear mate, Ark seriously will be missed.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2009, 09:26:31 pm »
upon hearing the news Beli is at a loss for words, something Arkolio never was.

//OOC I'm sorry to see Ark go


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2009, 11:16:28 pm »
*Brian opens a small blood red book and scratches out the name of Arkolio*

A shame, but eh there is others in here.

*The smallest smile can be barely seen on his lips as he fades out of sight.*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2009, 05:14:16 am »
*Personally and with a heavy heart Sasha travels to the Salvorre Estates in Katherian to meet with Arkolio's father in law and his now widowed wife to bring them the sad news.*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2009, 08:58:00 am »
Benjamin and Aylana gather in front of the memorial and have a whispered conversation as Ben sips from his flask, "I never met the man, but I'm wagerin he won't be mayor of this fine town now, Lana.  When I go, none of this, jest have a quiet drink instead"  With that, Ben hoists his flask and toasts Ark's memory.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2009, 11:26:06 am »
The small woman in red looks at the flowers and well wishers and stops to think.

She takes a note, recently penned, from her pocket and tears it into a hundred pieces and throws it into the nearby trash barrel. Unseen by her, a small fragment escapes to flutter onto the nearby ground.

She walks over to the memorial and places a single red rose on it and says in a very low voice, 'Sum people might miss ye, Boss, an' ah knows ah will, but by Shadon's teeth, ye've left us a heck o' a mess. Ah better round up ra team oar this place might fall apart,' and she walks away into the shadows and is gone from sight.

Some time later, a passerby spots a piece of litter on the ground, and in true civic fashion such as would make Arkolio proud, picks it up and throws it into the waste barrel. As it vanishes from sight, he briefly wonders what the word "Razer..." might have met, then he sees his wife and thoughts of litter and strange words vanish from his mind.

//OOC Some will miss Arkolio and some may not. We WILL miss Pseudonym if he uses this as an opportunity to leave however, so please continue to play - you liven my games up no end. :)


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2009, 11:27:21 am »
*news of the fallen travels quickly, even out to sea

*Abi hangs her head a moment after hearing the news as crews yammer on about it as they unload their cargo from ship to another under Hestus watchful gaze

Well...he seemed nice enough the couple of times i met him. And he did alot for Vehl. Didnt seem so dark and grimy while he was around.

*As she returns to her duties she muses to herself " I should send Lord Reaver and his mistress some flowers when i get back. I know they'll miss him alot."


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2009, 03:28:44 pm »
*A woman clad in dark purple and a man wearing armor and a lot of blue, including a blue cloak with a clasp shaped like the symbol for Fort Hurix and a symbol of Lucinda on the back. They stay for quite a while but their conversation is mostly between themselves and kept low to not disturb the mourning women*

Amanda: "Guess I should have gotten some flowers"

*Storold nods a little to Amanda, bending down to take a look at the book in front of the memorial. Amanda squats down next to Storold and does the same, Storold wrapping his arm around her as she joins him. Amanda sighs reading the pages..*

Storold: "I guess I don't come much around here... But I heard he did a lot for the town"

*Amanda nods a little to Storold*

Storold: "I guess Ami knew him better than you did?"

Amanda: "I think so.. I had only met him a couple of times."

Amanda: "I have to wonder how Trouble has taken the news"

*Storold nods a little*

Storold: "He knew him?"

Amanda: "Trouble called him his uncle"

*Storold nods a little again*

Storold: "I think that the Tempest family made some of this happen"

Amanda: "It wouldn't surprise me"

Storold: "Uh.. You know the things here of course, not the reason"

*Storold sighs to himself*

Storold: "Angela and Alantha knew him quite well too"

Amanda: "I wonder if they have heard"

Storold: "They hear everything that goes on, especially something like this"

*Amanda keeps very close to Storold as she nods and talks softly with him*

Storold:"Pity that all the great heroes end like this... I am sure that Ark would have done a lot more had he been allowed to see another year or even decade"

*Amanda sighs softly moving her eyes from the book up to Storold. Storold bows his head in respect stading in front of the statue. Amanda stands quietly next to Storold in front of the statue. After some time Storold looks up and mumbles a brief prayer to himself*

Storold: "Lady of Spells, I know this man hasn't been much for religion or have seen much of your splendour in life.. However I ask you to continue to shine your light and gifts on him as you do on everyone else.. Living and dead"

*Amanda's eyes begin to fill slowly as she listens to Storold's prayer. Storold wraps his arms around Amanda and looks to the shrine again*

Storold: "He was a great man and he will be missed amoung our ranks.. From this day forward and into eternity"

*Storold kisses Amanda's cheek softly and looks to her. Amanda keeps one arm wrapped around Storolds and caresses his back gently with her hand. Storold smiles softly to her and then looks back to the statue*

Amanda: "Times like this makes you realize how fragilie life is.."

*Storold nods a little to Amanda and reaches for her hand looking to her again. Amanda looks up to Storold and speaks softly*

Amanda: "Do you want to find a spot to sit a while?"

*Storold nods a little*

Storold Doesscha: Maybe we should go back[/color]

*Amanda motions to the benches. As they walk away Storold looks back a final time and sighs. Having stayed in town for a while, sitting on a bench a bit of way from the statue, Storold and Amanda both activate their tomes and are gone...*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2009, 03:47:57 pm »
*Gabriel arcs a brow at the news, but never truly knowing Arkolio, he is not slighted in the least.*

well... I woulda voted for him...

*He heads off to the docks in search of a ship hiring a sell-sword or even an extra pair of hands.*

// :(

// don't you leave us! D:<


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2009, 07:58:30 pm »
*Fehriel hears the news then sigh, and as he scratches Arkolio's name off of his order list*

Great.. all this silver for nothing...


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2009, 08:14:27 pm »
Thomas sits easily on the rooftop in the evening shadows smirking lightly.

"silly humans didnt even leave anything worth taking once they were gone, maybe the dead fellow was one of those poor folk they all cheer for"

casting his gaze to the starry sky, he waits for the crowd to disperse before slipping into the deeper shadows of the town.....

//didnt play with you much IC Pseudo but if you run you will be hunted down and chained to the computer

Lord Dark

Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2009, 08:41:23 pm »
//I had fun reading the forums and seeing everything he's been doing (the different time zones didn't let me play with him much either), pretty sad that he had to go... :(


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2009, 06:05:12 am »
Arkolio is dead - long live Arkolio

*Posted on the outside of buidlings in Vehl*

To all residents of Vehl, we regret the passing of Arkolio, but his will lives on and you can go about your business as normal without fear of let or hinderance. The bank will be open for business as usual.

The town will not condone any unlawful activites within it's environs and any such breaches will be dealt with quickly and summarily.

~~ duchess

*Written in small print underneath*
Arkolio's old business partners can contact duchess to renegotiate deals.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2009, 07:43:41 am »
It is not until some time after Arkolio Salvorre, formerly Arkolio de'Averlain, has passed that word of the news reaches a certain dark haired sorceress who finds herself once again walking the lands. She makes her way to a certain table in a certain inn, and orders two drinks, though one sits untouched in front of her. Her face is thoughtful as she stares down into the tawny liquid in her glass, and wistful and a little sad. She murmurs to herself as she raises the glass to her lips, perhaps drawing a few strange glances ... but then sorceresses have been known to be a strange lot.

"Ah, clever one ... a lodestone for greatness, was it? Smooth words, even if we both knew I did not believe them.

No regrets, Arkolio, save one: that we will not meet again on this side of the veil. Keep your secrets a little longer then, and I shall keep mine. This is but a stalemate."

She smiles a little, drinking down enough of the amber liquid to feel the heat spread through her. Very softly as she sets the glass down, she murmurs again.

"We will meet and play again, when the time comes. Until then, rest well. There were none quite like you."

She takes a coin from a pocket to pay for the drink, and appears to roll it over her knuckles and back before setting it down on the table, using illusion to do what the man could do in life. She stands then, and makes her way through the crowd to the door, not once looking back.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2009, 08:51:37 am »
*A man with two scimitars in sheathes on his belt is seen visiting the memorial place, and with a determined nod he leaves the place... Only to return days later to bring a single flower, that he lays on the bed of flowers with a sigh.
Some of those knowledgeable to the nature of florae would recognize the flower being a Desert Firstbloom Wildflower*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2009, 01:30:33 pm »
Somewhere on Layonara, in a room that most people would call dark, something moves.


Once again, if we had been able to see in the darkness, the figure would walk towards the ancient, elegant desk.

The figure picks up a little scorpion figurine again, looks at it for a brief moment. His right index finger makes a brief gesture at the figurine and its legs seem to twist, shorten or break.

If we were able to see him, we would see a brief smile play upon his face as he places the figurine back onto the desk, in yet another different position.

"Not yet done indeed." he whispers as he brusquely turns around and leaves the room again.

