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Author Topic: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters  (Read 127420 times)


To S. A.,Malar bags are each
« Reply #640 on: January 25, 2014, 07:59:33 pm »

To S. A.,

Malar bags are each 22,936 trues.  If you buy three at the same time, you will receive a 15% discount, bringing the total price to 58,487 trues.

Ferrit Pandorn



That is agreeable... please
« Reply #641 on: January 25, 2014, 08:30:04 pm »

That is agreeable... please send word when complete.




*Wimkin buys a cold weapon
« Reply #642 on: January 26, 2014, 01:25:02 am »

*Wimkin buys a cold weapon enhancement of the 4th circle and a silver enhancement of the 3rd circle and leaves 17,100 true (19,000 -10% for two items)*



Gromak buys type II cold for
« Reply #643 on: January 31, 2014, 12:55:59 am »

Gromak buys type II cold for 3000



Hello Angel's Guild!I am
« Reply #644 on: January 31, 2014, 01:03:59 am »

Hello Angel's Guild!

I am pleased to report that the diamond ring I bought from you is beautiful and well worth the 5875 true I spent for it!  I am most grateful for the fine work you did custom fitting it for my finger, otherwise it would have been a diamond bracelet.  Anyhow please stock up on more as I intend to save up for another one in the future!  Hugs and kisses!

-Annie Firefly



Picking up a type IV Fire
« Reply #645 on: February 01, 2014, 12:12:00 am »

Picking up a type IV Fire Weapon Stick fer Skullcleaver's Bride.  It be thar Anniversary and Skullcleaver wanted ter git her somethin sweet.  Left yer 12000 true in the chest.  All of it be bloodmoney, so watch that it dun sully yer sweet Angelic souls, HAR!

-Kurn Blackwater


PS> I Drank a few of yer free beers and ate a roast, so I stuffed yer rightmost barter chest full of pie stuffin and hops fer ye to make more.  Aint fer credit, consider it a donation.



*Boris comes stumbling in. He
« Reply #646 on: February 02, 2014, 04:41:55 am »

*Boris comes stumbling in. He has a red and green porcupine like  appearance with a multitude of different arrows sticking out of him, sharing space with a few throwing axes and throwing daggers.  In his condition he could easily serve well as a walking coat rack, a great addition for any wintertime party. His huffing and puffing, has a cruel wheeze to it.

He slowly makes his way to a chest and proceeds to fill it up with a quantity of iron,  and gold nuggets, and, greenstone gems, bags of sand, and a small assortment of other gems and ores. as well as some 740 trues.*

Ugh! Um in too bad a shape to count all this out right now. Ah jis drop it all off 'n sort it out when ah recover....

* He pulls out an  already bloody rag and wipes his blood stains from the floor and leaves.*

The items are:

25 Greenstone@ 28 ttrue each =700

50 bags of sand at 30 true each = 1500

five fire opals, ( not sure of the value?)

four copper ingots (if you want them)

nine iron nuggets at 50 true each = 450

seven gold nuggets at 50 true each = 350

and 740 true

all told valued at 3,890true - 1453 true I owed= 2,437 true in Credit. (unless you tell me otherwise)



*Boris drops off 23 nuggets
« Reply #647 on: February 04, 2014, 01:50:37 pm »

*Boris drops off 23 nuggets of coal, valued at 50 true each, as well as a small cash deposit of 290 true, all together totaling (1150 coal + 290 true = 1440) Added to his previous total of 2437 credit = 3877 in credit)*


* He begins to start counting on his claws to try to figure it all out*

let's see that must mean I should have at least 20 true in the store credit....


* It is plain that his math is more than just bad*



Boris enters covered in white
« Reply #648 on: February 06, 2014, 09:06:43 pm »

Boris enters covered in white feathers melded with occasional splotches of red blood stains. The greater mass of the feathers seem to cluster more around his helmet and breastplate, but there are an ample amount strewn all about him as well. Many flutter into the air and ultimately to the floor as he walks. He makes his way to the chests and the feathers follow him as they fall. Feathers flitter freely as they follow like free falling fire flies or fairies....


He carries several bags and two large boxes. He makes his deposit. 


14 sand at T30 each equals T420. Two boxes of salt at T350 each equals T700. Adding the two together equals 1,120 true in credit.

When added to his previous balance of T5,227 his new balance becomes T6,347

//Or at least that's my best guess.

He lets out a quick fart as he is leaving. It is not a giant "wallop"  that might be more fitting of his nature, rather a friendly "toot" as if it were a nicety or a greeting.




*riley wanders in and pays
« Reply #649 on: February 08, 2014, 10:45:30 am »

*riley wanders in and pays with hard earned true moaning and graoning*  //yellow belly boots 5k left in same chest ,cold enhancement 7k left in same chest ,pranzt officers armour 23031k 75% of lens value left in same chest



Angels Guild,Oi would loike
« Reply #650 on: February 09, 2014, 09:12:24 am »

Angels Guild,

Oi would loike te purchase sum Cobalt Full Plate an' a Cobalt Tower Shield from ye. Let me know when it's ready te be picked up; Oi saw te proice in te chest an' have te funds te cover it.

Sigurd Stronginthearmsson



Master Walters,Please send or
« Reply #651 on: February 10, 2014, 10:55:45 am »

Master Walters,

Please send or show me the full description of the Prantz Officer's Armor.  I may be able to adjust the price.

Ferrit Pandorn, Angels Guild


Dorax Windsmith

*Grogmegor makes a purchase*1
« Reply #652 on: February 11, 2014, 01:19:46 pm »

*Grogmegor makes a purchase*

1 Silver Foil rapier leaving 15,000 true in the same chest

1 Electrical IV weapon enhancement leaving 9300 true in the same chest (15,000 + 12000 = 27000  giving 2700 for the 2 item 10% discount)



Boris delivers a small
« Reply #653 on: February 11, 2014, 02:42:58 pm »

Boris delivers a small collection of goods

20 silver tipped oak Raven tail arrows ?

4 coal at 50 each equals 200

three ancient dire bear skins 200 each? Equals 600?

two green stones at 28 each equals 56

three bags of sand at 30 each equals 90

one box of salt at 350 


Total value approximately 1240 in credit. 


//assuming you want any or all of it : )




Master Clawfoot,Ancient dire
« Reply #654 on: February 13, 2014, 08:29:37 pm »

Master Clawfoot,

Ancient dire bear is not often needed.  I allowed 20 trues per skin for what you brought, but I do not need more.



Borris shows up wearing a
« Reply #655 on: February 17, 2014, 07:26:41 pm »

Borris shows up wearing a crudely stitched together tiger skin cape. It looks as if it had been stitched to gather with gnome hairs. Oddly, it clearly hasn't been cured. 


He takes a fire protection valued at 5720, uses 5720 in credit subtracted from his 6347 previous credit his new credit becomes 627 true.


The smell of the uncured tiger skin cape is pungent. Fortunately he leaves quickly.



*Borris comes wandering in
« Reply #656 on: February 22, 2014, 02:18:28 pm »

*Borris comes wandering in looking perplaxed.*

Hey! Ah gotta question fer yew! How much is dem Horns ah Soundings yew got in yer 'Majiks what everyone kin use' chest?




Horn of Sounding is 6000
« Reply #657 on: February 22, 2014, 04:49:43 pm »

Horn of Sounding is 6000 trues, Borris.  It makes painful sound.



The door to the shop opens
« Reply #658 on: February 24, 2014, 10:59:22 am »

The door to the shop opens then closes.

It opens again, closes, opens and a muddied, bloodied, terribly battered boot props it just  enough to keep it from closing.

After a moment of shuffling and deep voiced grumbling, the huge head of a lion at first seems to be leering in to the room through the opening. At once some patrons of the shop shreik and gasp in response!

The head wobbles and bobbles in the doorway for an all too uncomfortable moment. As it does a clearer examination reveals the eyes of the lion are infact glossed over and unable to leer at anything anymore.

The door opens further to reveal Borris struggling to inch through the narrow doorway with the carcass of a fully grown Lion drapped over his shoulder.

The shop keep barks at him.


Borris shifts the position of the lion so he can see the shopkeep better. The head flops from one side to the other almost apearing to make faces of protest as a result.


The shop keep slaps a hand to his face and shakes his head.

"Must you...? ...? ...Ugh!"

Borris looks around thickly within his own density. The lions head trails his movements.

"What!? Ah wanna git yer horn ah sound'n!"

He produces a purse propping the lions weight as he does. As the lion is being shifted around clumsily it almost looks as if it is frowning at you.

"6000 True! Ya?'

The shop keep ever so quickly takes the purse, grabs the horn from the chest, shovels it in to Borris's free hand and attempts to huddle Borris and the lion toward the door.

"There! now please, please remove this creature from my estabolishment!"

Borris half protests, but begins to shuffle in the direction of the door.

"Don worry! He ain' gonna bite no one!"

"Yes! Yes! Out! Out!"

"Aye! Aye!"

He exits slowly, struggling to fit both he and the lion back through the doorway. As he exits the lions head flops about dangling limply with it's toungue sticking out almost as it it were giving you a gesture.

Everyone in the shop sigh's in relief as the door closes behind him.







Borris enters wearing a white
« Reply #659 on: February 25, 2014, 11:52:52 am »

Borris enters wearing a white robe, a white bath cap of sorts and white slippers. His face is covered by some type of sweet smelling loam. The sweet smell of the loam is tempered  by the cantankerous smell of the cigar he is smoking. He quickly deposits 8 newly shaped ingots of platinum into one of the chests. Valued at 200 per piece, they add 1600 to his total of 627 True, giving him a total of 2227T in store credit. 


He reaches inside the white robe and pulls out a bottle of Willowisp whiskey and proceeds to pour some into a glass which he produces from another pocket.  He sniffs the glass with delight and exits. Just as the door shuts behind him you hear him begin to sing a song in his crude awful voice.


"....Errr Ah love's ta go swimming' with.... Mur mur mur mur mur...."