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Author Topic: Left handed players  (Read 7913 times)


Left handed players
« on: April 29, 2006, 10:31:50 am »
I am not sure if it would be practical or how hard it would be, but I am left handed in r/l and think it would be cool if I could create a left handed character.  The swords would be switched and there would be minimal bonus/penalties to attack and defend based on the strong hand being switched.  Just a thought since 25% of the population is actually left handed in r/l.
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Re: Left handed players
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2006, 10:38:49 am »
That's a pretty high %, curious where'd you hear that?

This sort of request is impossible, sorry.


Re: Left handed players
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2006, 09:34:26 pm »
It's impossible for NWN1, at least. No idea about 2, yet.

But anyway, I always thought the ratio was about 1:7, lefties to righters.

Though there have been studies that show that Lefties are statistically smarter than Righters; at a place like Layo, we're more likely to have a ratio closer to 1:3 than 1:7.

Yosemite Sam

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    Re: Left handed players
    « Reply #3 on: April 30, 2006, 05:05:25 am »
    We dont need any of those gauche types here! Remember they are all sinister.  Its a plot!

    I dont recall seeing any statistics about them being smarter, but I do recall they lead shorter lives.

    (Note: both of my brothers and one of my sisters are lefties.  I never could see what the problem playing lefties in sports was supposed to be).


    Re: Left handed players
    « Reply #4 on: April 30, 2006, 12:14:30 pm »
    Yosemite Sam - 4/30/2006  5:05 AM

    (Note: both of my brothers and one of my sisters are lefties.  I never could see what the problem playing lefties in sports was supposed to be).

    have to agree with you on that one. Im left-handed, and i never had any problem in sports or anything else for that matter *shrugs* if anything then its a slight advangede since a left-handed are used to playing against a right-handed,


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    Re: Left handed players
    « Reply #5 on: May 27, 2006, 04:44:07 pm »
    heh reminds me of Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 where magically whatever weapon you were holding would jump from one hand to another by the way you were standing


    Re: Left handed players
    « Reply #6 on: May 27, 2006, 10:29:37 pm »
    I'm just happy I can play guitar left-handed here like Ziggy Stardust.


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      RE: Left handed players
      « Reply #7 on: May 30, 2006, 01:24:03 pm »
      Power to the left hand! *salutes with his left hand*

      Curse scissors, writing from left to right, and everything else that right handers do that makes life hard for us!

      10% I heard a few years ago from somewhere
      10-12% of the population is left handed according to fox news

      not much else on the ratio that I found, either way

      Power to the left hand!!

      Ziggy played guitar jamming good with weird and gilly, and the spiders from mars, he played it left handed...



      Re: Left handed players
      « Reply #8 on: May 30, 2006, 03:03:11 pm »
      Keep in mind, a lot of righties might actually be retrained "lefties" I was a left handed child in Kindergarten and was "taught" (e.g. forced) to write with my right. This could skew the results but at least one out of 4 million people :) In the end, some years later I found out why I was so ambidexterious (I draw and write with both hands, sometimes at the same time, now to just train my feet and I'll be a regulr thri-kreen). As much as I'd like to pee in the teachers cheerioes for following dated dogma, I can only laugh at the situation.

      Just rp that your holding things in your left. Sometimes its hard to get over the visual aspect, I like to rp gods after all only see an easily killed gobo before me (j/k).


      Re: Left handed players
      « Reply #9 on: May 30, 2006, 03:29:11 pm »
      lonnarin - 5/27/2006  10:29 PM

      I'm just happy I can play guitar left-handed here like Ziggy Stardust.

      I've always played right handed, even though I am a leftie. I've always found that strainge, I tried it left handed and found it impossible.


      Re: Left handed players
      « Reply #10 on: May 30, 2006, 06:05:25 pm »
      I'm a lefty by training for writing only, everything else I am right handed in.  My older sister couldn't stand to be the only lefty in the family so she needed to teach me how to...:)

      Thunder Pants

      Re: Left handed players
      « Reply #11 on: May 30, 2006, 06:45:57 pm »
      i'm a lefty for everything except scissers, because left handed scissors are so horrible that i had to learn to use right handed scissors and i got used to that

      the odd thing is that my stronger foot is my right (used to play soccer and kick better with my right) so while i'm left handed, i'm right footed


      Re: Left handed players
      « Reply #12 on: May 30, 2006, 09:59:56 pm »
      it is theorized that because while left-handedness is present in around 10-12% of the regular population, but 90%+ in twins, that lefthandedness is actually the result of having shared the womb with a twin.  

      Though most people site genetics, I believe that rather than being born, the child is slain by the other who binds their immortal soul to their left hand.  This hand-soul is then tapped for magical power, or traded to demons on the dark planes for favors... hence the rise in frequency of left-handedness in witchery, political and rockstar populations.  Such would also explain the cursed monkey paw, being the result of a murderous embryonic alpha in a litter of sextuplets.  Having slain the other 5 brothers and sisters, demon-monkey possesses a wish for every finger, a soul for every demonic favor.  True to their form, all the wishes are cursed and come to fruitation in only the most tragic of manners, like when granted by GMs.  Evidenced by its decapitated state, the hand even foiled the demon-monkey himself when he asked for more wishes... the demon chopped off the monkey's hand, made him fat, bald and cleaned out his bank account, proclaiming "there, now you wish you hadn't have asked that. You said nothing about granting more wishes, just having more of them!"


      Re: Left handed players
      « Reply #13 on: May 31, 2006, 08:21:27 am »
      Fatherchaos - 5/30/2006  6:03 PM

      Keep in mind, a lot of righties might actually be retrained "lefties" I was a left handed child in Kindergarten and was "taught" (e.g. forced) to write with my right. This could skew the results but at least one out of 4 million people :) In the end, some years later I found out why I was so ambidexterious (I draw and write with both hands, sometimes at the same time, now to just train my feet and I'll be a regulr thri-kreen). As much as I'd like to pee in the teachers cheerioes for following dated dogma, I can only laugh at the situation.

      Just rp that your holding things in your left. Sometimes its hard to get over the visual aspect, I like to rp gods after all only see an easily killed gobo before me (j/k).

      *points up* Yap, My mommy forced the pencils , pens, crayons, forks..Everything into my right hand, because left handers are OBVIOUSLY the Devil's children. *rolls her eyes* My mother was crazy...

      I wanted a left handed character for my Drow, but , as was previously stated, I guess its impossible *frowns*


      Re: Left handed players
      « Reply #14 on: May 31, 2006, 11:46:28 am »
      I write and cut with my left hand... I just have finer motor control there. A lot of other things, though, I do with my right, or at least in the traditional configuration.

      Playing guitar, for example. I don't have the flexibility or speed in my right hand to press the right frets, and seeing as I was taught to play traditionally... It's just easier for me. Playing FPSes... I can strafe like a god, and I've taught my wrist and arm how to aim well enough that I'm pretty darn good. I kick with my right leg. It's just stronger. I play Trumpet traditionally... The thing's designed to have the valves pressed by the right set of fingers, and I learned that way. I've tried playing leftie, but it's much harder, and I don't have the muscle memory.

      I figure that if I'd been forced to learn how to write with my right hand, I'd be ambidextrous instead of caury-fisted.


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        RE: Left handed players
        « Reply #15 on: May 31, 2006, 07:31:00 pm »
        Here's what I do with each hand
        Parents tried to make me a righty, ha! that didn't last too long

        When I played guitar for a short while, it was all lefty.

        Now I'm an ambidextrous drummer (left hand for hi hat, right hand for ride usually, easier to use closest hand)

        I've tried writing right handed, didn't go too well (that doesn't mean I don't do it when my left hand gets tired)

        I hate how binders are set up, and doing it backwards doesn't work, confuses everyone, so my handwriting is hardly readable before this...if I don't take stuff out of my binder, I can barely read it

        Baseball I gave up trying to hit it left handed, no one knew where to throw it for left handers, gave up and did it right hand.

        Jump lefty for high jump

        Computer is done right handed

        yeah, thats pretty much everything I can think of...

        Power to the Left Hand!



        Re: Left handed players
        « Reply #16 on: June 02, 2008, 01:37:26 pm »
        I realize I am way behind on this response.  I am left handed.  I play guitar right handed and do pretty much everything else left handed.  Oddly, I throw a Frisbee right-handed...

        Anyway, I read this article that said 22% of the population carries the gene which allows them to potentially be left handed.  Of those, it's 50-50 who actually turns out to be left handed.  So, at birth, 11% of the population turns out to be left-handed.

        But, then I read another article that said at age 40, only 8.5% of the population is left handed.  The article said that it was likely due to learned behavior.

        My theory is that left-handed people die in stupid accidents as we try to live in a right-handed world.  I made it to forty, but personally have nearly killed myself attempting to use a right handed chainsaw and nearly chopped off a few fingers with a right handed hedge clipper...


        Re: Left handed players
        « Reply #17 on: June 02, 2008, 04:06:09 pm »

        Well, since we're working on a new game and all, can we have the option to select our handedness? I understand that would literally double the number of things our avatars would have to be capable of, but... *Shrug.*


        Re: Left handed players
        « Reply #18 on: June 02, 2008, 08:06:28 pm »
        I hate scissors...


        Re: Left handed players
        « Reply #19 on: June 02, 2008, 10:11:41 pm »
        Quote from: Makashi
        I hate scissors...

        In Soviet Russia, SCISSORS hate YOU!!!

        Well. And everywhere else, for that matter.

