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Author Topic: Layonara Drinking Game  (Read 502 times)


Layonara Drinking Game
« on: September 20, 2006, 08:14:33 pm »
This ain't serious first of all, its just for laughs , and poking fun at the stereotypes of the server...well, you'll see.. Feel free to add on!

1 Drink whenever a Drow is welcome or accepted in Hlint (2 if accepted by dwarf, 3 by elf, 10 if said elf forms romantic bond with said drow. 20 if Drow ad elf are same sex)
1 Drink whenever someone alludes to a tragic past
1 Drink for every child born onto two adventurers
1 Drink for every marriage between adventurers (2 if the marriage is interracial)
1 Drink for every hypocritical statement (2 if its NOT said by a cleric or paladin)
1 Drink for every torrent love affair spotted on server
1 Drink for every non elf speaking elven

Guardian 452

Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 09:44:03 pm »
Aww come on you missed....

1 drink for every *nod* you get from a passer by.
1 drink everytime you see Erag NOT inside the Wildsurge Inn.
5 drinks if you witness Garent do something UESEFULL!




RE: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2006, 12:53:05 pm »
and 1 drink for everytime you log on (helps you rp better, and people can't hear you slurr)


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2006, 01:32:14 pm »
Oh, my... I would be drunk 24/7 if I followed your guidelines! :)


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2006, 02:49:27 pm »
1 Drink whenever someone misclicks Rest.

1 Drink whenever a DM drops something nasty on you. (You'll need it.)

1 Drink whenever Brisbane threatens to eat Pyyran.

1 Drink whenever Pyyran gets killed. (Two if by a fellow partymember. Three if from one of his own scrolls or wands.)


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 03:34:16 pm »
Take three shots of tequila when a high level duelist flies into the air in an acrobatic attack, lands on your head, and does 228 damage.

Chase with a beer when someone gets you with a heal potion so you can still laugh about it with 4 HP.


RE: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2006, 06:46:29 pm »
One drink for every tell that got said in party or talk accidentally...

Two drinks if it's about someone in the party or immediate vicinity...

Three drinks if said person is a GM.


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2006, 08:00:44 pm »
Two immediately spring to mind, i'm sure there will be more later -  I can see this is a line of thought that is going to fester!!

1 drink for every really lame paladin/cleric justification for attacking those creatures. ("they've been known to prey on adventurers . . . I've heard they do")

1 drink for every time a wizard or sorceror magic missiles an already dead monster.

PS. Brilliant post LynnJuniper! :)



Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2006, 08:25:32 pm »
Ok, can't sleep so...

1 drink every time the party mage casts a spell centered on the front line, knowing they're warded, or that the others' reflex save will keep them from taking damage
1 drink for every time a party cleric casts bless
1 drink every time a party member sets off a trap (a chaser if they do it deliberately, in an attempt to disarm it)
2 drinks every time a natural 1 results in the worst case scenario (you'll need them)
2 drinks and a chaser every time a natural 20 isn't "good enough" (you'll need them as well)


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2006, 05:36:27 am »
Heheheheheheh Thanks!

1 Drink for every time a mage puts a buff on a PC that already had that buff put on them by another mage (2 if the second mages Buff is weaker: Ie: GMW +3/VS +5)
1 Drink for every time someone implies or states that Remiel is a womanizer
1 Drink for every time Freldo spams that laugh! ((We'd all be dead there guys :) ))

And Take 5 Shots for every time a Quest would've been solved by the simplest available answer that you thought was too easy and therefore looked over (TRUST me , you'll need it)


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2006, 07:58:28 am »
1 Drink for every wizard who thinks he's a bad-arse Necromancer
1 Drink for every wizard who uses the Stoneskis, Greater Stoneskin, Shadow Sheild, Ethereal Visage combo.
1 Drink for people who switch on and off items before they make checks that should have been instantanious! (+1 drink for every +5 to the skill that the items add.)
1 Shot for every elf that says, "Har!" and thinks it's funny.
1 Drink for every fighter that took 5 levels of rogue. (Take two shots if they used the excuse "He wants to learn where the best places to strike are" in his/her bio.)
1 Drink for every wound that leaves a scar... 2 drinks if it's a really cool looking scar... 5 shots if it's a horribly disfiguring scar... down the entire bottle if it's a debilitating injury.

Last... 1 drink for dwarves in full plate... 2 drinks for dwarves in mail... 2 shots for dwarves in leather... 5 shots for dwarves who think they have a sense of fashion... 10 shots for dwarves named Percy.


RE: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2006, 08:27:57 am »
LynnJuniper - 9/20/2006  11:14 PM
1 Drink whenever a Drow is welcome or accepted in Hlint (2 if accepted by dwarf, 3 by elf, 10 if said elf forms romantic bond with said drow. 20 if Drow ad elf are same sex)

We're talkin' elves here... one would think the 20 would apply only if they were DIFFERENT sexes.



Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2006, 09:10:59 am »
1 shot for insane comments from celgar
2 shots if celgar doesn't summon a golem in battle
whole bottle if he says somethign smart

1 shot for random graves
2 shots if its some one you know
3 shots if its yours
8 shots if its yours the second tme in the same spot because you were busy getting three shots and didn't see the monsters Respawned

one shot when some one uses number in their RP (IE "Oh I have 50 gold in my pouch")

50 shots if some one take the time to spell the numbers out (IE "Well I  have two-hundred gold in my pouch")


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2006, 09:14:54 am »
LynnJuniper - 9/22/2006  8:36 AM

1 Drink for every time someone implies or states that Remiel is a womanizer

I would of been passed out with that one


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2006, 09:53:21 am »
lunchboxkilla - 9/22/2006 12:10 PM 50 shots if some one take the time to spell the numbers out (IE "Well I have two-hundred gold in my pouch")
 Meh, I always spell out my numbers when RPing. Dunno why... I guess I'd have killed off a few dozenLayonarians with 50 shots by now then though.


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2006, 11:00:53 am »
ZeroVega - 9/22/2006  12:53 PM    
lunchboxkilla - 9/22/2006 12:10 PM 50 shots if some one take the time to spell the numbers out (IE "Well I have two-hundred gold in my pouch")
 Meh, I always spell out my numbers when RPing. Dunno why... I guess I'd have killed off a few dozen Layonarians with 50 shots by now then though.
 Ditto.  3 shots for every time the DM misclicks and makes the wrong person Invulnerable. 4 if it's you. 5 if it leads to the best RP of your life. Just knock back the bottle when he tells you you can't RP it. *chuckles* (I still think that's hilarious, by the way.)  1 shot every time someone says "min" IC, referring to minutes. 1 shot every time someone pulls off a voiceset comment, which is then followed by a storm of others. 1 shot every time Ozy spells an important word wrong. 1 shot every time Celgar spells an important word right. 2 shots every time Mith does something intelligent. 10 shots every time Pyyran gets ANYTHING right.  1 shot every time I'm reprimanded by the Team for what I intended as good clean fun.


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2006, 12:02:03 pm »

Alright well Just as a forewarning I was trying NOT to get into Character can we lay off them a bit please thanks? ^_^;


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2006, 12:34:42 pm »
How much is that, one shot? *Looks up at "reprimands from the Team", and cackles.*

1 shot for every time a wizard comes up with a new IC explanation for the Tome of Teleportation.


Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2006, 04:40:59 pm »
What happened to my contribution?  Did it get eaten by the monsters of cyberspace?  *gasp*

1 drink anytime a Tiefling is heard speaking in Cant (5 if they started speaking it after originally speaking normally)
2 drinks if anyone ELSE speaks in Cant
1 drink anytime the response to "What should we do?" is "Let's ask Ozy" (3 if it's during a DM-run quest)
6 drinks anytime a Drow is wielding dual scimitars.  (10 if he's also a ranger.)
A sip everytime phoenetics are needed to understand what someone just said.  (Don't want to get plastered, here.)
2 drinks anytime someone *makes a gesture that eloquently explains precisely the idea they have in mind, regardless of the languages they speak or their INT score*
5 drinks (you'll need 'em) if, after gathering materials, and slogging your way through all the precursor stages... you fail in crafting the item for which you worked so hard.

And finally (though we're safe from this until subraces are allowed again):

4 drinks anytime anyone confuses "half-fiend/celestial" with "tiefling/asimar".

Guardian 452

Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2006, 11:09:07 am »
5 drinks for every person who complains about the looter after the outing... when they themselves turned down the job!