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Author Topic: Project Team Applications open once again  (Read 439 times)


Project Team Applications open once again
« on: October 02, 2005, 03:41:00 pm »
Our project team needs to grow, and I know there are a few of you wanting to give a hand.

You can apply individually or if you have a partner you work well with, feel free to apply as a team.

While we will focus on people with strong NWN skills, we will look at others with strong interest. Sometimes a creative person who can lend some good ideas for story or areas are great additions.

These skills we are looking for include:

    * scripting
    * 2da editting
    * tlk editting
    * area building
    * content creation
    * art submissions
    * fleshing out history

We're looking for people who take initiative yet are not afraid to go back to the drawing board. Keeping a good log of the things they do is important too as is dependability and communication.

I hope many of you look forward to being part of the Project Team here and help build the community you enjoy.

Applications will be open until next Sunday night. Let me know in this thread if you are interested and why and what sort of things you wish to help with. If there is any reason you wish to keep your application private, then PM it to me. I'd also like to see an indication of the experience you have that you think would be an asset to the team. Any samples would be great too, and may even get incorporated into the world. You can email them to me at

Thanks for your interest!


RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2005, 01:38:00 am »

I have been playing on Layonara since the begining of the year, and have, without exception enjoyed it imensely. Now I would really like to put something back into this place that has given me (and my son, who also has some characters here) so much fun.

As to what I can do; I can draw maps, charts and the like, I can create documents etc, that add a look of authenticity to things. I have a reasonable knowledge of how the toolset works, though by no stretch of the imagination, would I call myself proficient in it. I have a vivid imagination, and believe myself to be able to contribute to area building, and even some art submissions. Basically I would like to help in any way possible, to be able  to help others enjoy Layonara like I have. I have played NWN since it was released in the UK, and over the years, I have contributed vast sums of money to the British literary economy by being an avid reader of Fantasty fiction. :)

Examples of my work can be seen in the Maps section of these forums, as well as the Latest Files section, Mistone Visitors guide, and the Campaign Handbook, where I helped write some of the content on Seas and Oceans. Also my Albums contain some of the posters I created for characters and their Businesses. (My personal favourite is the one I did for Klugger the half-giant



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RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2005, 03:26:00 am »

I am very interested in applying for the project team as I feel I have something to add and also very much would like to contribute something to this great place.

Fleshing out history is the area I am most interested in, as I find it fascinating to delve into the world and into the details. Also I have a little experience with area building, the NWN Toolset and modelling in 3DS Max. So this is also areas where I could lend a hand.

I see myself as a good team player. During my studies I worked in project groups for 5 years, so I am used to working with others to solve problems, and I generally get along with people.

I am familiar with neither scripting nor 2da or tlk editing, but I am of course ready to learn.

I have been working with Wintersheart lately on a submission, and we make a good team I think (he will post an application later), but I should be able to work with whoever I need to.

Things I have been involved in the writing of:
- The Storm Horn Tribe (with Reventage, page 264-267 of the Layonara Handbook)
- The Voices of Mist (with Wintersheart, work in progress, submitted to Ed)


RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2005, 06:09:00 am »

I would like to be considered for the Project Team.

I am fairly comfortable in the toolset and know how to build areas. I also know a bit of NWN Script but, being a computer science student, learning more programming proficiencies is always on my mind.

I could also help with fleshing out the history if need be as writing is an enjoyable past time on occasion.

I do not know anything about tlk or 2da editing, although I would love to learn that as well as 3d modeling.

I have loved Layonara since I first joined in June and have been amazed at what the team has done for us. I would very much love the chance to be a part of that team and give back to the community.

Thank you for your consideration,



RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2005, 06:35:00 am »

I have been here since April 05 and have been enjoying every minute.  I have been sending ideas in here and there to Ed but I would like to become involved in a more official capacity.  

As of right now, I can write about just about anything so fleshing out the history and coming up with other ideas is the best place for me.  I have downloaded the CNR haks from NWVault and I am trying to decipher the scripts.  I am familiar with the toolset, but I haven't spent much time with it.  I am playing around with the scripting and toolset in my spare time but any help is always appreciated.  I would be more than happy to work with someone on either the scripting or the toolset as this would be a great way for me to get up to speed.  

As for samples, I have one organization that was incorporated into the handbook (The Order of the Depraved, pp275-276).  I also have a monastic order that I have PM'd to Ed (Path of Elemental Balance).


RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2005, 07:25:00 am »

I could help with graphical content creation. I.E. Icons for resources: (Ruby, diamonds ets all look the same atm)
Also Layouts of areas, maps ets. Tho I cant use the Toolset yet, someone else will have to translate the sketches into working areas of Layo.
Having created custom content in 2d for *CIV* and 3d for *Countestrike* I could also create 3d models. Tho I have to learn how to make em NWN compatible yet.


RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
*waves* Hi
    I would like to be considered for a position on the project team.
  My main areas of interest would be content creation, art, area building and creative writing.  I am familiar with the toolset, but not what I would call overly proficient with it. Time and practice should improve that.
     I’ve no knowledge of scripting or file editing.
     I feel I can work well with the team and I find I have some time on my hands coming up and would like to contribute back to this community.


RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2005, 09:09:00 am »
vgn - 10/2/2005 6:41 PM Our project team needs to grow, and I know there are a few of you wanting to give a hand. You can apply individually or if you have a partner you work well with, feel free to apply as a team. While we will focus on people with strong NWN skills, we will look at others with strong interest. Sometimes a creative person who can lend some good ideas for story or areas are great additions. These skills we are looking for include: * scripting * 2da editting * tlk editting * area building * content creation * art submissions * fleshing out history We're looking for people who take initiative yet are not afraid to go back to the drawing board. Keeping a good log of the things they do is important too as is dependability and communication. I hope many of you look forward to being part of the Project Team here and help build the community you enjoy. Applications will be open until next Sunday night. Let me know in this thread if you are interested and why and what sort of things you wish to help with. If there is any reason you wish to keep your application private, then PM it to me. I'd also like to see an indication of the experience you have that you think would be an asset to the team. Any samples would be great too, and may even get incorporated into the world. You can email them to me at Thanks for your interest!

    Blonde and I would like to apply for the project team. We can do 2da and tlk editing, aswell as area, item and monster creations. If you need help with filling in the history  we will be more then willing to help with that also.  I have been here for awhile now minus the break with the first child and helping a friend with his sever and Blonde almost a year in November. I can manuever around the toolset easily enough and Blonde is a wiz with the scripting.
     If you need anymore information  just let me know or if you want to see some of our areas please let Blonde or I know..
    Thanks for consideration.

Lord of the Forest

RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2005, 09:25:00 am »
I know it's not exactly the topic, but if you need some tools/programms out of game, I would be very happy to write them for this server, if you need them.
My first work was the Deeds-Overview, you can find in the Download-Section.
But I am not yet that good in scripting to start here....only things out of game ;)


RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2005, 10:14:00 am »

Right, I'm not really applying for a position in the team here. Basically because I don't do scripts and anything related to codes or other computerthingys.

But.. I do like creating a history around a world, writing stories and the like. So if you ever need help.. feel free to ask. ;)


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    RE: Project Team Applications open once again
    « Reply #10 on: October 03, 2005, 11:04:00 pm »

    I've been working with NWN for the last 2½ years, with both scripting and custom content. I am a professional software developer (ERP systems) and have been programmering for the last 7-8 years. I work on a hugely ambitious PW project with tons of custom systems for handling custom factions, crime and punishment, gather and crafting, spawns, spell casting, new classes and skills, experience, persistant traps, faction wars and so on. While I am usually stuck up with coding, I have some spare time now and then and wouldn't mind to contribute minor scripts, for example for items, triggers etc..

    I don't play on Layonara, but some of my friends do, so I tend to keep an eye on events and characters on the server. Feel free to ask Harlas, Destropterammer (Hargranar) and Varka for further information about me. I created an item for Harlas' orc campaign, though there was some implementation details due to Layonara-specific issues. Not sure what happened to it, but I think Orth imported and fixed it.


    RE: Project Team Applications open once again
    « Reply #11 on: October 04, 2005, 12:40:00 am »

    I have only been playing on your server for the last months or so, but i would like to apply for the project team anyway
    i heard that you were having problems finding people to make 3d and since i am studying to become a constructing architect, i thought that i could be of some use in that. my only concern is that i have never worked in 3dsmax but in Acad (Acad can be converted to a 3dsmax file so its hopefully not going to be that big of a problem and I am willing to give 3dsmax a try) i have already talk to Meizter about teaming up so that I would make the 3d modeling in Acad and then he would help me convert it to 3dsmax.  

    i haven’t posted any thing else on the server then my  char. sub.
    so i can’t give you any reference to my work, I really only want to repay you for all the fun I have had so far

    I believe that the Good Lord gave us a finite number of heartbeats and I'm damned if I'm going to use up mine running up and down a street.
    -Neil Armstrong-


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    RE: Project Team Applications open once again
    « Reply #12 on: October 05, 2005, 08:03:00 pm »
    *bows low* Greetings.

    I have been on Layonara for 11 months now and have seen a variety of things in the PW and would love to make it even better.  My strong points would go into area building and anything related to building.  If you want an example of an area i've built, check out the Lake Rillion house (thanks Leanthar), its nothing special and still needs a few things tweeked but its a starting point.  I can work well in groups if need be or I can work alone, I am very flexible and  can bend many different directions :)  Timewise it is sometimes difficult for me to get on during the weekdays (not including Friday nights) but the weekends should be fine.

    Thanks for considering,



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      RE: Project Team Applications open once again
      « Reply #13 on: October 09, 2005, 11:45:00 am »

      I wish to apply for a position on the project team. I have been playing since April taking as active a part in the world as time and circumstances allowed for. I immensely enjoy Layonara and this is an option to contribute to – and shape - the world which has taken so much of my time.

      I am not familiar with scripting, 2da editing or tlk editing, but I am sure I could learn. My main area of interest is fleshing out history. I have worked together with Meizter before and we make a very good team. Krashin in particular holds interest for both of us as we share a Viking heritage and we have been discussing how we could help flesh it out. The oceans and religions also hold special interest, but I am willing to work with all people on the projects the team sees fit.

      I am used to working in international environments from studying in Europe and Asia. It taught me to appreciate the difficulties faced, the benefits gained and the care one should take when working (studying) in an international community. I feel these are valuable skills to bring.

      In August I suggested having church forum sections and I am very grateful for IDii for making this possible.
      I have worked together with Meizter on the Voices of Mist (work submitted to EdTheKet).
      Currently I am working on a beginners guide for Layonara and a ghost story for the Mist forum.


      Aryn Ravenlocke

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      RE: Project Team Applications open once again
      « Reply #14 on: October 09, 2005, 12:50:00 pm »
      Well, as most of those on the Team already know, my technical abilities are a bit on the so-so side at best. About the only place I get a chance to work on improving them is here. However, I would be more than thrilled to have a chance with fleshing out histories and content creation. When it comes to building things (especially items and creatres) I have a pretty decent handle on things. When it comes to fleshing out histories and such, well that's pretty much my strongest suit.

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      RE: Project Team Applications open once again
      « Reply #15 on: October 09, 2005, 01:33:00 pm »
      I am still very much a hack when it comes to anything related to computer programing. However, I would like to make myself available for concept ideas, providing illustration and renderings. Many of which I have in my own files and only need to be transferred(scanned) onto my computer.
      In regards to history, I have some very interesting ideas for LO's cosmology and fantastic theology.
      Also submit that I am a bit of history buff when it comes to the development of technology and  have a reservoir of ideas to draw upon. Many of my more fantastic ideas I have come up with in roleplaying many different other game systems.
      There is two game systems that I would think would be suitable in the development of LO. One being, Talislanta and the other Rolemaster. Both systems I have used before in regards to being a DM and found that in their amalgamation within the old system of DnD rules, made for a world that was not only engrossing for the players but opened up new possibilities for players enjoying their rp experience.

      Guardian 452

      RE: Project Team Applications open once again
      « Reply #16 on: October 09, 2005, 03:10:00 pm »
      I'd sure like to help the team out again.

      The areas are where my skills can be best applied are creating items, CNR recipies and area construction and decoration (eye and ear candy)

      In the past I helped make new CNR food and Drink Recipies, Helped Revamp all the Leather, Hide, and Studded armors. . Created the Knuckle Bone Necklace Jasmine hands out now.... and the Archers Edge Belt.

      Zones that I have built for Layo include Realm Eternal, and re-did a zone adding a Temple of Folian S'pae in the Forest of Mists

      I have also had some ideas on the back burner or that didn't fit at a certain time, such as on hit CNR arrows, and a series of +4 weapons.

      I really enjoy making areas and giving them a unique feel thru lighting, and sound, eye and ear candy can really sell an area and help people to feel more apart of the place.




      RE: Project Team Applications open once again
      « Reply #17 on: October 10, 2005, 11:02:00 am »
      Applications are now closed. I will be contacting people who have applied very soon. I hope to get to it later today, but I have a project I have to finish first. It will definitely be within a couple of days.

      I'm excited to see so many apply and I look forward to having many of you help make Layonara even better than it is.

