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Author Topic: Movable Corpses  (Read 1368 times)


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    Movable Corpses
    « on: May 18, 2007, 06:24:11 pm »
    Well it me again, I thought Movables corpses would be great after dieing and finding out you can't pick up the corpses of your friends.

    The persons in party were shocked saying things like, "I never heard of that being done" and "that would be really cool" I can tell you it can be done, and I feel would help alot of things, I was told a DM can raise a player move them and kill them again.

    But what about when there no DM on our busy? and even then that alot of work, and stuff that loses some RP like someone running while carring 5 bodys, but the old argument of I have 25 STR I could do that.

    Well what I speak the corpses have weight and weigh a certian amount of the chars weight, to a max limit.

    I think this add alot to MANY systems, and just alot more to DM events, one less thing they would need to worry about while trying to control things.

    Well I was a bit worried about posting a suggestion after I only been playing half a week, and already have one. but Alot said it would be great. So I said why not?

    Now I can make it, our my server I played on used this system for a very long time and so I know how to make it very well. It is purely script based so no Haks would be needed. I can do all the work and send it in, and step anyone through how apply the system.

    basically this is how it works. When YOU die it places your corpse in a placed called "OOC: Corpse holding area" and places a liftable version of your corpse when the needed info where you did. well you can pick it up. and move with it place it down ,etc when you use raise dead it pull your real corpse to that location and raises you there. this system works PREFECTLY and has been used for YEARS. no bugs what so ever.

    Now what happens to YOU while this happens? well you can wait in that black place or you can just respawn, like you normally do.

    we used a place called a EB, you could talk to the keeper of eterinity, you could walk around the small place, it was all OOC so you died, on a quest you would just chat while you waited for a raise, if everyone died you just talk to the keeper and boom, you take your raise cost, and your back IG.

    Now I know this is a great idea, and would make things more, allow for alot more things, but that not why i was worried about, the thing is I know this DM/builder team is pressed as it is with hard work and I wish to not add with it, by brining forth idea that many may like and cry out for it putting more pressure on them.

    I am fully willing to meet you half way on the work and could get the whole thing put in with not to much trouble. I get everything ready send it to you, with full details about how to add it, and you put it in, you would need a blank 4x4 tagged to a certian name, and the whole dead place you goto might need to be redone, (just for looks after all who wants to wait in a pure black place?)

    you add in the scripts which is not many, and boom you have a new death system done in a short time, proven to be bug free, ready for you to test out privately.

    Well thanks for your time, if you like it and have any questions ask. remember it pure script based. willing to do as much of the work as I can for you on this, if there is a intrest.

    And sorry I mean to suggest things when I am so new, I try to tend to avoid it >.<; Just when you have the know how to do things, and such a high understanding of NWN's when people say boy it would be nice I tend to say "oh that can be done, NP" nothing can be worse when some thought something could'nt be done can be done, or that it would need haks.

    once again sorry!


    Re: Movable Corpses
    « Reply #1 on: May 18, 2007, 06:38:42 pm »
    Moveable corpses are indeed very easy (or rather easy) to implement, but if I recall correctly, it is intentionally not added.

    The discussion has been up before and the decision for that also.

    I cannot remember the arguments, though... Maybe a search will do the trick? :)


    Re: Movable Corpses
    « Reply #2 on: May 18, 2007, 06:41:56 pm »
    Its an interesting idea.


    Re: Movable Corpses
    « Reply #3 on: May 18, 2007, 08:41:56 pm »
    I also like the idea; "Wait For Help" could take you to the Death Void (the blank area).

    I can't think of any reasons other than "We have to code it/check the code for it" and the current balance in how death is handled, to say nay to the idea.

    There are plenty of reasons to say yes, in my opinion.

    I can just see Pyyran, with his 12 STR, slowly dragging his friends, bit by bit, through the shadows out of a dungeon.


    Re: Movable Corpses
    « Reply #4 on: May 18, 2007, 08:47:36 pm »
    And then of course bringing them to the temple someplace for ressurection. It beats having to run halfway across Dregar or somewhere to get back to your friends, especially if you're a mage or some other class with a low strength and an inventory too big for your own good.


    Re: Movable Corpses
    « Reply #5 on: May 18, 2007, 09:58:13 pm »
    "Hey Lex'or, what's news?"
    "Nothing.  You look beat.  What's in the sack?....GAH!"


    Re: Movable Corpses
    « Reply #7 on: May 18, 2007, 11:00:05 pm »
    Thank you, Acacea, I couldn't find those.

    Anyhow... I don't really see any negative opinions other than "easier to raise" and the argument about how much the object should weigh.


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      Re: Movable Corpses
      « Reply #8 on: May 19, 2007, 02:01:23 am »
      Thanks for the links, I don't see any argument to it, just not much response probly because they have other things to work on and, it does require work. Now the server they talked about with it working right, and the raise dead graphic, and the coprse that probly my old server we were the first, server to have such a system, and most others did not so great copy's. For example there no bug with trading. I can hand you the body and you will be fine.

      I can promise a few things I can do the work,  I can make it 100% not buggy. I can even setup a script for it as well for the temples to raise folks for a price, perfectly everytime that can be added to the coversation.

      One nice thing of this, and it is mainly for new players. I goto the kobold I die with my group it 5 am, instead of me getting upset and logging, I can simply wait they can drag me out take the corpse to a temple, and have it raised for a costly price.

      But I am happy, I am alive, and we can continue.

      it adds a much more real effect then not being able to lift a body when I can lift a shield. it applys the weight. A good death system is pretty key to a server for new players, it one thing they look at when they first play because when your knew you plan on dieing alot.

      it takes away nothing from the world, and add's a bit more touch of 'realisticness'

      only thing I see a stone in the path so to speak, is the fact it takes work. Well I am willing to handle all of it, and send it in for you just to add, once you have it in the first module you just export, then import it into the rest done and done.

      You don't lose any cost of Layo's death system the risk's of dying are still there. And it allows players to do more when there are no DM's on, being a late night player this is nice for me. it also makes the need for dm's for this no longer need and a DM can focus on more important things like killing the person dragging the corpse, then moving it for them.

      Now I know folks said they think it would be nice and explained a few details of it, but I am the guy that has this, and it the orginal and the one know's works for sure. no bugs, no problems, perfectly everytime. And what more could you want then someone else doing the work, and being able to know they can get it back to you working 100% and fully able to be tested?

      there alot of checks to make sure there nothing like 2 corpses always onlyone, there no way to avoid staying dead, your dead.... not even a reset because well layo says your location, but also the default starting area can have a script that if some how they get sent the the defualt starting area and have the death token, they get shot back right away.

      we used this system for over 4 years, never a problem. if you wish to test it I am all for it, I ask you to try and break it, or find away around it.


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        Re: Movable Corpses
        « Reply #9 on: May 19, 2007, 02:06:14 am »
        Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
        Thank you, Acacea, I couldn't find those.

        Anyhow... I don't really see any negative opinions other than "easier to raise" and the argument about how much the object should weigh.
        the wieght is pre done, and can be to the amount the char was carrying you had 340 stones of 380 that char weighs 340 stones. they no arguing the weight because that how much they did weigh. as you said there not much standing in the way I just see work being done as it, and I fully understand that which is why I said I will handle all that and send it in for someto just put in to a test copy and try it.

        only thing I really see is if it so great why don't we already have it? I would say the work, and the problems of working one out testing it getting the bugs out. but that what you have me for :)  I can make it work just like it supose to. First time the right way.

        Ask a few that came over with me, I can handle it, and the system works perfectly. from what I saw of those topics they just died, off in the busyness of fixing other things.  if anyone has question you can MSN me, the idea is easy, but putting it in takes some work other wise every server would have it, but I am willing to do a great deal of the work.:)


        Re: Movable Corpses
        « Reply #10 on: May 19, 2007, 02:33:18 am »
        I think this would be a cool idea.  Especially if its not too hard.


        Re: Movable Corpses
        « Reply #11 on: May 19, 2007, 02:55:09 am »
        Just for the pure RP aspect of the thing i think its worth implementing it. Beside the dragon called age is no more and I still didn't see any explication to the bindings

        Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
        I'm just not sure why such a "carry the body" bit is needed as it is now. If you know your friend is "called" by the Great Dragon, then you (as your character) know that if you can't raise him he'll still likely come back at some bind point...

        I also think that that was a bit (sorry there) simplistic an answer, if the respawn option was not so easy to hit then people would be a lot more careful about doing things.

        In fact I'm actually wondering something here to push this to an other degree. since this would be made through a script, I wonder if it would not be possible to actually make that script that if a Cleric or in Party notion is true, then the person can not respawn? Now before anyone start flaming down a flame strike at me, I have myself RPied a few times waiting for an hour if not more, while other people in the party went and searched for help. Now if this system was in place and the carry body enable, then they could have simply dragged me to a temple and be raised there or raised by a cleric that happened to cross their path. Even more carry him to the wrong temple and he is not raised (you could also add anythings they would do to the corps of an enemy :D).

        well just pushing a bit more the idea.


        It would probably be less dull for the person to be able to see what is happening than to be in a black spot.


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          Re: Movable Corpses
          « Reply #12 on: May 19, 2007, 03:32:28 am »
          hm i had seen the system joyrock talk about .. and yeah i too would say it is better

          1 . you dont get that screen up asking what you want "respawn, wait"  , you basical just get ported to a small area where you can move around for a while and hope someone fall over the corpse or you party member are helping ..or respawn by talking to a NPC hmm i dont know myself but it maybe even possible to set a timer on those "dead" character so there is auto respawn with the cost if it take too long

          2. it give more sence for others that you are dead as they can try to help by draging the corpse out of the danger zone and RP it and not just a auto respawn and meet the same party again and maybe at the time where they are rping how sad it is you died :p

          and i had seen a script where a corpse is layed down infront of a NPC priest and you talk to it . then the NPC cast a raise spell on the corpse and the player get ported back to where the corpse was . i belive it could be work so the cost fit such a action here on Layonara ..though i am not a builder/scripter myself

          and yeah the body do weight ...alot , there is really noway a mage or low strength character can carry it without moving slowly ...and most of time -real- slow. so ofcourse i would say rpwise the mage trying such thing is in for a broken back :p  and yep you can give the corpse to a other character , i normaly just drop the corpse item itself insted of trading it


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            Re: Movable Corpses
            « Reply #13 on: May 27, 2007, 02:34:05 am »
            Ok give a yes or no if this will ever happen so I can find out if I am wasting time playing here, because I can't play with the current death system. I can't I keep trying but I can't. I lost 3 soul strands at level 5 in one day, I only died 3 times.

            I was asked how is the movable corpses a need? this i show, because I can't play with the current unrealistic can't move the corpses system of DOOM.

            It just keeps bitting me in the rear. I have offered to do the work, I have offered to make it work perfectly no answer on it. And now I die 3 times and lose 3 soul strand on a char, that I have always loved to play and is pretty important to me.

            You want players? you want them to stay? then fix the corpses for the NEED of there sanity. I know it always been like that on layo, but most new players come from servers that have this, and I don't think they can take it because I have tryed very hard and I can't.

            Final offer to do the work for you. because at this rate my char won't live to level 10, and trust me I am going out in partys of 5-7 people. I don't need to hear how I can stop dieing I know how. thing is, things out of your control kill you sometime like lag spikes, our being ported to the middle of the map  to spawn a group of monsters that swarm you because no one in your party is even near you. and the non-movable corpse's are really, really, getting old I feel like I am on a server made in the BC's. please step up to the 21st century and put them in. Yes this is a rant but after today I think I deserve one.

            Now I made up my mind, I won't put my self through this anymore. give us a yes or a no on this please, it seems it been in 3 topics and never got a reply the final one I offered to do the work. If it does not belong in Layo I don't belong in layo because my sanity needs it. I understand some things belong here others don't but a YES or a NO Lets us know.


            Re: Movable Corpses
            « Reply #14 on: May 27, 2007, 03:10:14 am »
            It looks like you hit a spell of bad luck with the dice on that Soul Strand deal. It happens, and just about every time, there's confusion and bad feelings about the system.

            I don't think we'll be losing too many players for lack of a movable corpse system. I'd like to see it, but I don't have the final word on it. But even if the answer's no... Well, sorry to see you go, but you'll likely be the only ones.

            The thing is, comrade, we haven't gotten any official word on this yet. I'd like to see some, too, but don't make any big decisions until that happens.

            Tialle Dianesis

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              Re: Movable Corpses
              « Reply #15 on: May 27, 2007, 04:33:49 am »
              I would love to see this idea put into layo. I can imagine Tialle dumping Katrina's dead body in a trash can. *giggles as she runs off*


              Re: Movable Corpses
              « Reply #16 on: May 27, 2007, 04:46:35 am »
              Quote from: Tialle Dianesis
              I would love to see this idea put into layo. I can imagine Tialle dumping Katrina's dead body in a trash can. *giggles as she runs off*

              Oh that would be to funny!!! :D  I'm sure she wouldn't have to go far to get help with that. ;)


              Re: Movable Corpses
              « Reply #17 on: May 27, 2007, 04:49:43 am »
              Sorry you got hit so hard by the soulmother. All I can say is it happens. I know my first character actually had the soulmother visit her 3 times in less than 2 days. I was not happy, but it happens. My first charcter didnt make it past level 14 before she lost all 10 of her strands. She was one of my favorites too and it made me sad. :(

              It can be pretty frustrating. Especially if your grave is in a tough place to get too.

              I do like the idea of the moveable corpses sounds pretty cool. I can see my wizard (str 12) trying to drag one of her dwarfen companions who is carrying 500 pounds of ore tothe door. :o


              Re: Movable Corpses
              « Reply #18 on: May 27, 2007, 06:48:28 am »
              I'm sorry you've had a run of bad luck but I doubt very much that the present soul strand system is ever going to leave Layo.  Even if movable corpses were implemented I believe it would be implemented alongside the soul strand system.

              While it is sad to see anyone leave the server not every server is right for every player and people need to play on a server that they enjoy.  If the soul strand system takes too much away from your enjoyment then I wish you the very best of luck finding a server with a death system that doesn't.

              As for losing players due to the soul strand system.....I've been playing on Layo for coming up on two years now....This system has been in place the entire time I have been on the server and still the server continues to grow so I don't see how we will lose players because of it.


              Re: Movable Corpses
              « Reply #19 on: May 27, 2007, 06:53:16 am »
              Quote from: Joyrock
              Ok give a yes or no if this will ever happen so I can find out if I am wasting time playing here, because I can't play with the current death system. I can't I keep trying but I can't. I lost 3 soul strands at level 5 in one day, I only died 3 times.

              I was asked how is the movable corpses a need? this i show, because I can't play with the current unrealistic can't move the corpses system of DOOM.

              My condolences on your loss.  Repeated low rolls against the Soul Mother do tend to be discouraging, but I am confused as to how having your corpse moved would have prevented it.  See, the corpse is the shell, with your spirit being the chewy center.  At the point you roll against the Soul Mother, you're dead.  Being able to move a corpse would not have prevented the low roll.

              If you are proposing that the Team abandon the Soul Mother, I am reasonably confident that isn't going to happen.  A great deal of the mythology of Layonara has been built on the current system, and the system works.  It may not be optimal or to your liking, but it *is* what we have.

              Quote from: Joyrock
              Now I made up my mind, I won't put my self through this anymore. give us a yes or a no on this please, it seems it been in 3 topics and never got a reply the final one I offered to do the work. If it does not belong in Layo I don't belong in layo because my sanity needs it. I understand some things belong here others don't but a YES or a NO Lets us know.

              Just a small note on this.  I understand your frustration, there have been many players that have bumped up against poor rolls. However, issuing ultimatums in the form of "Do this or I quit" will likely not be successful in initiating change, and more likely to annoy the very people you are trying to convince.

