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Messages - Ne'er

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General Discussion / Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
« on: September 08, 2006, 01:52:20 pm »
Niles09 - 9/8/2006  2:32 PM

Drizzlin - 9/8/2006  8:23 AM

Harlas Ravelkione - 9/8/2006  5:19 AM

The biggest problem I have with this whole issue is when I attend quests, where there are drow in the party Kobal does not know. Those Kobal knows he can keep an eye on and be calmed by the fact that he knows what they can do - he knows he can take them down should the need arise. But new drow are a problem, and I have left a few quests due to that over the years, which I do not like to do. I have challenged drow to leave and asked other members of the group to back me up before they consider fighting alongside someone who may trip you or stab you in the back. 9 out of 10 times I have ended up leaving the group and the quest myself - anything else would be bad RP of Kobal's character.

This is a big problem on both sides and the main reason I stopped attending quests. I want to be there OOC, but I feel my drow never would want to be. I admit I have not tried "hard" to look at the exact quests, but I wish there were more quests out there that focused on shady tasks that would appeal to more monster races. If there are, and I haven't noticed them, please feel free to point me towards their direction!

This is an RP server, however RP should never directly limit a player from having a good time. Being forced to leave a quest because of your char is not right. At least not if it happens often.

If your character is a drow, tiefling, goblin, orc, etc. then it is something you should take into consideration before you submitted the character.If you want a character that everyone will accept and be friendly with, don't play one of the 'evil' races. If you play one, you've got whatever other players throw out you. If that means you've essentially been "forced" off a quest, well, that's what you get for being a drow. If you have a problem with not being able to make quests, then submit another character or just find out a way to prove yourself. It won't be (or at least shouldn't be) easy though.

Just remember, if you play a drow, you essentially signed up for having trouble like this.

Development Journals and Discussion / Goblins, and other endeavors
« on: September 06, 2006, 03:40:35 pm »
This town, this Hlint is a despicible town to say the least. They war with the nearby goblins, complain of their numbers and attacks, and then allow them within the town. I have seen drow, orcs, thse fairy things... what is this place? A gather place for the fiendish and the fey? So long as I can keep to the dark, I care not. Although it pains me to see creatures such as goblins allowed within a town's limits and a person such as myself can be thrown out.

I've been hired by numerous people to deal with their problems in this town. A fur trader wishes me to gather pelts, several men have hired me to deal with the goblin problem nearby. I wish they would first deal with the problem within the town gates first before fighting those that at least remain outside, but I am not one to turn down coin that is easily won.

I've seen a few around this town, some more oblivious to the world around them then others. I imagine these are the same people who charged headlong into Blood's legions and died not even knowing what cause they served. They may make easy marks if they leave their guard down.

I have noticed that there are several holes in the law enforcement here, and it has allowed me to escape retribution for crimes I have committed. A sign of incompetence. Those that live here should reconsider those they hire to enforce the laws here. I know I would if I had a home here.

General Discussion / Re: lets have the level talk :)
« on: September 05, 2006, 04:17:57 pm »
There is the potential for abuse. For example, the level 3 character should NOT be on East romping through the countryside slaying everything, gaining barrel-loads of xp.

In the same sense, if its all RP then why the need to go to the most dangerous area in the world? After all, you're character can't actually see the experience they gather on these adventures. In my own opinion, there really is only so much you can experience by being dragged around the world or by not fighting things on par with your abilities.

For example, in cross country if you are new to the sport and not in shape and try to run all-out for 7 miles you aren't going to get better. Instead you are going to hurt yourself. Same with lifting. Same with most everything. You learn a valuable lesson, but your skills don't actually get better. So an adventurer romping around with people far more "experienced" than themselves asks to be hurt. They would, in my opinion, learn a lesson, but not improve skills wise.

But that's a flaw with the XP system itself, as I see. So not really something that can be fixed.

General Discussion / Re: Terrance "The Axehandle" Ferrin
« on: September 05, 2006, 02:22:03 pm »
The bounty is available for anyone, its just Commander Kallihan is a busy man and doesn't take visitors very often.

But there really isn't much of a way to tell the difference between these two things. But then again, IC-wise, is there really a difference? The town crier is a way to send little tid-bits that should be well known to players in an IC fashion. So if its hard to tell whats a scrpited quest or what is a GM quest set-up or the result of a quest... well, that's the problem with the system in a sense. But frankly, I don't see it as too much of a problem. If you frequentlyy check the calendar, you can usually tell what info is based off an up-and-coming quest and what is just rumors or other tid-bits.

General Discussion / Re: Steve Irwin passed away today.
« on: September 04, 2006, 05:16:31 pm »

It is a sad day indeed. But he died doing what he loved, so I guess that works out for him.

RIP Steve Irwin

Just for Fun / Re: Programmer Testifies
« on: September 01, 2006, 11:55:28 am »
Frankly, I don't see this thread going very well, but I will leave it open for now. I don't think we need to be taking shots at any political party here, as we are all entitled to our own opinion and we do not need to be expressing them in our little game world. If we -really- want to discuss politics, then there are political forums elsewhere on the internet.

That said, the thread is under close watch. Please don't make the team have to lock it.

General Discussion / Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
« on: September 01, 2006, 04:18:02 am »
This solution, albeit temporary, seems to work just fine for me:

A while back, roughly a year ago drow submissions were closed for a long time. Over time, the drow started to fade a bit and only a few drow were around after that. I think this will work just as well as that solution did.

General Discussion / RE: Custom Portraits
« on: August 31, 2006, 06:22:47 pm »

General Discussion / RE: My/our contribute ion to Layonara future
« on: August 30, 2006, 05:39:44 pm »
The first issue I agree mostly with Varka. Sadly, we can't keep drow out of a town (I mean come on, the towns been attacked before, or at least heard the rumors of attacks. Drow are known to be sneaky, so they would not be against sending in spies. Come on towns! Throw some drow out!) I do think its partially the responsibilty of the player to keep their distance from towns as a drow or other "unwelcomed" race. Just RP that they won't let you in.

My only drow character (whom I never play and had deleted) avoided going into town, and when he did he hid behind buildings, cause he was unsure of what would happen if he was found. I'm not saying all drow should be sneaky-ish, but at least try to take into account that drow are not loved. They are far from loved. They are hated. Hated with the burning passion of a thousand suns!

Which is also something that players need to remember. Sure, some characters have reasons for liking drow. Others have perfect reasons for hating them. But I think we are forgetting that the defacto attitude towards drow is one of hatred, not indifference. Much like we can all agree IC that pie is tasty, we can agree that drow are evil.

Having said all that, I am completely in favor of having perhaps a limit on the number of drow approved per month, and would prefer it small.

I end my drow rant with this:


Now, as to mages: I never usually play them in NWN or computer games. Too much going on at once. I try, but I can't get into them. So can't really comment on about specialist vs. generalist mages.

Although I do agree with people when they say that the RP reasons for being a generalist can be just as good as that for a specialist.


Languages. Yes, we want to learn them because it is a cool thing to do. I don't think anyone is going to deny that. But I think it is dumb to learn them so quickly. If you grow up learning them, its easy. However, in school we have to spend years learning a single foreign language. Now I know the American way is not what you would call the greatest method of teaching languages (we start far too late) but it seems to suit the same way adventurers learn in game.

It should take a long time, and there should be good evidence. The one case that I really remember where it seemed like someone took the time to learn a language was, well, with Acacea and her ear for elven. I remember she was speaking it to one of my elven characters very well without the ear, and even months after that she was -still- learning. I think we need more people who take ears and enjoy the RP of learning it, instead just trying to get the ear as soon as possible. Just take a few steps back and enjoy the ride.


Almost forgot: Aasimars and Tieflings

I've always had a fondness for Tieflings. I like both as a playable race, but I also see them used far too often for class-builds and wonder how many people actually rp the traits. To be honest, I see it more with the aasimar than with the tiefling, and I usually see tieflings RP'd more appropriately. Of course, that also has something to due with the very nature of the two races so... yeah.

In the end, I wouldn't mind seeing these also made restricted, so only veterans can play them and so that only a certain number can be approved in a month.

DISCLAIMER: I am guilty of some things above (such as acting poorly towards other races that should be hated, or the language bit), but I think I've beem getting better at it lately, so hopefully people will see things a bit on the same line as I have.

General Discussion / Re: school starts : (
« on: August 30, 2006, 10:14:44 am »

I hear you on that. I, too, begin my junior year of Highschool tomorrow. So if you see me around the forums, IRC, or the game a lot less, now you know why. Combined with sports, homework and other things it should be interesting to see just how much spare time I can muster this year.

General Discussion / Re: And College Life Begins
« on: August 28, 2006, 03:54:28 pm »
Oh... still two more years to go till college...

Just for Fun / Re: What type of wizard are you?
« on: August 28, 2006, 01:51:39 pm »
Premonition? That's a favorite of lots of high level wizards. Mind you, it doesn't really compensate for lots of under-powered spells, but it helps.

Just for Fun / Re: How do you eat your cereal?
« on: August 28, 2006, 04:57:02 am »
Have to have it in a regular sized bowl out of habit. I tend to eat it really fast, and I usually go through two or three bowls in a sitting.

And I second that Froot Loops are awesome.

But seriously? I didn't even know people ate cereal with things other than milk... that makes me cringe.

Development Journals and Discussion / Debates and a Glimmer of Hope
« on: August 27, 2006, 12:58:30 pm »
I find that very few around will pay heed to my advice ad warnings. Some have simply ignored what I have said, and others mock my very idealology. It is sad really. It continues to perpetuate the feeling that hope may yet be lost.

Even with another druid I found myself in disagreement. He told me that if I wished to truly serve the Great Oak I should wear the hide of other animals. I denied his offer of his hide armor, stating that I would not were the skin of a once living and breathing animal for my own protection or comfort. My robes would serve me as they are. It resulted in the a long debate over how we must all serve the oak that we should all be prepared for battle. I told him that my strength was in my words, and that my fighting ability was only as a last resort. Nature would aid me if it felt I was a good servent, and I hope that when the worst began my connection with the natural world would be strong enough to protect me.

The debate was inconclusive, neither side budged on its beliefs, and the two of us must have scared the life out of the merchants of hlint, growling like cats in there prescence. Although with what I have seen in that town it is possible they are used to it.

On a different not, I am pleased to say that the half-giant, half-human named Bog has restored some hope for my cause. He too sees the world similar to how I do. He claims to be too 'stupid' to understand most things, but he is far more intelligent than he lets on I believe. He too asks the animals for help and lives off of the land. I was impressed by this. Although I should expect little else from a man of giant heritage. The more common giants are usually quite respectful of the lands they inhabit.

Bog told me his story, and it was a sad one indeed. It appears the corruption of civilization and their ways of handling problems have led him into the life of a wanderer. It is sad to see a good person as himself reduced to this state. Although a lesson may be taught in Bog's story, a lesson that perhaps I can use in the future.

With luck and with perhaps the right places to look and the choice words to say I will discover more people with a deep respect for nature. My hope is not yet lost, and perhaps we can help get the people of the world back on the right path before they have wandered to far to ever find their way home.

Roleplaying / RE: you and your character
« on: August 27, 2006, 06:06:54 am »
How did you choose and develop your character?

I dunno, I had plans when I created him and I just went with what people did to affecet him. Jet may not be the way he is today had it not been for a few key people in his life. On the other hand, I didn't want Jet to change too much, as too much change too fast isn't realistic at all.

Is your character like yourself? Or someone you know?

God I hope not. Jet can be cold, mean, and at times very close-minded. He's also a bit more determined than I am in most things. The one thing we do have in common is that we can both be very stubborn when we want to.

But I think its a good thing that we are so different, as half the fun of Rping for me is to actually RP someone who isn't you.

Do you feel what your character feels (fear, courage, awe, excitement etc)? Or is it all acting? In other words, is there a clear line between you and your character?

If Jet, or any of my characters, gets into an arguement I can get worked up over it. Same with him giving some sort of motivational speech. But there's always that line there. There's only so deep into the game I can see myself getting, because it is, afterall, just a game.

Did you do lots of thinking and planning before developing your character, or are you making it up as you go along?
When i made Jet, I got a mental image of the warrior in the armor he has, all red and cool-looking. Overtime (about a week or so) I came up with a story for him. That helped me create a personality. And eventually, the Jet we have today was born.

What is it like when you have several characters?

You develop your favorties of those characters quickly. The opther ones tend to sit and collect cyber-dust.

Also very frequently I find myself wondering what the people behind the characters are like. I often feel the urge to break out in a RL chat, but I know that's a "no-no." Does one get to know the real people behind the characters as well?

I speak to some people OOC via tells or other forms of communication. Just spend enough time with someone and your bound to break into chat in tells.

Just for Fun / Re: Real Life to AD&D Stats
« on: August 26, 2006, 02:18:15 pm »
STR: 9 (what can I say, I don't lift)

INT: 15 (still in highschool, will have to see if that one actually works out. And I know lots of insanely stupid people with doctorates, so not a great question)

WIS: 9 (Yeah....)

DEX: 12 (I guess all those years of soccer paid off)

CON: 14 (XC and track! But I couldn't answer the drinking questions properly)

CHA: 13 (Well... I was class president 2 years running?)

General Discussion / Re: A new faith?
« on: August 26, 2006, 02:00:13 pm »
steverimmer - 8/26/2006 2:31 PM

what was the name of that god in SOU? The one whose followers lived in the desert? The god who never actually did anything? It might be fun having a cleric who followed a similar sort of god, one who didn't actually exist.

Said god in the desert was actually Ao, who is a FR god, but he isn't a standard god since he''s like the overgod of the entire FR pantheon. Although it would be interesting if someone claimed to have found something similar in Layo...

I don't believe the violin can be modified into a baby, as there are certain appearances that are available in place of the violin, just as there are some in place of the baby. Also, I'm not sure if the violin can be edited, as I believe it uses the torch as its base item, and that can't be modified either.

Basically, if you wanna hold the baby -and- use the emotes, then turn off your emotes and use your imagination. Just say waht you are doing with your off-hand and keep the baby in the main hand.

General Discussion / Re: A happy happy day!
« on: August 25, 2006, 07:31:10 pm »
Happy birthday! Eat lots of cake!

General Discussion / Re: New baby
« on: August 23, 2006, 09:44:47 am »

A young Ramanon in the world.... scary...

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