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Messages - Victor

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Server Rules / Re: Abuse of AI in temples and locations like that
« on: February 02, 2006, 11:14:29 am »
GM's can't be everywhere all the time, but publishing your actions in this forum permits them to respond appropriately if not immediately.

No one is counting on the AI to make life more interesting.  It's the GM's that really make the game.  Keep them informed.

General Discussion / Re: Operation Blood Fall - Disappointment
« on: January 31, 2006, 06:00:26 pm »
These are all good suggestions, which I've followed from the begining.  I listen to the stories of those that have gone before, and I can't help but want to get involved.

Those who've been here longest have the most invested in the current plot, so it's only fair that they see their story through.

I'm not insulted. I'm just anxious for my turn.

General Discussion / Re: Operation Blood Fall - Disappointment
« on: January 31, 2006, 07:05:41 am »

I concede that this may have been the best solution at the time, but it doesn't address the larger problem.

The Blood War is becoming a high level campaign in which only long term characters are able to contribute significantly. Where does that leave the more recently Dragon Called? In essense we were told, "Go back to Hlint, kids, while the grown-ups handle this."

That rankles.  There ought to be concurrent campaigns running for lower level characters that tie into the main plot.  The elite forces assemble for a strike, but there's never a call for basic troops to hold the line.  Playing hero in unconnected stories is fine, but it doesn't fufill my need to answer the call to action.

My complaint may seem silly with all the quests being scheduled, but I consider a connection to the main plot important.

Fixed Bugs / Re: run away ox - ox on a lead not following
« on: January 30, 2006, 05:39:57 pm »
Paid the ox merchant to track my ox back to the East Hlint Barn. Went to the barn and found it safe and sound.


Huh? Where the heck was it the last time I was in the barn looking for it?


General Discussion / Re: Operation Blood Fall - Disappointment
« on: January 29, 2006, 07:02:05 am »
I'm concerned about the way level caps keep increasing. I found myself cut from this quest along with two others whom I had previously discussed traveling to Roldem and searching for a friend's family. We were told by many that it was a fool's errand.  When the chance finally came to help, we jumped at the opportunity, only to have it taken away from us. How are we less deserving than those who have a few more levels to their name?

I saw Operation Bloodfall as a chance for mid-range level characters to participate and contribute to the larger war effort. They do not often have this opportunity in the epic confrontations that are becoming a more common feature of quests.

In the future, I hope to see either more ways for lower level characters to participate, or a division of large important quests into two or more parties with separate objectives. This may take more planning on the part of GM's, but the alternative is to risk Layonara becoming a place where only high level characters make a difference.

Fixed Bugs / Re: run away ox - ox on a lead not following
« on: January 28, 2006, 08:22:48 am »
You can lead an ox to water but you can't make him swim.

My own ox has gone missing from the stable, the one place I thought he'd be safe.  Did I accidentally misplace him?  I'll check with the ox merchant to see if he knows what happened.

I'm starting to think we need an ox locator service.

Implemented Ideas / Re: Donation Bins
« on: January 27, 2006, 07:24:34 pm »
I just completed a pilgrimage to the Citadel of the Hammer.  I'm thoroughly impressed by the implementation of this feature.  I think characters of all faiths can get good use out of it.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Parchment folder crashing the server
« on: January 25, 2006, 06:45:07 pm »
I logged back in to the restarted server and had no difficulty removing the parchment.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Parchment folder crashing the server
« on: January 25, 2006, 06:36:05 pm »
I'm not certain, but I may have just crashed the east server.  I was removing parchment 5 of 5 from the folder.  I had completed editing it with LORE and waited until I recieved the parchment folder updated message.

Bioware Issues / RE: Shurikens
« on: January 10, 2006, 06:29:00 am »
I'd happily pay 50 gold for the stack if they worked the way they were intended.  As they stand, they are a thrown weapon that does not get strength bonuses.  If I'm not mistaken, D&D rules allowed for multiple shuriken to be thrown in a single round.  Otherwise they seem pretty underpowered.  Is there anyway to improve them, so that they are closer to the pen and paper version?  Having them grant haste along with a movement penalty might do the trick if it permitted additional throwing attacks, but that seems a very ugly solution.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Bronze Throwing Axes
« on: January 10, 2006, 06:14:00 am »

If Dorand thinks my axes so fine that he takes them straight from the anvil, who am I to complain?

You've been busy this new year.  Thanks for the fix!

Fixed Bugs / RE: Bronze Throwing Axes
« on: January 09, 2006, 06:45:00 pm »

Something is not quite right, as I had a repeat performance of this problem this evening.

Once again, I got a successful crafting attempt message and the experience, but no bronze throwing axes.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Monk Discussion
« on: January 09, 2006, 04:41:00 pm »

I agree with Gulnyr. Every "monk" has the potential to be different, not just a carbon copy product of a stagnant monastery.  Victor Firefall is a blacksmith and a follower of Dorand.  The destruction of his village resulted in an oath to find his family and avenge such attrocities.  From this background comes his determination to craft his body into a weapon and his deference to skilled technique over mere force.  Victor's abilities are the product of discipline and dedication.  He finds his inspiration at the forge, but if people call Victor a monk, it is only because they lack a better name for his vocation.  The character satifies the requirements of Code and Training, though Victor often finds himself conflicted trying to reconcile the two.

The monk seems different from priestly clerics in a key way.  While they may or may not be divinely inspired, a monk's strength is internal and therefore less suitable than spells for ministering to others.  This is not to say that a devout monk isn't possible, it only effects how they put their talents to work for their deity and church.

General Discussion / RE: This is gotta stop...
« on: January 04, 2006, 04:39:00 pm »
Layonara is a role-playing server.  Standing their ground and fighting a hopeless battle might be in character for some, but this is not true of everyone.  The complaint here seems to revolve around game mechanics.  Characters flee from monsters, and those monsters either pursue those characters into towns causing havok or lie in ambush and strike the first unfortunate soul to wander back into their domain.

One has to admit, this is not unexpected behaviour for monsters.

No one is surprised that monsters chase characters.  People are simply surprised to find themselves killed when walking down the road.  People are simply shocked to find their livestock being slaughtered in the town. However, these things are not just the result of an undesirable game mechanic, they are the result of role-playing.  We're not talking about people who are deliberately luring monsters into town in order to plunder their guard slain corpses or harass other players.  We're talking about explorers and travelers who have either blundered into a bad situation or "bitten off more than they could chew".  It may be very natural for their character to flee like cowards or run screaming for help.

Rather than insisting that everyone altruisticly choose death to avoid inconvieniencing other players, I suggest everyone role-play and alter their behaviour accordingly.  Stables exist for a reason; they keep untended animals from being slaughtered by wild creatures.  Failure to take precautions when traveling can lead to disaster, even on the most well known stretch of road.  These are uncertain times, and death might be lurking around the corner.  You will likely get jumped sooner or later, and while no hero wants his 10th death token while out on a stroll, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.  All you can do is file an appeal with the gods or better yet, the disputes and grievances forum.

As far as the offenders are concerned, players shouldn't hesitate to take them to task in game if it reflects how their characters feel.  "What were you thinking! You could have gotten children killed, bringing those monsters here!"  In some cases, a little DM intervention might be needed, either in the form of local justice or an alignment penalty.  Rogues could be locked up for their crimes, but paladins and the like should wrestle with their own consciences, risking the loss of their class and abilities when they fail to follow their codes and ideals.

All told, I don't want anyone to sacrifice role-playing for the sake of game mechanics.  I intend to roll with the punches, whether from lag, server crash, or inconsiderate adventurers who insist on getting me killed along with them.  I'd rather take one for the team of account of someone else role-playing their character, than tell another player to die out of character just to avoid inconvieniencing me.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Crafting Recertification
« on: January 04, 2006, 06:27:00 am »
For a follower of Dorand, crafting is not just a way to profit, it's a religion.  When a worshipper of Dorand crafts, it is a form of prayer.  In essence, the guilds and governments responsible for the crafting "certification" just put a tax on every follower's ability to practice his or her faith.  :(

General Discussion / RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« on: January 03, 2006, 07:15:00 pm »
I strongly encourage anyone who blunders into Stone and has enough time to realize where they are to run like hell.

Rilara is not a safe place right now. When Victor accompanied Quillwem on his first scouting mission, we fled and regrouped at what we thought was a safe distance. The enemy general didn't hesitate to confront us at our camp in Dinem Forest and bid us to depart. When we didn't move fast enough, he blasted us all the way back to Point Harbor.

Anyone who thinks that Blood's troops would simply be content to sit in Stone, and not send out the occasional patrol to hunt down trespassers is being hopelessly optimistic. Travel anywhere in that area should be considered extremely hazardous. Blood's troops kill first and ask questions later. They don't care if you are "just passing by".

Prepare accordingly.

Dear Quill,

This is promising, as Sunspear Castle was reported untouched by the enemy.  Name the time and place, and I will join you.

- V.F.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« on: December 24, 2005, 09:38:00 pm »
Owen posed the following questions:

And where is Milara in all of this?  The Cobra first struck out against Xeen and then turned and faced off with the Scorpion.  If Rilara is under Milara's domain then why was the snake keeping him in check?  

What importance does Stone have and why does Blood want Beryl weakened?

And remember that Blood's forces have been camped near Bloody Gate for quite some time now.  Milara makes his home on Rilara.  Where was your call to arms then?  If we are cowards for not rushing to our death to retake Stone then what does that make you for standing idle while the entire continent was under Blood's control?

What are we?  We are ignorant.  We lack the knowledge to ask the proper questions, much less find the correct answers.  I call upon paladins and heroes to deliver justice, but I must seek bards and sages for knowledge.

What is the history of Rilara?  Why have the difficulties of Mistone's closest neighbor gone unaddressed?

These questions, in addition to the ones you pose, are worthy of consideration.  Any information contributed to the effort could make the difference between a well coordinated strike and a doomed counterattack.  However, people have been less than forthcoming with such knowlege.  As a result I know little about the nature of the attack on Stone or what purpose is being served by the troops remaining in the city.  

Just because the enemy poses a threat is no reason to ignore the problem.  Quite the contrary, I propose we investigate.  Crafting an effective response requires information, so if you have some suggestion for finding out what is going on within the former township of Stone other than a frontal assault, I certainly wish to hear it.

I want to make the enemy pay for what they've done.  I want to prevent them from ever doing it again to someone else.  And I want to make damn sure they aren't up to something right now.  If you can propose a course of action other than acceptance of this atrocity, I am willing to put my mind as well as my arms to the task.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: The Re-taking of Stone.
« on: December 23, 2005, 07:39:00 am »

There is a question of whether Blood's forces destroyed the temple or whether the gnomes tending the shrine collapsed the entrance in desperation.  Was anyone witness to the event?  If it is the latter, there may still be survivors buried in the temple.  If it is the former and all is in ruins, the question is why Blood's forces still remain in Stone.

We were confronted by a creature of great power, who did his best to frighten us away from the area.  Blood's general could have killed us easily, but he chose to terrorize us instead.  I believe there is something to be gained by acting quickly and striking back at the enemy, or they would not be taking pains to put off anyone venturing into Stone.

Stone may be lost, but we can not stand idle and let Blood capitalize on his victory.  To do nothing tells the enemy he can take any town or hamlet at anytime and that there will be no reprisals.  I will join anyone ready to respond to this outrage.

To do anything else is worse than cowardice.  Failure to act now is the same as surrender to Blood and his ideals.

General Discussion / RE: Economy? What economy?
« on: December 22, 2005, 11:40:00 am »

There's plenty of trash bins around, but somehow it isn't satisfactory to dump the product of one's time and labor into the garbage to burn.  Is it possible to set up donation bins in all the temples?  This would give the faithful a place to contribute to the well being of their church.  If a script kept track of the value of the items donated to each temple, each church would gain a treasury to reflect their financial well being.  This information could be used to effect the development of the game and give players a reason to donate valuable items as well as unwanted ones.

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