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Author Topic: Black mage warning  (Read 305 times)


Black mage warning
« on: June 17, 2006, 05:07:21 pm »
In the Anoroch desert, I, Cym, Rain, Mercus, Sonya and Robert encountered a mage in black robes.
  He warned that Bloodstone was planning something and we should warn people about it. He also said we sould find out what Blood is planning! However that is done.
  - Zan


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2006, 05:58:24 pm »
*Tath walks by the Inn and shakes his head*

"I wouldn't be advertising this if it really will help against Blood. It sort of takes away the advantage you know..."

*chuckles and walks off mumbling to himself*


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2006, 07:11:34 pm »
"So a Black Wizard told Them to warn everyone about Blood? HAH!"


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2006, 07:32:18 pm »
*A courier hawk delivers a message from Cymeran Vrinn*

I hope the news has reached Hint before this message.  I felt compelled to stay in Saudiria a bit longer for the purpose of praying at the temple of Az’atta.

The mage of the black order who spoke to our party, spoke of a plan unfolding.  Bloodstone is making a move against the fair people of Layonara.  There are plots with in plots working against us all.  A king supposedly dies of a natural cause.  A baron and his family are assassinated as they sleep.  Spiders rise from the under dark, controlled by dark masters.  

Now is a dangerous time to be caught napping by the pond….

Cymeran Vrinn


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2006, 08:06:23 pm »
*dirtily scrawled in what appears to be goblin blood*...

A Z - P T O L


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2006, 03:10:11 am »
It may sound funny, that Blood is planning..... but the mage really seemed to think it was very important we warned people, just stay on your guard.
  - Zan

Pen N Popper

RE: Black mage warning
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2006, 05:19:35 am »
*written in margin and unsigned*
  Drow warning us of black mages?


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Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2006, 06:27:28 am »
Becouse if Sinthar attacks you will do what to stop him?[/i]

*walks away laughing*

//note left unsigned


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2006, 07:25:26 am »
*She returns and checks the notes and such, and recognizes the handwriting on the last one. She hangs her head low, agreeing with him even if she doesn't want to. She grabs a quill and writes in flowing lettering:

Did this Mage bear the mark of Corath (A skull) Anywhere?

*She turns and walks out, leaving the note unsigned*


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2006, 07:37:41 am »
//OOC they we're named black mages I think, Zan doesnt know who they are, since I dont either, so I cant really say if they are Coranithes or if they had any symbols. Anyone who can tell what signs they wear are welcome to fill in.


RE: Black mage warning
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2006, 07:42:11 am »
As Ive said there were several others at the place seeing this.
  Besides, the mage did look like the ordinary spellcaster. He came and dissapeared out of nothing, so I doubt he would waste his time talking with a little group of adventures, if it wasnt really important, and he really implied us to tell you this. If you wont listen because Im a drow, well, then Blood can have you all.
  - Zan


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2006, 08:48:56 am »
Niles09 - 6/18/2006  10:37 AM

//OOC they we're named black mages I think, Zan doesnt know who they are, since I dont either, so I cant really say if they are Coranithes or if they had any symbols. Anyone who can tell what signs they wear are welcome to fill in.

//Sometimes the DMs use things with certain tags yet have no intention of that being what they really are. Its just has to do with the toolset, or something to make the players stop going by the floaty text. Anyway...

"I should atleast take their warning into consideration, even if some of the facts are confused, atleast until I can learn more for myself"

Rhynn turns and walks out.


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2006, 09:49:24 am »
*a note is left alongside this one*

This should be considered, as myself and some others heard something that suggest something is afoot. However, this is not the place for it to be discussed.

*no signature is left*


RE: Black mage warning
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2006, 10:14:29 am »
*a note is placed below the others*     I was one of the people with Zan, and I can confirm what he said.  I don’t care if you all believe us or not. The important thing is that we should all be more careful, and watch out for anything out of the ordinary. With all the weird events happening lately, we should be more careful. That’s what I think anyway.     Signed   Sonya DarkAngel.


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2006, 01:26:54 pm »
*A trail of sand leads to the message board*

I can not believe what I am seeing here.  We have been warned by the Black Order of Mages, who are not dark elves, that Bloodstone is planning an attack against us all.  Hearing this news, you all seem to answer with bickering, and racial hatred.  

I was raised with a system of good moral values and the faith of Az’atta.  You people may be too ignorant to see me as a good person.  You may be too selfish and greedy to care about more then the gold you make.  You may not even be worth saving from the death and slavery that Bloodstone threatens you with.  But there are plenty of innocent common folk. There are fair races of people all over these lands.  They are the ones who I protect and serve.  They are the ones who must not be enslaved.  When Bloodstone comes to this land I will fight, and do my best to protect those who fight with me.  I pray to Az’atta for your souls.  May she lift the veil of ignorance from your eyes, and show you’re the path to love and redemption.  May you lay down your petty squabbles, and unite for the greater good of this land.

Cymeran Vrinn


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2006, 03:15:39 pm »
Her reply, while lengthy and on its own attached parchment, is unfortunately also leaning towards the "chicken scratch" end of the handwriting spectrum.  The entire faith of Az'atta is based on her being redeemed from the evil of her people and previous life. What exactly do you think she was Redeemed from if you cannot acknowledge that? Don't be silly.  A drow that truly believes in his own good intentions is no doubt the first to recognize the actrocities committed by the masses of his brethren, and the first to be attempting to separate himself from them, not walk up and start demanding respect and hugs from people who have been terrorized by the entire race. If a drow remains standing to formulate a reply, and not laying on the floor as a pincushion, I'd say the people of Hlint are giving him a bloody good chance of proving himself. For a priest of the Redemptress, there seems to be little redeeming going on. Just a lot of whining about the need to do so and praying that they all forget what he needs to be redeemed from.   He should probably remember before he walks into a city with open arms, that said "innocent common folk" would be at him with pitchforks and torches, and that it is the Summoned who tend to wait and see what even drow will do with themselves, first.   Sometimes (often?) to our detriment, but that's beside the point and most of us are pretty weird anyway...  Aside from that, does "The Black Order of Mages" sound even remotely friendly? If one were speaking of the Black Wizards, they are a cult of the Mad God and evil to the core, so I imagine some slack would be allowed when some stop to think on how to even react to a warning from them, let alone do anything about a vague premonition of "someone somewhere is planning something," or "Blood is icky," like we don't already wish to know what's going on, other than just being on our toes while continuing to do so.   And of course it seems like all that is really known about Mister "I Know Something You Don't Know" at all is that he is a spellcaster... and in black... And regardless of drow, of cults, of faceless unknowns, all that is really left until more is discovered is to watch, keep informed, and be wary, no matter who is bloody talking. So thank someone for going to the trouble of sharing information, no matter what is decided about it, and let's do the above wary thing instead of getting all freaked out at each other. Take a nap. Have a drink.  Already knowing that he's a bad, plotting fellow but perfectly willing to listen to multiple sources about it, Acacea


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Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2006, 03:36:36 pm »
*Sh'anda sits, and prays, and hopes*... that all can put aside there differences and embrace their summoning. Now is the time to unite in a common goal. Stop Blood. If the races of Layonara cannot unite now in the face of a common enemy, what does the future hold? Aragen, grant wisdom to all.


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2006, 04:09:09 pm »
*Lia reads Acacea's post and chuckles to herself*

Oh how I love the little folk.  So much more wise then some might percieve.  Atleast some of them are anyways.


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2006, 01:10:55 am »
*Rain Come in and sees the Message board.  He start to read and Find this message.  He reads it carefully and stops at the message mad by Acacea.  He takes a deep breath and poses for a moment, thinking of what to say to this person and the only thing that comes to is mind he writes down.*   True wisdom is not talking Ill of the people you do not know.  I for one, call my self friend with Cymeran. I for one has seen many times the Kindness this man has for others and even those he know not.  Most of you do not know me and I rejoice to that as I am ashamed to see that, the good intention we had, to bring the people of this part of the land to stand fast and ready for the upcoming events, has fallen into depth ears.  Shame on you all, as your inaction will bring the killing of innocents.    Signed   Rain Darsus.    P.S.  If you have a problem with that come and tell me in person!


Re: Black mage warning
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2006, 02:15:36 am »
"Onto deaf ears," I should think, and considering the written-form the warning took, that might not be the best of phrases to use! In any case, maybe you should read over everything that was said again, if anyone bothers doing that nowadays... Again, people have every reason to distrust a drow and he is lucky that people stop to read and wait for what he has to say and allow their own opinions to form, instead of killing him on sight as others would. You can't just WISH for the entire history of a race to poof away in the face of a few empty words--and if you really wanted to protect the innocents, would you -want- them to forget centuries of blood, poison, and deceit, and leave themselves open to slaughter? It's laughable to be force-fed words of redemption from someone who has apparently never known it.   As it said, if one were to make it to the bottom (though someone has made disparaging comments about my handwriting before, I still think it's perfectly legible and haven't the faintest what they're on about), there is not much in the way of direct action that anyone can be taking right away, especially since if we were able to just up and know what Blood is planning because we'd like to, we would have done so ages ago. Again... warning or no warning, the most anyone can do right at this moment is to try and keep people informed and be on their toes. Again, I thanked people for making this known, regardless of what is done with the information, and hope that anyone else would continue to do so.  No one is trying to make anyone abandon friends or anything like that. Just don't try to force something like a drow or a convicted killer on everyone before any of them has a chance to form their own opinions. I'm not sure "let it play out," is much of  request in the face of "my people are all scumbags who smile to your face and then stab you in the back, so c'mere and gimmie a hug!"  Hopefully that's somewhat across!   Trying to write in bigger letters in case the whole thing looked like a chiken chcki chicken, Acacea   PS: Oh yeah! And donate to Rodlim Roldem! And to Acacea's lengthy parchment fund, as she uses entirely too much of it in order to talk to herself!