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Author Topic: The End of a Warrior  (Read 644 times)

Dorax Windsmith

The End of a Warrior
« on: April 05, 2010, 12:38:12 pm »
*Ty tombs home with Trenton's body and quickly brings it to the Hospital desperately seeking aid...but there is none to give*

A warrior's death was fitting, his life in the service of the mighty Vorax.  He lived to fight evil and he lived to teach others to be strong.  Hopefully his memory will be lasting, his contribution to the safety of good citizens across Layonara remembered.  

His victory cry "Feel the Axe of Vorax!" should be written on his gravestone and his fellow warriors in arms should be honored to continue the good work, to fight the good fight.

//I've had a blast playing Trenton and I feel lucky to have had the chance to play him as long as I did.  Thanks again to the team for instituting the Graceful Plea system that allowed him to come back from his first permanent death.  Thank you to all those who enjoyed Trenton's company and who made it so much fun for me to play with you.  Your roleplay is superb and you all make Layonara the exceptional experience that it is.


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 12:46:01 pm »
*As Ty leaves the body in the care of the Krandor hospital, she looks at him one last time*

I..I'm s. sorry..

*She is then seen taking a magical tome and disappearing in a bright light*

Guardian 452

Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 12:47:21 pm »
// Only got to travel with Trenton briefly since my comeback. But it was always a pleasure. Sorry to see him go. :(

Lance Stargazer

Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 01:14:11 pm »
**Lance steps in the hospital once he learns of the news, he stands and looks at the body , lowering his head in a silent prayer *

Safe travels to the heavens my friend,  No more suffering, no more troubles.

You'll be missed, honored and remembered .

**Lance stays in the hospital for some hours in reflection and prayer*

Script Wrecked

Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 06:34:24 pm »
Argali bursts into the room where Trenton's body is laid out.

"KNURHAUR'TH TAZO!(1)" she exults, but perhaps not to any of those assembled.


Then in a more subdued manner, she spends several hours in his presence, talking softly with him as though spending a quite evening sharing an ale, recounting the times they traveled together. When she is finally done, she briefly lays her hand upon his chest.

"She will miss you on the battlefields, Masterr Trenton."



Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 07:10:33 pm »
Essa slowly enters Krandor Hospital and glances around before strutting up to Trent's body. She stares at the body seemingly struggling to find something remotely pleasant to say, before finally muttering.

"Well, I guess it's easier on the neck to look up at the shorties ya liked so much, more so then looking down at them." She scratches her head and continues "You then most of 'em ..that's a good thing....and smelled better for the most part...ya even weren't as hairy."

As she turns on her heel and heads for the door, she mutters under her breath
"To bad he was a shortie lover, he was kinda cute."

//sorry to see him go, but always had a great time rping with you.  Thanks for the fun times and look forward to many more with your other characters.


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2010, 08:59:00 pm »
*Tralek is seen riding Schnapps as fast as he can push him.  Tralek grips the reins; he spurs the horse faster.  He arrives at Krandor Hospital and burst open the doors looking for Trent's body, the looming object in his right hand.  He is escorted to Trent's body by a nurse.  There he takes what is in his hand and kneels next to Trent's body.  He takes Trent's hand and wraps his fingers around the handle of Trent's Battle Axe and grips Trent's hand tight.

"My friend, here is your axe.  You fought the good fight.  I remember that first day we met in Miritrix.  In a short time you taught me an eternity.  I am so grateful to you.  I have never laughed so hard in battle.  I will continue to fight for you and for Vorax.  I will carry on your work and when you look down at me from above I will look back up.  I will raise my fist in the air and shout "for Vorax; for Trent!"  Peace be with you Brother.

//Trent was my most favorite character.  A real insperation to me.  I will miss him in game but cherish the memories.


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2010, 10:48:47 pm »
*A large man wearing a horned helm opens the door to Trent's room in Krandor Hospital.  He lingers at the doorway for a minute or two before taking off his helm and entering.  Vrebel kneels down by Trent and sets his helm down.  Scratching his sideburns as he looks at Trent a smile comes to his face.*

I heard word and came as fast as I could.  This day comes for us all but you met it with bravery and in a way that has made the Father of Battle proud.  He cheers for you this day as I do.  You served him well.  Your battle cries brought fear in your enemies and united our party in bravery.  I will continue yer good fight.  Yer memory will live on through yer comrads everytime we take the battlefield.  I am happy to have you call me as "Friend".

//Trent will be sorely missed.  You played him well, a very memorable character.  I enjoyed our rp together and the battles.  Its a privalege to have played with him.  Looking forward to continuing with your other characters.


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2010, 01:56:15 am »
*A Graceful lady enters the Krandor hospital. When the nurses comes to her, they immediately whispers to her and shows her the room, but give her a wide berth. Obviously knowing the lady. She is dressed in a long black dressed, her head covered with a black veil. She enters the room and closes the door behind her, locking it and spends many hours in the dark room, only lit by the candles she lit. When she comes out, a red rose is set on his chest.*


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2010, 05:16:05 am »
Jacrum kneels next to Trenton, holding his axe but it's head in his meat hand.

"Och laddie, yer were a force. Yer beat muh ter der hall O Vorax."

Jacrum clashes the axe against his shield.

"Fer VORAX."

He begins ter reminisce the battles they shared.

"Oi remember der tiome we foight a score score O dark elves in the swamps O awakening.  Vorax was with yer that day.  Nay could stand against yer.  Oi just picked off der stragglers as dey swarmed ye."

"If Vorax wills it I'll see yer soon laddie. Till den I'll spread yer memory, along with der other warriors in der Halls of Vorax."


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2010, 06:37:47 am »
On a martial parade ground for the militia in Lor Sasha pauses in her drilling of the troops upon hearing the news. Word spreads quickly and all combat halts across the area until all that can be heard is the city beyond its walls going about their daily business.

Sasha lowers her head and speaks while those around her familiar with the deeds of Trenton do likewise. Those unfamiliar with him, the rookies and newbies quickly follow suit recognising the somber silence.

"Upon this day, upon this field we remember those who fought for their gods, for their lands and for the betterment of the lives of others. Trenton Bartholomew we salute you, for your deeds...and your honour. May Vorax call you to him to serve him in death as you served him in life. Honour and Glory to your name."

With that she strides in sure steps to where her equipment lies piled on the ground waiting for her and draws a huge sword from its sheath. Raising it high above her and raising her voice for all to hear.

"Honour to the Dead!"  As one the men gathered raise their drills swords high and their voices echo together.

"Honour to the Dead!"

Sasha lowers her blade and the men are silent for a time then suddenly she resheathes her blade, places it back with her belongings and turns to a nearby grizzled sergeant.

"Continue the drills and when the men are done they can have the rest of the afternoon off. I shall join them at the Sergeants Arms Tavern near the docks to toast Trenton as he would have liked."

With that she collects her gear and heads from the parade ground. Behind her the men go about their drills albiet somberly.


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2010, 09:10:16 am »
*After a long trip Wren arrives home in Krandor. Upon hearing the news of Trenton's demise he goes and sits by the shoreline and thinks of Trenton and times past."

//Trenton will be sorely missed man. He was a driving force in getting groups together to do fun and challenging things. Layo is a much much lesser place without him. The loss is as much ours as it is yours. So sorry man.


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2010, 06:59:28 am »
*A hulk of a dwarf arrives on horseback to Krandor, and enters the Hospital, some might recognize him being a tenant of Log Lightrunner the dwarven druid, a resident of Krandor.
He walks to Trenton's resting place and speaks to him with a somber smile on his face, kisses his own battleaxe necklace and then touches it with two fingers, and then touches Trenton's battleaxe necklace.*

"Peace be wiff yeh lad, an' da mead be aplenty fer yeh in da Halls. Yeh did well, always."

*With that he leaves and enters Log's house to mourn a passing of a friend.*


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2010, 11:50:08 am »
*After a few days, The graceful lady dressed in black, comes back and speaks with the nurses of the hospital. Once she leaves they go and tend to the body, washing it, and wrapping it ins a red and silver silk covering, his weapon and armor placed back onto him. Once that is done, they bring the body to a carriage that she came with.*

I will give him the proper service for a warrior.



Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2010, 11:52:04 am »
//the event has been postponed til 5 pm edt


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #15 on: April 09, 2010, 04:31:39 pm »
//sorry but canceled.


Re: The End of a Warrior
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2010, 05:39:32 pm »
//// HB: give it a go another day or another weekend. Today was just not conducive for GM aid on your event, at least not until later in the EDT day. ////