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Author Topic: My First Week On Layo  (Read 452 times)


My First Week On Layo
« on: February 27, 2006, 03:29:48 pm »
Hey everybody, anything exciting happen the first week you got here?  Do you remember? Share your story!

The first day I arrived I was welcomed by Ameng Englen and quickly becmae part of a mining group where we met up with a Wolv Tolkin who was hacking away at the veins and we were being more of a nuisance trying to help heh.

The next day I ended up with Nathan Birche and the Rosewynes and we went on a bash to the Necromancer's Camp off the Road to Fort Llast, then to some cave I can't remember.

It was my first taste of real online RP that was never captured in the MUDs I played, and I was hooked on Layo :)


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RE: My First Week On Layo
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2006, 03:50:22 pm »
I came here with a friend. We wandered around Hlint killing a random rat and dying to the next. After a few hours of gaming we ran into a paladin named Dillon O'Roarke who showed us around. Then we met Ozy who told us a scary story about demons I think. The story was so scary and he spewed broken english so fast that my friend got scared and never logged back.

The next day Dillon and two of his friends, Merry Thorn, a halfling ranger, and Merry's good friend whose name I can't remember for the death of me took us to the Old Red Light Caves to mine some copper so they'd make me a plate. During our trip down the mine we were suddenly attacked by goblins riding on spiders and had to kill the spiders being raised in the caves so that the goblin wouldn't gain enough power to threaten Hlint.

During the fierce last battle against the goblin chief Rev fell but Amenithrulia, the Healer in Hlint received a message from Ilsare that one of Her own had fallen in the caves and headed down there to bring Rev back. In the end our four heroes of the day emerged from the cave victorious and covered in spider web.

We moved to the Hlint Crafthouse and Dillon did his best to create a full plate for Rev, but as some of the copper we mined was of second grade quality we had to recycle the good parts of the plate into a scale mail. That scale mail ended up being Rev's primary protection for many real life months to come, until one day a lot later certain young Maddison Trenton gave Rev the platinum full plate she had won in a raffle but before that Rev had gone trough quite a few interesting experiences that may be reminisced on some other day


Re: My First Week On Layo
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2006, 04:29:27 pm »
My first week of actual "playing" on Layo, and not just forum surfing was jam packed with fun experiances. Most of them I never saw through to the finish and they may have been spaced by a bit more time but here's what I remember.

First, my character was a Cleric of Aeridin named Adomie Wildtooth. Why I remember that, I have no clue. At around level 6 after adventuring into the Hlint Crypts and the Red Light Goblin Caves at random with other characters Adomie met a character who's name I can't for the life of me remember. We headed up to Storan's Crypt and fought the undead until... well, there weren't any left. There was just one door we couldn't get through. It took about 40 minutes and 5 rest cycles but eventually with some spiffy spellwork we broke through the door, only to be immediatly killed by a Bodak and Good Old Storan himself.

A bit later there was the Assault on Fort Last (back when it was spelled Last and not Llast, or maybe it was the other way around). Goblins, and giants, and imps, and slaadi, and mercinaries... after about thirty minutes, all I remember is, I had to eat. I came back perhaps three hours later and found to my great surprise that the battle was still raging. That was when I really figured out how great Layonara was. The last thing that was fought was a Maralith. A big stinking Maralith... I don't remember anything but it was one of the longest fights I can remember.

Last was a little Halloween "fun." I don't remember a whole lot about the part I saw, only that there were about 20 characters all gathered in the darkness, discussing something "spiffy." I left after a bit because I, again, had to eat, however I later heard that during the quest everyone was turned into an undead creature of some sort. And from what it sounded like, it was a seriously cool quest. I never got very far in those first few quests but they really made me happy cause I felt like just being there for the start of them made me an official "quester."


Re: My First Week On Layo
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2006, 07:01:10 pm »
I have no idea what my first week was like...
Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


RE: My First Week On Layo
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2006, 12:09:39 am »
Have to admit that I dont remember my first week. But I think that one of the first person I spoke with and talked with ingame was Rev, also the person Ive spent most time with before Gotak died. But on another note, one thing that stands outs the most clear is the halloween event I did that year. That event was SO fun to just let your inner monster come out, and just rip everything to pieces with your bare hands. That quest was so no storydriven, but I enjoyed it so much.


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    RE: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #5 on: February 28, 2006, 12:26:54 am »
    My first week of layo was just intense,

    I hadn't played any online RPG's before i came to layo.

    I found everybody real friendly, the storyline excellent and everybody supportive. I could get right into character which i had never really experianced before, and have been hooked ever since.

    there was once though, that i left to go and play another RPG (EQ2) but that didn't even scratch the surface of this place so i came running back and started fresh.

    Gotta hand it to everyone, it's a wicked place to play, and thats the reason i'm still hooked now.



    RE: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #6 on: February 28, 2006, 01:35:25 am » first week
      I cant remember all that happened but one thing I remember very well. There was a quest about twins who was stealing pie runned by Ice. Being new to the world I had no idea where Port Hampshire was, so I posted a message in the Wild Surge Inn requesting someone to show me.
      To my surprise on the day of the quest I was met by none other than Plenarius and Brisbane. They showed me the way to Hampshire and told me a lot of things on the way there, it was one of my personal best memories of Layonara. In Hampshire I met a lot of people joining the quest and cant remember anyone no except Cole Etinfall who I spoke to regarding bow making and explaining to me how to make sandpaper and once we finished speaking he gave me my first two pieces of sandpaper.
      The quest was great and I still believe till today that is what got me hooked. That andthe friendly assistance by Brisbane and Plen, whodid not think twicetohelp a total newadventurer to Hlint.
      Well there are many more since then that kept me here, but that is my first memory of Layo.


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    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #7 on: February 28, 2006, 05:32:05 am »
    I remember that first day.  Throwing together a D&D representation of a character I'd written about before (and also played previously on Runescape), working out all the nifty skills to fit her.  I'd played the NWN campaign through the two expansions and wanted something new to do.  I arrived in Hlint and the first person I met was this sickly-looking elf with a glowy red staff and blue and red clothes... how's that for an omen?  heheh.  I talked to all the NPCs I could find, glad that the quests were nice and simple.  I barely remember the next few people I met, but I know that Jacchri and Jeran went out killin' with me later.  I spent quite a few days fishing and tailoring that first week, utterly marvelling at the fact that I'd found a world with a crafting system.


    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #8 on: February 28, 2006, 06:07:52 am »
    Oh man, My first day was very eventful here. I was playing Tobias and I think I went to the crafthouse to talk to Johan and there was this ox pack just sitting there. So, not knowing that you couldn't take things that were on the floor, Tobias (my rouge) goes sneaking over there to take a glance.  I get there and look in the bag.. Miner picks!?! iron?!! Next thing I hear is a angry Gotak going " hey ye daft elf whut ye doin' in me pack!"  and then soemthing to the effect  about cutting my hands off and wearing them as a necklace.  *shrugs*  lets just say I got the picture ingame and out of game..  lol  So glad i found that out before I took anything.. Or  it would of been a very short trek through the lands of layonara. So thanks Gotak!  

    Anyway, I got off and went to Marvs house and smacked the heck out of him for failing to mention that.  But it was great expereince for me!.  and it was good rp with gotak that made me want to come back.


    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #9 on: February 28, 2006, 06:30:48 am »
    you know, I honestly can't remember my first week on Layo.  I started during a time when I was taking 19 hours of college courses, working two jobs, and I think I got to actually play Layo an average of 8 hours a week, total.  I was barely familiar with forum useage, had not read the handbook, and, in fact, just randomly heard about this place while a friend of mine and I were playing some games and reading up on some of the NWN servers still around.  He said, "hey, this place look kinda cool."  So I looked into it, and got hooked.  He never really got into it (he was on a SWG binge), though he did get a character approved.  Much of my life at that time was a blur, though I do recall Cole getting killed an aweful lot.  =P

    Guardian 452

    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #10 on: February 28, 2006, 07:21:12 am »
    My first day Enzo was greeted in Hlint by Merry Thorn (the halfling Ranger).... She took Enzo to go kill the Red Light Goblin leader.... and she made me my first real bow... a Hickory Longbow. Enzo wanted to be as good as Merry at Hiding (and all the other ranger skills she showed off) so she was pretty much Enzo's role model.

    My first week I went on my first Quest (ran by 8-Bit).  A Crypt/Dungeon Crawl in Beirun... Merry was there, Xiao, Grim, Rev and Lue I think.... and I cant remember who all else. I got killed by a vampire somewhat close to the end of the quest.

    I met Rhizome and we hit it off and became very close friends in game as well as RL.

    Those are some of the most memorable things from my introduction to Layonara.

    Maybe not my first week... but I remeber Plen offering me an Oak Longbow for 3 Boxes of Skelly knuckles.... Back then once you past a certain level (9 I believe) the skellies wouldnt spawn anymore in the Hlint crypts.

    I also remember thinking Plen was a Rogue... He wore a black and white suit....  hehe.

    Great post Orth.... Thanks!!




    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #11 on: February 28, 2006, 02:19:47 pm »
    My first day on Layonara - well I was just finishing up playing on another PW that went down shortly after I joined layonara - there I had an elvin ranger CN aligned, an human dark cleric LE aligned. A friend pointed out layonara and so I decided to try a completely new character type - paladin. Michaelis - then pale faced with a high pitched "my greetings to you" voice set - whatever one that is. Anywho - logged on to Hlint, got lost wandering around (yup, got lost in Hlint), ran into a lvl 7 named Veldar (played by flourospar who sadly left long long ago). Hmm - the lvl 7 sounds low to the seminew (been playing less then a year) folk right? That was probably the average lvl when I joined. Rev I think was only 14 or 15. (I can only imagine what the average lvl character was back in early 04'). I remember the first day Veldar helped me with all those little tasks then the server crashed. I had no idea what the heck just happened - mind you I'm a DnD and computer newbie here. So I tried to log back in and it took me to the central server as the west was still down where I met Rev. Veldar asks if Michaelis (lvl 4) and he would stand a chance exploring central. Rev laughed.


    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #12 on: February 28, 2006, 03:38:29 pm »
    Heh, don't really remember my entire first week. I remember being excited since it was my first time playing NWN online. I also remember my first day not knowing my way around and attempting to slay a goblin. Bad idea, nearly died. Klugger came around and healed me.

    I then went to the rest area and met Fragsnot, and we went out goblin bashing. That was cool. Two half-giants in one day.

    I also remember my first time logging in as Jet. I appeared in Hlint with 1 hp. Not sure if it was a screw-up or a vigilant DM, and I am still not sure to this day, but I loved it. It suited Jet perfectly, as he was supposed to arrive in town nearly dead. Regardless, all that was enough to keep me around :)


    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #13 on: March 01, 2006, 12:23:08 pm »
    The only thing I remember of my first week is when I discovered what "getting send back to your grave" involved. Daeron, a level 3 mage, got send back encumbered, with reduced stats to the lowest level of the goblin mines, all alone.

    His scariest memory of Layonara, until Storm and Pan's Nightmare quest.


    RE: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #14 on: March 01, 2006, 01:08:31 pm »
    Well at first there was a shock, after playing CS for a long time I couldn't believe that people weren't cursing, were friendly and actually answered and helped.

    The moment I logged in with my ranger I was given a tour around Hlint, I think it was mixafix's character, Ali was and still is his name. Then I began to look around by myself and decided to ask for help to defeat the rats. I ended up meeting Rev and Ameng. Rev ordered me to shine her armor, and as Ameng giggled, I proceeded with the shine'ing, in hope of great rewards in the sewers   :p

    I proceeded by joining a quest by accident on the next day. We chased some bandit and his forces around the continent, I didn't even get that it was a GM quest at that moment. In the end the party was given 3 weapons, the entire party stated that they were too lame for them, so the little ranger got himself his first better bow  :)
    What followed was a very sleep deprived week. School holidays were on back then, so I spent very very little time sleeping. As I think about it now, it was very insane week, never before (or after) did I play like that. But that can be explained by many thing, it was my first RPG, I never thought a thing like PW exists, but I always wanted one, it was simply too interesting, something around every corner, always unknown things waiting.

    I even remember that Halloween quests, it was the first time I saw PoD. He was standing there in dark saying to the party that something evil is going to happen, I even think there is a screen online somewhere. I became a werewolf later that night :P

    Need to find that screen now....


    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #15 on: March 01, 2006, 01:33:15 pm »
    My first week.  After playing a ranger that I couldn't play well I started with an elf Wizard who got on a quest with a lot of the others ( I remember Newander) and we fought our way down to Port Hampshire when it was on South.  We get all the way down there and I have to log afterwards.  Then I log back in and I'm in Port Hampshire with no clue on how to get back.  I asked a GM how do I get back?  Walk? was the the reply and lucklily I had invis because you had to go through the broken forest when it was a lot bigger and deadlier.  

    One thing that experience taught me was to rely more on myself and be prepared for near anything.  Those were good days, I had an immense amount of fun exploring south back then.


    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #16 on: March 01, 2006, 01:58:53 pm »
    Don't quite remember my first week, I can remember certain events that happened shortly after I started maybe the first few months at least...

    - Gloin saying 'ello lad' to Jeran about 5 minutes after I logged on the first time.  I logged off for about a half hour to RT*M because I had no clue about how to reply
    - Going to the Broken Forest with Kaizer, with Luna en route in wolf form, and upon her arrival, saying to Kai 'I hate to tell you this Kai, but your girlfriend...she's a dog' (or something like that)
    - Not too long after telling Luna she was a dog, almost getting married to her in a faux ceremony in the middle of Hlint.
    - Meeting Plen and Bris for the first time and thinking that these two must be the nicest people in the world.
    - Standing with Plen, Bris, Rhiz and Luna in Dregar and having Jeran proclaim 'Sure gods exist, I'm just holding out for the one that gives me the best offer.  If you show me one right now...sure I'll worship it'  (Still not knowing exactly who I was saying this to)

    And finally...

    - Hanging out with Raye for an extended period of time and...well...finding out that things aren't always what they seem :)


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    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #17 on: March 01, 2006, 04:15:41 pm »
    darkwulf365 - 3/1/2006  4:58 PM

    And finally...

    - Hanging out with Raye for an extended period of time and...well...finding out that things aren't always what they seem :)

    *just laughs evilly*  good times, good times.

    Lord Dark

    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #18 on: May 28, 2010, 03:12:49 am »
    I tried to find out the generator to determine how old my character is and I thought this was orth's very first post, but oh well.

    My first week had to involve several weeks before with my dad badgering me about making a character. He knew I was alright with writing. I finally wrote one up and he helped edit it and we submitted it. When I first logged in, I wasn't the one playing, dad wanted to show me around Hlint past the Dragon Summoning and explaining what barley does and how to get a quest. Once he finally handed the computer back to me, he logged onto Rodlin to help me get some xp. Well we went into the Red Light Caverns way back when the goblins were easy to kill and I remember how amazingly detailed everything was, even the mining pick Rodlin gave Relyt to mine with, since I was playing a lot of Runescape at the time with all its wonderful, choppy graphics, Neverwinter Nights was some eye candy.

    But some of dad's buddies got on and I remember a run through Silkwood, not being able to see since I haven't discovered the tab key yet. I didn't talk a lot since I was nervous about typing and I was new to RP and I wasn't used to the OOC and IC concept, either, but I remember someone saying that hopefully my dwarf's shortsword can do the talking inside a fight instead of his mouth. Then accidently misclicking on a camp fire when cooking deer meat and ended up poisoning myself. A lot of white from the spider webs since that's all that showed up in the midnight Silkwood. Finally leveling up for the first time and being paranoid that my hitpoints wouldn't be maxed even though your first three levels are maxed possible hitpoints.

    It was a lot of fun, but I stopped since I never sent tells asking for help and I never adventured with anyone, I liked the soloing aspect of Runescape more. But! I graduated to Layo when I came back with Tod and got involved with a group of Toranites and paladins, now he's where he's at, on the edge of retirement! Fun times, fun times. : )


    Re: My First Week On Layo
    « Reply #19 on: May 28, 2010, 03:18:09 am »
    *blinks a few time*

    Wait a moment.. you're lynn and twidget son...

    *blinks then chuckles*

    Well and there I thought you were in your mid twenties :D

