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Author Topic: Characters of Layo #5  (Read 993 times)


Characters of Layo #5
« on: October 22, 2007, 01:37:43 pm »
" Wait! Wait!"
The begging cry fell on deaf ears.... and suddenly Sall was tossed through the air like a rag doll, landing heavily on the thick wooden table in the centre of the kitchen, wisps of flame licking his coat and chasing behind him. Reflexively he rolled off the second he landed and dived behind it, snatching a large frying pan from the top of the oven and holding it protectively infront of him.... peering fearfully at the doorway and the dark corridor he had fled from.
A white faced Belinarian monkey, which had been sat rather lazily atop a cabinet, suddenly began screeching incessently and scarpered to the bread bin, opening it up with his little furry hands and hiding himself inside it, snapping it shut behind him, leaving Sall to his face.
His heart thudding in his chest, his breath coming in painful gasps, he peered slowly over the top of the table....

She strode forward into the light of the kitchen, as though the darkness itself had merged to give her form. With her hood drawn over her head and her protective spells unconsciously summoned in her anger, she appeared a slim pillar of darkness in the dim light that filtered through the windows.
She had an aura about her, rage filled and furious. It shook the walls and cuboards gently, sending cutlery and plates shaking from their holdings and clattering to the floor.
Her hands and delicate fingers twitched, fire and lightning dancing from tip to tip in anticipation. He sensed more than saw her eyes turn to him under the hood, and with a sinking feeling in his stomach, watched her raise a hand and point in his direction.
She barely even spoke.... but suddenly all the air in the room seemed to be drawn into her, and with a shrill whistle, a dozen shimmering balls of light flung from her hands and flew unerringly towards Sall.

The table took the most of the brunt as he ducked behind it and slid himself over into the corner of the kitchen, frying pan in hand. The table exploded into a burst of splinters, table legs and flower arrangements, showering the kitchen. But two balls of light remained, and hovered over the now vapourised table. A brief moment to seemingly get their bearings, and they headed for Sall cowering in the corner.
He leapt to his feet, and frying pan in hand, proceeded to bat the balls should they get too close. One was a perfect hit, and the glowing ball went flying to the other side of the room, exploding near the shadowed mages face.... though not even causing her to flinch a bit.
The second however... his timing was off. And rather than rebounding off the frying pan, it exploded on it, jarring the frying pan from his hand and twisting his wrist.
" Argghh! Stop stop stop! Pleeease stop!" he wailed, and began launching pots and pan and cups and plates in her general direction, keeping low beside the sink. But a wall of flame leapt from the ground around her.... either incinerating anything which got too close, or simply diverting its path and having it smash harmlessly off the wall beside her.

" Look... Im.... Im sorry.... I'll never mention it again. I... I must have been stupid! Crazy!"
A bowl of tomatoes went whizzing through the air, only to splatter on the wall several feet away from her. A bolt of lightning leapt from her fingers in response and scorched the tiled floor not inches from Salls foot.... and... with a sudden gasp of panic.... he leapt to his feet and tried to flee to the bathroom.
But he was too late... and way too slow. In mid stride.... the dark woman whispered a few words.... and suddenly Sall found himself stunned, paralysed to the spot.... only his panic stricken eyes moving in confusion.
" Mpppff... Mpfffh..... Mppfffhhhhh!" he mumbled, and slowly, unable to maintain his balance, he fell backwards onto a chair which magically slid up behind him to catch him.
A small, satisfied " heh" came from the dark mage.... as she strode slowly, enticingly over to Sall's frozen form.... lightning and flame still dancing suggestively from her fingertips.
She traced a finger up his arm and over his shoulder's as she circled him slowly in his chair, like a hawk circling and toying with its prey before the kill.

"Yes.... you "will" never mention it again. You "were" stupid! And you "are" crazy.... Sallaron Tempest." she sneered, running her hands through his hair, tugging slightly on several strands of curls haning over his forehead.
" Now... " she turned gracefully to face him, and placed her knee inbetween his legs on the chair where he sat, leaning over him in an almost seductive and longing way, though making it plainly obvious just how fast and sharpy her knee would go up if he didn't answer the way she liked.
" Where are you not going?"
His eyes focused on her knee... like it was a daggar pointed at his throat. He struggled to speak until she clicked her fingers, and felt himself able to move again.
" The Arms!" he blurted, " The Arms.... Im... Im not going... never!... never going!"
" Mmmhmm" she poked his chest firmly. " And why not?"
" Because... because I.... I shouldnt be drinking... I.. I make a fool of myself... and.... I shouln't be going to .... Singles nights."
" And... why not?" she leant even closer now, breath on his cheek, whispering in his ear.
" Because... because Im....not... single?" he answered this with a fair amount of uncertainty, chewing his lip and praying it was the smart answer.

Obviously not.
With a rough shove, she sent both him and the chair topping backwards to the floor.
" Because.... Mr. Tempest! I really dont want to have to kill you and leave Trouble fatherless.... just because his dad cant handle a drink.... control his flirting.... or keep from passing out in other peoples rooms!! Thats why!!"
He flinched on the floor, nodding eagerly in agreement with her and shimmying up against the kitchen counter.
" Now.... get this place tidied up!" she threw a hand around the room, indicating the mess, " and don't even THINK of going anywhere till I get back!"
She wagged a finger at him menacingly, then went back into the corridor, emerging a moment later with a small boy. Trouble seemed oblivious to the chaos that had ensued recently, and seemed more pre-occupied trying to snatch at the glowing lights of the protective spells circling his head.
Sall quickly clambered to his feet, pressing his back against the kitchen sink and nodding vigioursly.
" Sure... sure love.... of course." he mumbled, gulping loudly. The breadbin next to him suddenly opened, and the white faced monkey peered out from inside warily. Sall turned, looked at the monkey, then looked to Tegan, shrugging hopelessly, apologetically.
"And get that THING out my breadbin!"
She sighed, exasperrated, whispered a quick word and snapped her fingers as she glared at him. A bright flash illuminated the room, and she turned and stormed out the house, carrying their son in her arms.
Sall sighed miserably, sniffing, curling his nose as he looked about the room for the source of the burning smell. Screech the monkey, slowly and cautiously crept from the bread bin and climbed sypathetically onto his shoulders.
Leaning over near Salls face, the little monkey began patting out the smoke slowly rising from Sall's now singed and burnt eyebrows with its little hand.
The following users thanked this post: Stephen_Zuckerman, mumbles, Eorendil, Masterjack, Hellblazer


Re: Characters of Layo #5
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2007, 01:49:58 pm »
Oh that's wonderful!

Even if it proves how whipped Sall is *dies laughing*


Re: Characters of Layo #5
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2007, 02:44:38 pm »


Re: Characters of Layo #5
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2007, 04:09:21 pm »
go tegan go


Re: Characters of Layo #5
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2007, 07:22:53 pm »
Anyone would be whipped with an incredibly powerful sorceress as their wife.


Re: Characters of Layo #5
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2009, 12:20:59 am »
Eh.. Rain was lucky then.. although Sonya isn't as powerful as Tegan, she didn't have that many thing to go bursting out in anger about.

But darn.. hehe (looks at teg with a new found respect) what a woman :P


Re: Characters of Layo #5
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2009, 09:42:36 pm »
That is tooo funny. :)
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Characters of Layo #5
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2009, 09:18:25 pm »
You should really write a book :)