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Messages - Stephen_Zuckerman

Pages: 1 ... 184 185 [186] 187
Quests Ideas and Discussion / The Grand Tournament
« on: February 25, 2006, 05:11:32 pm »
Well, it only makes sense, in a society in which various types of combative prowess are held in such high esteem, that there would be a tournament of sorts, in which people basically fight for some sort of prize.

If anyone's interested, I'll do a full write-up.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Spiders, Shadows, and Ashes
« on: February 25, 2006, 02:53:14 pm »
"Anyway, what will be done about the spying Pyyran and Ireth were supposed to do?

I'll be posting a thread in the Quests forum."

There you go.

General Discussion / Layo to Single Player
« on: February 22, 2006, 02:37:26 am »
I just tried playing Pyyran in Single Player... Turns out he has enough XP for a 22nd level character by the normal NWN rules.

Gods, but that would be stupid, having all these hugely epic characters running around Layo after a few months of playing.

Thank you for the alternate XP charts. That's all I can really say.

Fixed Bugs / PC/Username conflict
« on: February 20, 2006, 07:55:01 am »

Apparently, if the username is the same as a character's name, the character wins out, and no editing for the user is allowed. Or something of the sort; I'm making a new sign-in for LORE, which should probably fix it.

General Discussion / LORE Page Editing
« on: February 19, 2006, 12:56:42 pm »
So... How the heck do you do it? I've seen Pen N Popper's....

This is Stephen's girlfriend IRL. I am going to drag him away to use him for a while. I might let him come back after I'm finished with him. Don't hold your breath.

Stephen apologizes, but he's not really sorry.

General Discussion / What We Know About Epics
« on: February 18, 2006, 07:59:09 am »
Didn't really know where to put this, but this cropped up from an offbranch of discussion in the now-frozen The Hunt thread... Completely apart from all of the interplayer issues in that thread, there were a few very good points brought up.

A good many players (myself very prominently included) don't hear anywhere near as much about the characters who have reached Epic status in-game, as our characters do over a pint, or a campfire. We don't know what our characters should know, and, as such, most of us treat our characters as if we didn't know.

This is a problem.

The best example of an Epic character I can think of is Jain Farstrider, from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Were he alive at the present point in the storyline, he'd be about fifty-five, by my reckoning, and yet he is already the subject of books of The Stories everyone hears about as children. The Travels of Jain Farstrider... That's Epic. That's what Epic means - You are the stuff of legends, literally. It's not just like folks from 11-20, who're likely famous in thier own rights. Epics are almost beyond belief.

To give you something of an idea of how Epics are seen... (Possible WoT Spoilers ahead.)

Jain Farstrider traveled all of the mapped world, and then some, able to cross vast distances in half the time it would take any other rider. His horse (something in Jordan's Old Tounge meaning Sword) was faster than any other, and was fabled to be as sharp a wit as most men. The stories of Jain Farstrider are many and varied, ranging from his dealings with the mysterious Sea Folk, to his battles with the shadowspawn Trollocs. Yet... Little is actually in the stories about his origins; each story simply links itself to an earlier adventure.

In truth, Jain Farstrider was Malkieri; a man from a country since swallowed by the Blight of the Shadow. The Malkieri were the strongest against the Shadow, and every man's life in that land was pledged against it. And yet... Jain didn't stick around, and kill shadowspawn. He ran off, doing various dealings that are quite apart from his role in the stories. In fact, Jain Farstrider was a Darkfriend, who contributed to the fall of Malkier. All of this was in secret, however, so the only tales children hear by the fireside are the like of Jain Farstrider visiting all of the Ogier Stedding in a week's time, taking messages and relics back and forth between those good people.


Everyone knows about Jain Farstrider in Randland (not the place's real name...). What do we know about the Epics of Layonara?

A comprehensive list would be so incredibly helpful, because half of us don't know what we should, and shouldn't know about the Epics, and thusly have no idea how to act towards them.

General Discussion / Covert Ops
« on: February 15, 2006, 05:07:13 pm »
Well, being unable to make the Covert Ops recruitment take 2, because A) I don't believe I was on when it happened, and B) I didn't have any idea when it would be...

When's some other time Pyyran would be able to sign up, if at all?

Trade and Market Hall / Services of a Healer
« on: February 14, 2006, 03:09:44 am »
*Posted by the Hall's scribe.*

Pyyran Rahth seeks the services of a healer and potion-brewer who is not opposed to working in the Temple of Ilsare; he has a full box of once-reanimated bones, amounting to the quantities needed to brew six healing drafts of a moderate strength. He also wishes to have a number of vials of water blessed, above and beyond the requirements for the potions.

He offers all materials, as well as four hundred gold for your time.

Trade and Market Hall / Poison
« on: February 13, 2006, 01:13:44 pm »
*Posted in the shadier taverns and temples across Mistone...*

SELLER is offering a box of assorted agents, designed to weaken those who would threaten you. SELLER offers agents processed from dire spiders, giant spiders, phase spiders, small spiders, and ettercaps, in standard measures amounting to (respectively) ten, one, one, five, and one. Please leave word with Salles, bartender of the Scamp's Mug in Port Hampshire, if you are interested in purchasing said agents.

Bioware Issues / G.Sanc Skunk
« on: February 12, 2006, 02:37:37 pm »
Well, I've no idea if the skunk actually has the effects of G.sanc on it, but I couldn't see it, couldn't click it, just got killed by it, while I could only see the name when I pressed Tab.

Here's a poor screen of it.

LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests / Editable [X]
« on: February 11, 2006, 04:31:41 pm »
Here's the idea... Editable shtuff. For example, a way to edit thier description. That would be, frankly, totally niftycool. I've no clue whether it's possible, but hey; if we can send messages, who knows what could be done?

And another... The portraits that are up on LORE... Quite a few, including my own, are still Mr./Ms. Hooded Figure. How/when will that be corrected, and, more importantly, what can the players do to help that along?

General Discussion / Quest Today
« on: February 10, 2006, 01:20:15 pm »

Told ya. So... When's the official start time, now? Say, 4:40 EST? Rushing might be a problem.

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for Cranberries
« on: February 06, 2006, 05:13:22 pm »
A note is posted on the board, in the hand of the Hall's clerk.

"Pyyran Rahth is interested in acquiring a large quantity of cranberries in a very short amount of time. He will need at least forty, but half of any more will be used to make a potion of the provider's choosing, in addition to the gold he will pay for the lot.

This buyer insists upon at least enough cranberries to fill five pint bottles, when juiced; as stated, approximately forty. No more will be paid for premade cranberry juice, but the buyer wishes to impart his well-wishes, if any supplier wishes to deliver in such a fashion.

Pyyran Rahth can be reached through the Wild Surge Inn, or the Scamp's Mug of Port Hampshire."

//Just leave a message here, or a LORE Hawk, or an in-game Tell. Prices are totally negotiable.

Trade and Market Hall / In the market for a new bow.
« on: February 05, 2006, 06:47:42 pm »
A simple notice is pinned to the board; dark red ink on simple linen paper.

"Due to the recent theft and destruction of a moderately expensive bow by the BLOODY RED LIGHT GOBLINS, Pyyran Rahth, adventurer, is now once more in the market for a new shortbow. He is interested in a bow of Oak (or better), with the basic composite kit (or better) //Bow Parts I// as well. Prices are not much of an issue, and he offers a variety of potions and other goods, as well as gold for both items.

Leave word with Yastin, of the Wild Surge inn in Hlint, or Salles, of the Scamp's Mug in Port Hampshire, to contact Pyyran."

//Just post here... Also, I'd be interested in level requirements for the various woods bows can be made of, as well as for the Mighties. I know he can use Oak and Mighty +1 as a level 8, but I'm not sure about the rest.

General Discussion / Introducing Admiral Silver!
« on: January 03, 2006, 12:09:00 pm »
For those of you who weren't on the spontaneous Ogrillion-bashing quest that was just sprung, I have this to offer you...

Howdy, Admiral Silver. New GM, and an incredible one, at that.

I'll let the others tell just how incredible.

Fixed Bugs / Sage Plants Inaccessable
« on: January 03, 2006, 06:39:00 am »
I can't Use the Sage plants in the Blood desert, near the manticores. They just won't access... It's odd. Just thought I should leave a post about it.

General Discussion / Another round of thanks
« on: January 02, 2006, 07:07:00 pm »
Now, the drake that killed people was bad, sure. That would kill near-anyone.

However, what about the Dwarven merc of Bloodstone who was sitting right on top of the Point Harbor gates? Well... It killed me, before Pyyran and Jennara were able to scare him off. Eh... I thought it was the end of it.

Two ATs later, I load up, and here Pyyran is, getting cut in half by ANOTHER merc. The first was at Badly Wounded... This one was Uninjured. So not the same one, obviously. I shoot a message into the DM channel saying "You've got to be kidding me... Another one, uninjured, right on top of the Wolfswood AT" right as Regnus is Telling me "Not another one of them, is it?"

He moved the dwarf, but isn't sure whether he can res me or not, so... Can he, or will I have to spawn and lose half of the considerable (for Pyyran, at least) amount of gold he's got on him?

So... Yeah. Thanks SO much to the person who dragged NOT one, but TWO Bloodstone Guard - Drwarven Mercenaries on top of two separate ATs.

Development Related Topics (DRT) / For the next Version - Emotes
« on: December 30, 2005, 08:34:00 pm »
"By making the convesation enterable via the radial menu you can access it without leaving stealth mode (I think.) A server I used to play on had replaced the craft skills radial option with the "emote tool" equivalent convo. Which was really nice because you could activate it without canceling your current emote and without having to thrust your arms out agressively as you "use unique power" hehe. I think it also let you use it without leaving steath mode (which let you sit down while stealthed etc.)"

Just read this... And I think it's the best bloody idea I've heard in ages. Can we figure out how to do this? The crafting skills radial isn't used in Layo, anyway, thanks to our crafting system...

General Discussion / Crashedededed...
« on: December 24, 2005, 02:18:00 pm »
Well, go me, I was playing on Tuesday, on some GM quest or another, and I crashed. Hard. Whole computer came down... My main question is this: Will I have to go get Pyyran killed (assuming he has to take more than two steps to achieve that), or would I be able to get him ported off of that Kobold-infested Black Ice Island?  'Cause I'm rather worried about that... Gold doesn't really come easy to him. >

Trade and Market Hall / Iron Longsword for sale
« on: December 20, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
Will take best offer. Contact Pyyran Rahth or leave notice here.

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