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Author Topic: Character xp/levels question  (Read 380 times)


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    Character xp/levels question
    « on: July 24, 2006, 03:02:40 pm »
    Rather than make a suggestion right off the bat, I thought I would pose the question to see if a suggestion is warranted. Chances are it will not be. Anyway, I've only been on the server/forums about a month and a half, so this may have already been answered.
    Last week I stumbled on the XP/level table in LORE, can't remember what I was actually looking for at the time. Suffice it to say I was [first] really kind of dumbfounded, and a few minutes later the disappointment set in. The XP amounts required to hit the next levels from where I'm at are HUGE, and then they only get larger: to go from lvl 8 to 9 [where I'm at now] is 320,000xp. Then later on about 14th or so it jumps to 640,000xp. Later on, it gets even larger, about 1M per level.
    Some quick figuring in my head gives me this: At the rate that I generally gain xp, It would take me around six weeks [1.5 months] to hit levels 9-15ish. Then about 3 months a piece to do levels 15-20. I'll admit that I don't have as much time to play as many, but that's a LONG time IMO, even on a guessing scale. On a rough conversion to Layo time the way I understand it [1 day RL ~ 15 days Layo], the next few levels would be about two years apart.
    So, my question is why? The only answer that comes to my mind is that the team doesn't want to deal with a lot of epic level characters, which is fine. I am just curious why it has been setup this way.


    RE: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 03:11:21 pm »
    Your not the first to hzave asked this, and you properly wont be the last.
      there seem to be a "deadzone" where you get XP relatively slow. these begin at the 8th level, and usually end at around 12-13 when your able to travel to Dregar and kill creatures over there, that are more "your" level. At this point you will relatively get quick Xp until about 15-16, where it will go slightly slower until you hit 20. Everyone have had this deadzone and its not easy, and you get frustrated alot. but it all evens once you get to Dregar.


    Re: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #2 on: July 24, 2006, 03:11:35 pm »
    To reach level 20, one usually needs 1 year or more, depending on how much one plays.

    This level/month calculation is more or less only valid for "pure bashing". For questing, it's almost the same regardless of level.

    Oh, and... Erh... Getting to level 15 in 1,5 month is really, really fast. I have played my character for around 6 month now (and, I think I have "above average" amount of time played) and she's still at level 14. ;)

    Guardian 452

    RE: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #3 on: July 24, 2006, 03:16:31 pm »

    [big]....."7) Powerleveling to the extreme. I mean at least one player has reached level 12 in just over 5 weeks. That is ridiculous and is not in the spirit of the server. Now that player is continuing to powerlevel with his friends, which strangely do not see anything wrong with that although they know what the server is all about. Slow down, learn how to RP or join in the RP. This world in nwn is not for powerlevelers, there are 100's of other servers for that......." [/big]

    Layonara isnt about reaching "X" level as fast as you can.



    RE: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #4 on: July 24, 2006, 03:35:40 pm »
    Guardian 452 - 7/24/2006 6:16 PM
      Layonara isnt about reaching "X" level as fast as you can.
     It's about being your character, and enriching the spirit of the world by doing so.


    Re: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #5 on: July 24, 2006, 03:38:09 pm »
    Dont forgot the GM quests.
    They learn you how to have loads of fun Roleplaying, and give you ideas for when your not quests. Like Guardian says, its not about leveling.

    Ive never laughed so hard seeing "ghostly" Takerday (dead), trying to run through walls and falling flat on his back....
    ....or been so worried when Shades appeared and charged us all without warning.

    And I was only sat on the Bench in Hlint.



    Re: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #6 on: July 24, 2006, 03:46:51 pm »
    Weeblie - 7/25/2006  12:11 AM

    To reach level 20, one usually needs 1 year or more, depending on how much one plays.

    This level/month calculation is more or less only valid for "pure bashing". For questing, it's almost the same regardless of level.

    Oh, and... Erh... Getting to level 15 in 1,5 month is really, really fast. I have played my character for around 6 month now (and, I think I have "above average" amount of time played) and she's still at level 14. ;)

    I second that weeblie, I have been playing in 12-13 months and I have played quite a lot in the last 10 months and my character is level 15.
    And please don't even get started on the level grind... Levels is fun, but rp is much more fun that being the best wacker of mosters around

    Grid Blader

    Re: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #7 on: July 24, 2006, 04:05:13 pm »
    I have played Q for over a year and a few mounths I think to finally hit 20, but that is by choice.  Alot of the other charters that run around, know him or know of him.  I personal perfer it this way.   I know some that have reached levels faster but if you make your mark on the land you are remembered longer.  (get out and get to know people, have fun, RP alot, this is what this server is all about.)


    Re: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #8 on: July 24, 2006, 04:05:39 pm »
    As everyone else has said, RP is the main focus of Layonara. You are not supposed to be able to get to level 20 in less than a year or more. I have been here and playing my character for almost a year and a half now and he is level 16.

    So slow down don't focus on levels as much and just try to enjoy the world. Then when you do get a level you appreciate all the new powers/spells/items you can use.


    RE: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #9 on: July 24, 2006, 05:00:10 pm »
    Don't worry about the XP. Play, RP, have fun...the XP will come, but it's a bonus, not the goal.


    RE: Character xp/levels question
    « Reply #10 on: July 24, 2006, 07:04:26 pm »
    Ayup... been here 6 months and am only level 11...  the role play is the fun.


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      Re: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #11 on: July 24, 2006, 08:56:27 pm »
      Good points everyone. I guess I just haven't quite adjusted to the heavy roleplay vs. the quick pace of the OC and expansions. I do enjoy the RP and all the features of the world a lot though :)


      Re: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #12 on: July 25, 2006, 12:39:49 am »
      Turor was made (approved, too) on July 11, 2005. It is now July 24 (or 25, depending where you are), 200*6*.

      I'm happy to announce that on July 23rd or 22nd, somewhere, Turor Sunderstone managed to attain his 9th level :P

      Of course, I keep thinking to myself that if ONLY I hadn't kept getting these long absences from the server, he'd be level 20ish by now... *snicker*

      In short, level means nothing. There are epic levels (the ones that don't do their completely own thing long enough to sit and RP with the 'rest of us', anyways) who have come to respect Turor. Somewhat. Kinda. If you can RP your character effectively, it shouldn't matter what level he/she is, because people will like them. You might even end up running with those epics on a few dandy little quests or something just because you know them, and were at the right place at the right time kind of deal. And that's always fun.

      In short, Hello.


      Re: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #13 on: July 25, 2006, 12:51:23 am »
      ...the best stuff ever happens sitting around the benches in Hlint. Seriously.

      For example. Tonight. Someone screamed "MURDER" as I was sitting on the bench in Hlint..

      Long story Short, Rhynn no longer has a mouth.

      I love Layo and RP!


      RE: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #14 on: July 25, 2006, 01:04:31 am »
      Dorganath - 7/24/2006 6:00 PM  Don't worry about the XP. Play, RP, have fun...the XP will come, but it's a bonus, not the goal.
        There's nothing else to say on this subject if you get this point. You can give personal RL timelines, you can point at others, but in the end, regardless of the real time value of what you're able to expend towards the game... if you get the above point you just don't care. Everything else is static in what is otherwise a good time.  Bring value, have fun, and you're a useful addition no matter how you slice it.


      RE: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #15 on: July 25, 2006, 01:23:44 am »
      there are of course other levels to think about - crafting levels.

      Should decide to become a crafter then you will find immense pleasure from gaining crafting levels, joy and amusement at the new things you can make.

      In addition you will actually have 'serious' resons to go on expeditions (it sounds better to say you are questing into a dungeon for iron to craft with than it is just because your a physcopath who likes committing genocide upon the ogre peoples).

      An finally once you have crafted things hunting around for buyers and interracting with customers forces you to walk down the RP route, as does interracting with PCs who you need to buy things from.

      As a crafter I have come to know and interact with many more characters than i would have otherwise. And i like knowing the people in Hlint!


      RE: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #16 on: July 25, 2006, 04:51:39 am »
      As far as reasons to do things go, you can always make up your own roleplayed ones, assuming it's only character-level and not something that would require a GM. I've been in some fun player quests that are simply roleplayed reasons to get out when some of the more passive characters would be less likely to do so.


      Re: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #17 on: July 25, 2006, 07:27:08 am »
      As aptly pointed out by Nibor, crafting is not only a good way to gain levels in something other than simple fighting, but it's a lovely way to set up parties to go out adventuring.  And I've been on the server 4 months now, and Kell just recently reached level 7.  And I've been enjoying myself so much that I'm working on a second character.  (Granted, it'd be nice if Kell didn't have to depend on the kindness of others to get his hands on even the simple stuff he needs to craft, but nevertheless, it's most enjoyable.)

      Materials quests not only garner XP but allow for a great chance for additional RP - and a passing GM might even drop in to make things more interesting, if you're lucky. :D



      Re: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #18 on: July 25, 2006, 09:07:04 am »
      Agreed.  I am a crafting junky...  sadly Aliester left before I hit "the zone" and started forsaking everything else... showering, sleeping, loitering in Hlint...  there's WORK to be done!  And when ye got WORK, lad, when you feel the NEED to help everybody you meet to find a craft that's fun for them, a source of income and trades to fall back upon...  that's when you hear the call of Dorand.  Anybody feeling "stuck" in crafting ask the fat dwarf Bjornigar for advice or help finding key components, mines, what have you.  It's what us Defenders of Dorand DO with our restless lives. ;)

      Idle hands... they lead to shennanigans!

      gilshem ironstone

      Re: Character xp/levels question
      « Reply #19 on: July 25, 2006, 09:55:09 am »
      Crafting is definitely a great way to get your character started on Layo.  It gives them a social reason for moving around the world and a physical reason to go in to danger.  In fact crafting and family-roots are Gel's two biggest motivators for travel.  It also gives common ground for others that you meet to talk about.  But in terms of conversing with other characters, I like pursuing more philisophical conversations with my fellow players.  They can lead to some very passionate moments for characters as well as give future motivations for the RP stories that overarch Layo.

